

[php] php.ini

[php] php.ini

Martin Spütz php_(at)
Sun, 31 Mar 2002 21:12:44 +0200

Guten Abend und Frohe Ostern,

ich bin gerade dabei, dass mit den Sitzungs Variablen zu erlernen. Habe
mehr oder weniger Erfolg. Auf meinem "richtigen" Webserver (Mediaways in
Gütersloh) klappt das schon mal. Nur auf meinem heimischen Webserver
(Apache auf Windows 2000) will das nicht gehen.

Code der PHP Datei:

print session_id();

Fehlermeldung im Browser:

Warning: open(/tmp\sess_f372c7740f57d03f94d8d83aeddc5587, O_RDWR)
failed: m (2) in C:\apache\htdocs\session_1.php on line 2
Warning: open(/tmp\sess_f372c7740f57d03f94d8d83aeddc5587, O_RDWR)
failed: m (2) in Unknown on line 0

Warning: Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the
current setting of session.save_path is correct (/tmp) in Unknown on
line 0

Eintrag in der php.ini:

session.save_handler      = files   ; handler used to store/retrieve
session.save_path         = /tmp    ; argument passed to save_handler
                                    ; in the case of files, this is the
                                    ; path where data files are stored
session.use_cookies       = 1       ; whether to use cookies              = PHPSESSID
                                    ; name of the session
                                    ; is used as cookie name
session.auto_start        = 0       ; initialize session on request
session.cookie_lifetime   = 0       ; lifetime in seconds of cookie
                                    ; or if 0, until browser is
session.cookie_path       = /       ; the path the cookie is valid for
session.cookie_domain     =         ; the domain the cookie is valid for
session.serialize_handler = php     ; handler used to serialize data
                                    ; php is the standard serializer of
session.gc_probability    = 1       ; percentual probability that the
                                    ; 'garbage collection' process is
                                    ; on every session initialization
session.gc_maxlifetime    = 1440    ; after this number of seconds,
                                    ; data will be seen as 'garbage' and
                                    ; cleaned up by the gc process
session.referer_check     =         ; check HTTP Referer to invalidate
                                    ; externally stored URLs containing
session.entropy_length    = 0       ; how many bytes to read from the
session.entropy_file      =         ; specified here to create the
session id
; session.entropy_length    = 16
; session.entropy_file      = /dev/urandom
session.cache_limiter     = nocache ; set to {nocache,private,public} to
                                    ; determine HTTP caching aspects
session.cache_expire      = 180     ; document expires after n minutes
session.use_trans_sid     = 1       ; use transient sid support if
                                    ; by compiling with
url_rewriter.tags         =

Das sagt mir alles ziemlihc wenig, ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen.

Vielen Dank im Voraus


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