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> So sprach Jochen Kaechelin am Sun, May 06, 2001 at 11:26:55AM +0200: > > if(preg_match("/www.xyz.de/",$eingabe)) { > > echo "match enthalten!"; > > Besser stristr nehmen - ist schneller! > > Alexander Skwar preg_match("/name=[ ]?(['\"])?((?(1)[^\\1]|[^\s\>])+?)(?(1)\\1|[\s>])/ i", $string,$arr ); eregi( "name=[\"']{0,1}([_0-9a-zA-Z]+)[\"']{0,1}", $string, $arr ); Note: The preg_match expression is actually far more accurate that the eregi as well as complex. It handles the case of "name=34 multiple>" as well as "name='my select'". Both expressions were also case insensitive. The results: preg_match Timer: This page was generated in 0.26572799682617 seconds. eregi Timer: This page was generated in 1.2171900272369 seconds. -- phpArbeitsgruppe in Gruendung - Jochen Kaechelin Stuttgarter Str.3, D-73033 Goeppingen Tel. 07161-92 95 94, Fax 07161-92 95 98 http://www.php-arbeitsgruppe.de, mailto:info_(at)_php-arbeitsgruppe.de
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