

AW: [php] pdf in html umwandeln

AW: [php] pdf in html umwandeln

Cyrill Schumacher php_(at)
Fri, 13 Jul 2001 11:11:14 +0200

>es geht, adope selber bietet ein perl script online, aber dort geht
>halt die ganze formatierung verloren. wenn es nicht zu realisieren ist,
dann vielleicht als bild?

ja schade dass dieses perl script bestandteil des ADS ist :-(
sonst hätte man es in sein eigenes system einbauen können.
oder weiss einer ob man das und
irgendwo herbekommt !?

Conversion from a browser
ADS provides a Convert PDF to HTML form that end users can access in their
browsers and use to convert a PDF document, either a PDF on their local
or the URL of a PDF. Via the form, the PDF document selected for conversion
is sent
to the ADS back end, rendered as HTML, and returned to the browser in the
text-based interface provided by ADS to help visually impaired users access
PDF collection items.

The form has the URL http:// webserver/ads-cgi/
where webserver is the name of the Web server on which you installed ADS and
is the virtual directory that points to the ADS cgi-bin directory. You can
help the
visually impaired users you support by alerting them to existence of this
form, and
by providing them with a shortcut or favorites pointer to its URL.


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