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HI Sven, probier es mal hiermit: function whois($input) { global $return; $command = "whois $input"; exec($command,$st); $return=""; while(list($k,$v)=each($st)) { if ((!strstr($v,"%")) && (!strstr($v,"[")) && (!strstr($v,"Whois Server Version")) && (!strstr($v,"Domain names in")) && (!strstr($v,">>> Last update")) && (!strstr($v,"with many")) && (!strstr($v,"for detailed")) && (!strstr($v,"The Registry database")) && (!strstr($v,"Registrars.")) && (!strstr($v,"Rights restricted")) && (!strstr($v,"See http://www")) && (!strstr($v,"Tous droits")) && (!strstr($v,"Voir http://www")) && (!strstr($v,"whois: This information")) && (!strstr($v,"use the -R")) && (!strstr($v,"whois.dns.lu")) && (!strstr($v,"To see the object")) && (!strstr($v,"It has been obtained")) && (!strstr($v,"The object shown")) && ($v)) $return .= $v."<br>"; } } whois($domain); if (ereg("NOT FOUND", $return) || ereg("Not found", $return) || $return=="" || ereg("No match for ", $return)) { print "domain frei"; } else { print "domain vergeben"; } Gruss Daniel
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