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>was kann des sein ? >gehen obige Abfragen nicht in meiner Version ? (3.23.49) Hi Henning, Unter http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/ANSI_diff_Sub-selects.html findest du folgende Sätze: MySQL Server until version 4.0 only supports nested queries of the form INSERT ... SELECT ... and REPLACE ... SELECT .... You can, however, use the function IN() in other contexts. Subselects are being implemented in the 4.1 development tree. MySQL Server 4.0 supports multi-table deletes that can be used to efficiently delete rows based on information from one table or even from many tables at the same time. Nun, was wollen uns diese Worte sagen? Mit Version 3.23.49 geht das nicht... Unter den User - Comments steht u.a. folgendes: Deletes and sub-selects. I have found a convenient way of avoiding sub- selects for deleting as follows - 1/ Add a DELETE_FLAG column to the table involved. 2/ Set the DELETE_FLAG using UPDATE, where joins can be used. 3/ DELETE from the table using a simple WHERE clause to select rows where the DELETE_FLAG is set. Geht aber auch erst ab Version 4.0x Ein Update deiner MySQL - Datenbank wäre hier angebracht ;-) Leider gibt's noch keine Version 4.1 ;( MfG Wolfgang -- Infos zur Mailingliste, zur Teilnahme und zum An- und Abmelden unter -->> http://www.4t2.com/mysql
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