

AW: Datenimport aus Access

AW: Datenimport aus Access

Denis Mettler mysql_(at)
Fri, 11 May 2001 13:55:22 +0200

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Hallo Ahmed,

Anbei uebersende ich Dir ein Script.
Die Anleitung zur Nutzung findest du im Script selbst.

Das Script bewerkstelligt das konvertieren von MS-Access 2000 Datenbanken
nach MySQL.
Es erstellt einen Dump,
den du dann am besten mit MyPHPAdmin einliest.

Ich hoffe das hilft Dir weiter. Ob es das Datums Problem loest kann ich Dir
leider so auf die Schnelle nicht sagen.

Beste Gruesse

Unix is an operating system, OS/2 is half an operating system, Windows
is a shell, and DOS is a boot partition virus.
-- Peter H. Coffin

> Ich möchte Daten von eine Tabelle (Bestellung von Nordwind-DB-Access)
> importieren, das Problem die Access-Daten werden im dd-mm-yyyy
> Format gespeichert,
> und bei MySQL-Daten, werden die im yyyy-mm-dd Format gespeichert.
> damit nicht zu Probleme führt, wie kann ich das Problem lösen ? mindesten
> von Access Seite.

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'Exports the database contents into a file in mysql format
    'IS NOT SELECTIVE! (exports ALL tables)
    'Paste this function into a Microsoft Access module of a database =
that has the
    'tables you want to export. Create a macro with the function RunCode =
and the
    'argument export_mysql (). Run the macro to start the export.
    'Access 2000
    'Under Tools, References ensure you have the following selected:
    'Visual Basic for Applications
    'Microsoft Access 9.0 Object Library
    'Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
    'OLE Automation
    'Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3
    '*** Unselect ActiveX Data Objects references!!!
    Dim dbase As Database, tdef As Recordset, i As Integer, fd As =
Integer, tname As String, j As Integer, iname As String
    Dim s As String, found As Integer, stuff As String, idx As Index, k =
As Integer, f As Integer, fld As Field, istuff As String

    Set dbase =3D CurrentDb()
    'Open the file to export the defintions and data to. Change this to =
suit your needs ****
    Open "c:\temp\dump.txt" For Output As #1

    Print #1, "# Converted from MS Access to mysql "
    Print #1, "# by Brian Andrews, (c) InforMate (, =
brian_(at), 1997-2000"
    Print #1, ""

    'Go through the table definitions

    For i =3D 0 To dbase.TableDefs.Count - 1
        ' Let's take only the visible tables
        If ((dbase.TableDefs(i).Attributes And DB_SYSTEMOBJECT) Or =
(dbase.TableDefs(i).Attributes And DB_HIDDENOBJECT)) Then
            ' We DROP the table if it already exists
            ' and then create it again
                    tname =3D "" & dbase.TableDefs(i).Name
                       'remove spaces from tablename
                        For j =3D 1 To Len(tname)

                        If j < Len(tname) Then

                        If Mid$(tname, j, 1) =3D " " Then

                        s =3D Left$(tname, j - 1)
                        s =3D s & "" & Right$(tname, Len(tname) - j)
                        j =3D j + 1
                        found =3D True
                        tname =3D s

                        End If
                        End If

                        Next j
            'restrict tablename to 19 chars
            tname =3D Left$(tname, 19)
            'comment out these lines if the table doesn't exist or else =
create it first
            Print #1, ""
            Print #1, ""
            Print #1, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " & tname & ";"
            Print #1,
            Print #1, "CREATE TABLE " & tname & " ("
            ' Step through all the fields in the table
            For fd =3D 0 To dbase.TableDefs(i).Fields.Count - 1
                Dim tyyppi As String, pituus As Integer, comma As String
                Select Case dbase.TableDefs(i).Fields(fd).Type
                    Case DB_BOOLEAN
                        tyyppi =3D "SMALLINT"
                    Case DB_INTEGER
                        tyyppi =3D "SMALLINT"
                    Case DB_BYTE
                        tyyppi =3D "TINYBLOB"
                    Case DB_LONG
                        If dbase.TableDefs(i).Fields(fd).Attributes =3D =
17 Then
                             tyyppi =3D "INT AUTO_INCREMENT"
                            tyyppi =3D "INT"
                        End If
                    Case DB_DOUBLE
                        tyyppi =3D "DOUBLE"
                    Case DB_SINGLE '
                        tyyppi =3D "REAL"
                    Case DB_CURRENCY
                        tyyppi =3D "DOUBLE (8,4)"
                    Case DB_TEXT
                         pituus =3D dbase.TableDefs(i).Fields(fd).Size
                         tyyppi =3D "CHAR (" & pituus & ")"
                    Case dbAutoIncrField
                       ' tyyppi =3D "INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT"
                    'Access Date fields are set as the mysql date type - =
you can change this to
                    'DATETIME if you prefer.
                    Case DB_DATE
                         tyyppi =3D "DATE"
                    Case DB_MEMO, DB_LONGBINARY
                         tyyppi =3D "BLOB"
                End Select
                'Print the field definition
                'remove spaces from fieldname
                       stuff =3D "" & dbase.TableDefs(i).Fields(fd).Name
                'we had a table called Index which mysql doesn't like
                        If stuff =3D "Index" Then stuff =3D "Indexm"
                        For j =3D 1 To Len(stuff)

                        If j < Len(stuff) Then

                        If Mid$(stuff, j, 1) =3D " " Then

                        s =3D Left$(stuff, j - 1)
                        s =3D s & "" & Right$(stuff, Len(stuff) - j)
                        j =3D j + 1
                        found =3D True
                        stuff =3D s

                        End If
                        End If

                        Next j
               stuff =3D Left$(stuff, 19)
               'not null
               k =3D 0
               For Each idx In dbase.TableDefs(i).Indexes
                    If (dbase.TableDefs(i).Indexes(k).Fields(0).Name =3D =
dbase.TableDefs(i).Fields(fd).Name) Then
                        tyyppi =3D tyyppi & " NOT NULL"
                        Exit For
                    End If
               k =3D k + 1
                'default value
                If (Not =
(IsNull(dbase.TableDefs(i).Fields(fd).DefaultValue)) And =
dbase.TableDefs(i).Fields(fd).DefaultValue <> "") Then
                    If dbase.TableDefs(i).Fields(fd).Required =3D False =
                        tyyppi =3D tyyppi & " NOT NULL "
                    End If
                    If Left$(dbase.TableDefs(i).Fields(fd).DefaultValue, =
1) =3D Chr(34) Then
                        tyyppi =3D tyyppi & " DEFAULT '" & =
Mid$(dbase.TableDefs(i).Fields(fd).DefaultValue, 2, =
Len(dbase.TableDefs(i).Fields(fd).DefaultValue) - 2) & "'"
                        tyyppi =3D tyyppi & " DEFAULT " & =
                    End If
                End If
            'print out field info
                comma =3D ","
                If fd =3D dbase.TableDefs(i).Fields.Count - 1 Then
                    If dbase.TableDefs(i).Indexes.Count =3D 0 Then
                        comma =3D ""
                        comma =3D ","
                    End If
                End If
                Print #1, "     " & stuff & " " & tyyppi & comma
            Next fd
            'primary key and other index declaration
               k =3D 0
               For Each idx In dbase.TableDefs(i).Indexes
            'Check Primary property
               k =3D k + 1
                If idx.Primary Then
                    istuff =3D "     PRIMARY KEY ("
                    istuff =3D "     KEY ("
                End If
                    f =3D 0
                    For Each fld In idx.Fields
                        f =3D f + 1
                        iname =3D fld.Name
                        For j =3D 1 To Len(iname)

                        If j < Len(iname) Then

                        If Mid$(iname, j, 1) =3D " " Then

                        s =3D Left$(iname, j - 1)
                        s =3D s & "" & Right$(iname, Len(iname) - j)
                        j =3D j + 1
                        found =3D True
                        iname =3D s

                        End If
                        End If

                        Next j
                        istuff =3D istuff & iname
                        If f < idx.Fields.Count Then
                            istuff =3D istuff & ","
                        End If
                    Next fld
                    If k < dbase.TableDefs(i).Indexes.Count Then
                        Print #1, istuff & "),"
                        Print #1, istuff & ")"
                    End If
                Next idx
            Print #1, ");"
            Print #1, ""
            Dim recset As Recordset
            Dim row As String, it As String
            Dim is_string As String, reccount As Integer, x As Integer
            Set recset =3D dbase.OpenRecordset(dbase.TableDefs(i).Name)
            reccount =3D recset.RecordCount
            If reccount <> 0 Then
            ' Step through the rows in the table
            Do Until recset.EOF
                row =3D "INSERT INTO " & tname & " VALUES ("
                ' Go through the fields in the row
                For fd =3D 0 To recset.Fields.Count - 1
                    is_string =3D ""
                    stuff =3D "" & recset.Fields(fd).Value
                    Select Case recset.Fields(fd).Type
                    Case DB_BOOLEAN
                        'true fields are set to 1, false are set to 0
                        If recset.Fields(fd).Value =3D True Then
                            stuff =3D "0"
                            stuff =3D "1"
                        End If
                    Case DB_TEXT, DB_MEMO, 15, DB_LONGBINARY
                        is_string =3D "'"
                    Case DB_DATE
                        is_string =3D "'"
                        'format date fields to YYYY-MM-DD. You may want =
to add time formatting as
                        'well if you have declared DATE fields as =
                        If stuff <> "" And Not (IsNull(stuff)) Then
                            stuff =3D Format(stuff, "YYYY-MM-DD")
                        End If
                    Case Else
                        'default empty number fields to 0 - comment this =
out if you want
                        If stuff =3D "" Then
                            stuff =3D "0"
                        End If
                    End Select
              '**** escape single quotes

                    x =3D InStr(stuff, "'")
                    While x <> 0
                        s =3D Left$(stuff, x - 1)
                        s =3D s & "\" & Right$(stuff, Len(stuff) - x + =
                        stuff =3D s
                        x =3D InStr(x + 2, stuff, "'")
                 '**** convert returns to <br>'s
                 x =3D InStr(stuff, Chr(13))
                    While x <> 0
                        s =3D Left$(stuff, x - 1)
                        If x =3D Len(stuff) Then
                            s =3D s & "<br>"
                            s =3D s & "<br>" & Right$(stuff, Len(stuff) =
- x - 1)
                        End If
                        stuff =3D s
                        x =3D InStr(x + 2, stuff, Chr(13))
                    row =3D row & is_string & stuff & is_string
                    If fd < recset.Fields.Count - 1 Then
                        row =3D row & ","
                    End If
                Next fd
                ' Add trailers and print
                row =3D row & ");"
                Print #1, row
                ' Move to the next row
            Set recset =3D Nothing
        End If
    End If
    Next i
    Close #1
    Set dbase =3D Nothing

End Function

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