

Welche Zeichen sind in Feldname erlaubt

Welche Zeichen sind in Feldname erlaubt

Hartmut Holzgraefe mysql-de_(at)
Wed, 27 Feb 2002 13:23:52 +0100

Jochen Metzger wrote:
> Hi,
> Frage: s. Betreff,
> klar: außer A-Za-z0-9 und _
> habe trotz langem Suchen dazu nichts gefunden. Wer kann helfen?

* 6 MySQL Language Reference
     * 6.1 Language Structure
           * 6.1.2 Database, Table, Index, Column, and Alias Names

Identifier  Max length  Allowed characters
Database    64          Any character that is allowed in a directory name except `/' or `.'.
Table       64          Any character that is allowed in a file name, except `/' or `.'.
Column      64          All characters.
Alias       255         All characters.

Note that in addition to the above, you can't have ASCII(0)
or ASCII(255) or the quoting character in an identifier.

Note that if the identifier is a restricted word or contains
special characters you must always quote it with ` when you use it:

Hartmut Holzgraefe  hartmut_(at)  +49-711-99091-77

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