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hy Martin, Am 14 August 2001 um 14:42 schrieben Sie: PM> Hi, ich habe einmal gehoert, dass man eine e-mail-Adresse daraufhin checken PM> kann, ob es den pop-server gibt und auf dem Server den angegebenen PM> account-namen. Weiss jemand, wie man das macht? PM> Danke! Martin habe mir vorgestern irgendwo das script runtergeladen.. hier isses.. ich hoffe damit kommst Du weiter.. //___________________________________________________________________________- <? /* $Id: chk_mail.php3,v 1.10 2001/02/22 14:43:38 ele Exp $ */ /* * check_mail: PHP-function for checking an email-address * Copyright (C) 2001 Gabriele Kayser <k_(at)_yser.de> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * GPL is found at: * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * * Usage: check_email($email,$HTTP_SERVER_VARS[SERVER_NAME]) * Returnvalues: array($message,$success,$server_answer) * Message: reason for failure or empty * Success: 0 = failed, no MX-Record for Domain; * -1 = failed; * 1 = success * Server Answer: only if exists * * */ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ function check_email($email,$sender_domain) { list ($user, $domain) = split ( "_(at)_", $email, 2); $sender = "info_(at)_" .$sender_domain; $success = -1; $connect_success = ""; $connect_out = ""; $server_answer = ""; /* returnmessages */ $dns_failed = "Ihre e-Mail Adresse ist nicht korrekt!<br>\nEs konnte kein Mailserver für <font color='#ff0000'><b>$domain</b></font> gefunden werden.<br>\nBitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Eingabe - ggf. setzen Sie sich bitte mit Ihrem Systemadministrator in Verbindung<br>\n"; $connect_failed = "Kein Mailserver für <b>$email</b> erreichbar<br>\nIhre e-Mail Adresse konnte nicht überprüft werden<br>\n"; $helo_failed = "HELO ". $sender_domain ." failed"; $from_failed = "MAIL FROM: ". $sender ." failed"; $rcpt_failed = "Der Benutzer <font color='#ff0000'><b>".$user."</b></font> ist bei <b>$domain unbekannt</b>!<br>\nBitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Eingabe. "; /* exists mxrr for $domain */ if (!getmxrr($domain,$mxhosts,$weight)) { $message = $dns_failed; $success = 0; } else { $i = 0; /* order mxhosts by weightness */ while ($i < sizeof($mxhosts)) { $hosts[$weight[$i]][$i] = $mxhosts[$i]; // print "<!-- $i: $weight[$i] * $mxhosts[$i] -->\n";flush(); $i++; } ksort($hosts); $h = 0; $i = 0; while (list($key,$value) = each($hosts)) { $mxhosts[$i] = $value; $weight[$i] = $key; while (list($key_name,$hostname) = each($mxhosts[$i])) { // print "<!-- $i-$h: $key_name: $weight[$i] * $hostname -->\n";flush(); $mx_sorted[$h] = $hostname; $weight_sorted[$h] = $weight[$i]; $h++; } $i++; } $mxhosts = $mx_sorted; $weight = $weight_sorted; unset($weight_sorted); unset($mx_sorted); unset($hosts); /* end order mxhosts by weightness */ /* connect */ for ($i = 0; ($i < count ($mxhosts) && $connect_success <> 1); $i++) { $smtp_socket = fsockopen ($mxhosts[$i], 25); print "<!-- Ask-$i: $mxhosts[$i] * $weight[$i] -->\n";flush(); /* SMTP-Socket open */ if ($smtp_socket) { /* ----------------------------------------------- SMTP-Socket */ print "<!-- Socket $smtp_socket open -->\n";flush(); $s = 0; $c = 0; $out = ""; socket_set_blocking ($smtp_socket, false); do { $out = fgets ($smtp_socket, 2500); if (ereg ( "^220", $out)) { print "<!-- S:$s C:$c OUT: $out -->\n";flush(); $connect_out = $out; $s = 0; $out = ""; $c++; } elseif (($c > 0) && ($out == "")) { break; } else { $s++; } if ($s == 99999) { break; } } while ($out == ""); if (!ereg("^220",$connect_out)) { print "<!-- No Connection to $mxhosts[$i] ($connect_out) -->\n"; flush(); $message = $connect_failed; $server_answer = htmlentities($connect_out); fclose($smtp_socket); } else { /* start communication ---------------------------------- HELO */ $connect_success = 1; socket_set_blocking ($smtp_socket, true); $helo_success = 0; fputs ($smtp_socket, "HELO $sender_domain\r\n"); $z = 0; $helo_output = fgets ($smtp_socket, 2000); if (ereg("^250",$helo_output)) { $helo_success = 1; } print "<!-- $z: HELO SENT: $sender_domain -->\n";flush(); print "<!-- $z: HELO GET: $helo_output -->\n";flush(); socket_set_blocking ($smtp_socket, false); do { $helo_output = fgets ($smtp_socket, 2000); $z++; print "<!-- $z: HELO GET: $helo_output -->\n";flush(); if ($z > 10) { break; } } while (ereg("^[a-zA-Z0-9]",$helo_output)); /* ------------ end HELO */ socket_set_blocking ($smtp_socket, true); if ($helo_success == 1) { /* ------------- helo_success => MAIL FROM */ fputs ($smtp_socket,"MAIL FROM: <". $sender .">\r\n"); $from_output = fgets ($smtp_socket, 2000); print "<!-- MAIL FROM SENT: <$sender> -->\n";flush(); print "<!-- MAIL FROM GET: $from_output -->\n";flush(); if (ereg("^250",$from_output)) { /* from_success => RCPT TO */ fputs ($smtp_socket, "RCPT TO: <$email>\r\n"); $rcpt_output = fgets ($smtp_socket, 2000); print "<!-- RCPT TO SENT: <$email> -->\n"; flush(); print "<!-- RCPT TO GET: ". htmlentities($rcpt_output) ." -->\n";flush(); if (ereg("^250",$rcpt_output)) { $success = 1; $message = ""; } else { $message = $rcpt_failed; $server_answer = htmlentities($rcpt_output); } } else { /* ---------------------- end from_success RCPT TO */ $message = $from_failed; $server_answer = htmlentities($from_output); } /* end if (ereg("^250",$from_output) ------------- MAIL FROM */ } else { $message = $helo_failed; $server_answer = htmlentities($helo_output); } /* end if $helo_success */ } /* end if ^220 $connect_out */ print "<!-- Send: QUIT -->\n"; fputs($smtp_socket,"QUIT\r\n"); print "<!-- Close $smtp_socket -->\n"; fclose($smtp_socket); } /* end if smtp_socket open ----------------------------------------- SMTP-Socket */ } /* end for connect $mxhosts[$i] */ } /* end exists mxrr for $domain */ return array($message,$success,$server_answer); } ?> //------------------------------------------- hoffe das hilft ciao Alex mailto:andiamo_(at)_hessenkamp.de
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