

AW: [php] domainangabe bei setcookie()??

AW: [php] domainangabe bei setcookie()??

Wolfgang Hauck php_(at)
Fri, 28 Jun 2002 10:14:57 +0200

>probiert hab ich schon diese varianten
>setcookie("daten",$daten, time()+7200, "/", "");
>setcookie("daten",$daten, time()+7200, "/", "");
>setcookie("daten",$daten, time()+7200, "/", "");
>setcookie("daten",$daten, time()+7200, "/", "");

Hi Ralf,

When searching the cookie list for valid cookies, a comparison of the 
domain attributes of the cookie is made with the Internet domain name of 
the host from which the URL will be fetched. If there is a tail match, then 
the cookie will go through path matching to see if it should be sent. "Tail 
matching" means that domain attribute is matched against the tail of the 
fully qualified domain name of the host. A domain attribute of "" 
would match host names "" as well as 
Only hosts within the specified domain can set a cookie for a domain and 
domains must have at least two (2) or three (3) periods in them to prevent 
domains of the form: ".com", ".edu", and "". Any domain that fails 
within one of the seven special top level domains listed below only require 
two periods. Any other domain requires at least three. The seven special 
top level domains are: "COM", "EDU", "NET", "ORG", "GOV", "MIL", and "INT". 
The default value of domain is the host name of the server which generated 
the cookie response.

MFG Wolfgang

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