

[php] WAMP / PHP4 installation problems

[php] WAMP / PHP4 installation problems

Webmaster CCD webmaster_(at)
Wed, 17 Jan 2001 22:06:19 +0100

Hello out there,

I'm trying to install PHP 4.0.4 on a computer running Apache 1.3.9
on Win98. I've followed all the steps in the documentation (copying
and renaming the .ini file into the folder %windows%, copying the
php4ts.dll to the folder %windows%\system32, modifying both php.ini
and httpd.conf) but I'm unable to run ANY php-scripts, as I get an
internal server error.

If I look at Apache's error log, I get the following two lines:
[<date>] [error] [client <ip-address>] c:/.../test.php is not
executable; ensure interpreted scripts have "#!" first line
[<date>] [error] [client <ip-address>] (2)No such file or directory:
couldn't spawn child process: c:/.../test.php

Renaming perl.exe to some other file name results in the same message,
so I guess that my Apache isn't realizing that there's a statement
'Action application/x-httpd-php "/php4/php.exe"' in its config-file
(or what could it be then?). Mimetype has been linked to .php prior
to it with the 'AddType application/x-httpd-php .php'-statement.

As I've seen in the archive, I'm not the only one having this problem.
Solution seems to be pending, or am I wrong? Is it a bug of
Apache 1.3.9 which is not parsing its config file correctly?

Any suggestions? Please help.


Holger Schick                    Webmaster of

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