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Björn Schotte wrote: > * Gerd Terlutter wrote: > >>funktioniert ini_set(SAFE_MODE,"Off")? > > > Laut http://www.php.net/ini_set nicht. > Sorry, stimmt. Aber in den mailings weiter unten ist ein posting (ungetestet): <cite> JeDi at Zwelche dot de 24-Apr-2003 02:30 There is another possibility by changing PHP Settings! If your Webspace is able to handle ".htaccess" files, you're able to change PHP_INI Settings through this file! To disable register_globals you have to set: php_value register_globals 0 If you wanna set other settings, feel free, because there is no problem! </cite> Gruss, Gerd -- -------------------------------------------------------- # Gerd Terlutter | Mueller+Blanck Software GmbH # # gerd(at)MplusB(dot)de | Gutenbergring 38 # # tel:0171/6992579 | D-22848 Noderstedt # # office:+49 40 500 171-1| fax:+49 40 500 171-71 # --------------------------------------------------------
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