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Aloha, Am 04.07.05 schrieb Stephan Beck <mailing at weblifting.de>: > ich bräuchts fpr Oracle!? > Sorry, dass ich das nicht mit angegeben hatte. > > Stephan a) http://learn.to/quote b) aus einer alten Version der phplib: function metadata($table,$full=false) { $count = 0; $id = 0; $res = array(); /* * Due to compatibility problems with Table we changed the behavior * of metadata(); * depending on $full, metadata returns the following values: * * - full is false (default): * $result[]: * [0]["table"] table name * [0]["name"] field name * [0]["type"] field type * [0]["len"] field length * [0]["flags"] field flags ("NOT NULL", "INDEX") * [0]["format"] precision and scale of number (eg. "10,2") or empty * [0]["index"] name of index (if has one) * [0]["chars"] number of chars (if any char-type) * * - full is true * $result[]: * ["num_fields"] number of metadata records * [0]["table"] table name * [0]["name"] field name * [0]["type"] field type * [0]["len"] field length * [0]["flags"] field flags ("NOT NULL", "INDEX") * [0]["format"] precision and scale of number (eg. "10,2") or empty * [0]["index"] name of index (if has one) * [0]["chars"] number of chars (if any char-type) * ["meta"][field name] index of field named "field name" * The last one is used, if you have a field name, but no index. * Test: if (isset($result['meta']['myfield'])) {} ... */ $this->connect(); ## This is a RIGHT OUTER JOIN: "(+)", if you want to see, what ## this query results try the following: ## $table = new Table; $db = new my_DB_Sql; # you have to make ## # your own class ## $table->show_results($db->query(see query vvvvvv)) ## $this->query("SELECT T.table_name,T.column_name,T.data_type,". "T.data_length,T.data_precision,T.data_scale,T.nullable,". "T.char_col_decl_length,I.index_name". " FROM ALL_TAB_COLUMNS T,ALL_IND_COLUMNS I". " WHERE T.column_name=I.column_name (+)". " AND T.table_name=I.table_name (+)". " AND T.table_name=UPPER('$table') ORDER BY T.column_id"); $i=0; while ($this->next_record()) { $res[$i]["table"] = $this->Record[table_name]; $res[$i]["name"] = strtolower($this->Record[column_name]); $res[$i]["type"] = $this->Record[data_type]; $res[$i]["len"] = $this->Record[data_length]; if ($this->Record[index_name]) $res[$i]["flags"] = "INDEX "; $res[$i]["flags"] .= ( $this->Record[nullable] == 'N') ? '' : 'NOT NULL'; $res[$i]["format"]= (int)$this->Record[data_precision].",". (int)$this->Record[data_scale]; if ("0,0"==$res[$i]["format"]) $res[$i]["format"]=''; $res[$i]["index"] = $this->Record[index_name]; $res[$i]["chars"] = $this->Record[char_col_decl_length]; if ($full) { $j=$res[$i]["name"]; $res["meta"][$j] = $i; $res["meta"][strtoupper($j)] = $i; } if ($full) $res["meta"][$res[$i]["name"]] = $i; $i++; } if ($full) $res["num_fields"]=$i; # $this->disconnect(); return $res; } Grüße, Mathias
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