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Sorry, no idea. Let me think, where this idea leads us. I would write my own with php or the like. If it is really simple, why not? For example, in php: $file = fread($filename); would read the file into an array by lines. $ar = explode(',', $file[$i]); would break the ith line (record) into fields (separated by commas). Here you have your basic system for plain CSV-style files. You can fetch each record and display it accordingly. You can also add records easily. You cannot delete them as easily, as this requires to write the file new, which may be ok if the file is small. Otherwise you would use null values for erasure and check for that before you display them. You can sort the array for the first field, but not for the others. You don't have unique constraints, you will have to care for the right kind of values yourself etc. You cannot count easily, in fact you cannot query as you will probably want to. The reason is simple: you don't have a real database system. And if your application is not absolutely trivial, you will want to have one. Do you want to care for data consistency yourself? For example, if somebody reads a record and updates it, another deletes it? If you follow this path, you will end up in writing a real database system on your own. Why not? But chances are, the cost is really high, and solutions are there. Not the ones you are looking for, though, and exactly for that reason. The reaosn is simple: If you need a database, you will run into these consequences. Now lets look at the server/tcp/ip question. Any PC in your network may serve as server. In fact, even in a self made system, one has to store the file which is used by all the others. So that is the server which provides the consistent database, if you call it that way or not. Those PCs have to communicate somehow. Why not additionally through TCP/IP? Any Windows PC offers that feature. No problem to implement. It is just a few clicks in the network applet. You want to have it simple. I understand that. I learned php and MySQL as much as I needed it. That was good, as I gained extremely powerful tools. I can do simple jobs and complex jobs, as the case may be. It pays to follow the right path without detour. Sie schrieben am Montag, 9. Juli 2001, 04:21:45: > But I'm looking for a SERVERLESS connection. Either an api or an odbc driver > that would attach to just the local filesystem and not a server through > tcp/ip. For example, the file(s) would reside right below the web directory > and the cgi would access it directly. -- Herzlich Werner Stuerenburg _________________________________________________ ISIS Verlag, Teut 3, D-32683 Barntrup-Alverdissen Tel 0(049) 5224-997 407 · Fax 0(049) 5224-997 409 http://pferdezeitung.de --- !!NEU!! Fragen und Antworten zu MySQL und dieser Liste unter -->> http://www.4t2.com/mysql
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