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Hallo, /** * Berechnet Anzahl der Tage zwischen 2 Datumswerten * */ function count_days($start, $end) { sm('count_days'); if( $start != '0000-00-00' and $end != '0000-00-00' ) { $timestamp_start = strtotime($start); $timestamp_end = strtotime($end); if( $timestamp_start >= $timestamp_end ) return 0; $start_year = date("Y",$timestamp_start); $end_year = date("Y", $timestamp_end); $num_days_start = date("z",strtotime($start)); $num_days_end = date("z", strtotime($end)); $num_days = 0; $i = 0; if( $end_year > $start_year ) { while( $i < ( $end_year - $start_year ) ) { $num_days = $num_days + date("z", strtotime(($start_year + $i)."-12-31")); $i++; } } cm('count_days'); return ( $num_days_end + $num_days ) - $num_days_start; } else { cm('count_days'); return 0; } } /** * Berechnet Anzahl der Monate zwischen 2 Datumswerten * */ function count_months($in_dateLow, $in_dateHigh) { sm('count_months'); if( $start != '0000-00-00' and $end != '0000-00-00' ) { $in_dateLow = strtotime($in_dateLow); $in_dateHigh = strtotime($in_dateHigh); if ($in_dateLow > $in_dateHigh) { $tmp = $in_dateLow; $in_dateLow = $in_dateHigh; $in_dateHigh = $tmp; } $dateLow = $in_dateLow; $dateHigh = $in_dateHigh; $periodDiff = 0; while ($dateLow < $dateHigh) { $periodDiff++; $dateLow = strtotime('+1 month',$dateLow); } cm('count_months'); return $periodDiff-1; } else { cm('count_months'); return 0; } } mfg Michel Zobel Software Entwicklung / Softwaredevelopement health network
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