![]() Mailinglisten-Archive |
Hallo Liste, Ich sehe mal wieder den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht, kann mir vielleicht von euch jemand verraten wieso das hier nicht funzt so wie es soll: <?php include ("config.inc"); class top_link { var $name; var $href; var $subs; function top_link($name,$href) { $this->name=$name; $this->href=$href; } function new_sub ($name,$href) { $this->subs[]=new sub_link($name,$href); } function echo_links(){ $html="<td class=\"menu\" width=\"200\" height=\"55\"><a class=\"menu1\" href=\"nav.php?action=0\" target=\"nav\">News</a></td>"; foreach ($this->subs as $value){ $html+=$value->echo_links(); } return $html; } } class sub_link { var $name; var $href; function sub_link($name,$href){ $this->name=$name; $this->href=$href; } function echo_links(){ $html="<tr><td><a class =\"menu2\" href=\"".$this->href."\" target=\"content\">".$this->name."</a></td></tr>"; return $html; } } class links { var $mylinks; function links (){ $result=mysql_query("select * from sys_links where sprache = '".$_GET["lang"]."' and typ='top'"); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $this->mylinks[$row["id"]]=new top_link($row["name"],$row["href"]); } $result=mysql_query("select * from sys_links where sprache = '".$_GET["lang"]."' and typ='sub'"); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $this->mylinks[$row["parent"]]->subs[$row["id"]]=new sub_link($row["name"],$row["href"]); } } function echo_links(){ $html=""; foreach ($this->mylinks as $value){ $html+=$value->echo_links(); } var_dump($html); return $html; } } $evigalinks= new links(); //var_dump($evigalinks); $evigalinks->echo_links(); ?>
php::bar PHP Wiki - Listenarchive