

[php] Sessionsgültigkeit

[php] Sessionsgültigkeit

Sebastian Mendel lists at
Fre Nov 17 10:51:55 CET 2006

Florian Grell schrieb:

> Problem: Die Session läuft nach einer gewissen Zeit ab (ca. 1/2 Stunde).
> Frage: Wer weiß, welche Einstellungen ich vornehmen muss, um die Session so
> lange laufen zu lassen, wie das Browserfenster geöffnet bleibt.

session.gc_maxlifetime  integer

     session.gc_maxlifetime specifies the number of seconds after which 
data will be seen as 'garbage' and cleaned up. Garbage collection occurs 
during session start.

         Note: If different scripts have different values of 
session.gc_maxlifetime but share the same place for storing the session 
data then the script with the minimum value will be cleaning the data. 
In this case, use this directive together with session.save_path.

         Note: If you are using the default file-based session handler, 
your filesystem must keep track of access times (atime). Windows FAT 
does not so you will have to come up with another way to handle garbage 
collecting your session if you are stuck with a FAT filesystem or any 
other filesystem where atime tracking is not available. Since PHP 4.2.3 
it has used mtime (modified date) instead of atime. So, you won't have 
problems with filesystems where atime tracking is not available.

Sebastian Mendel

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