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Am Fre, 2002-08-09 um 16.31 schrieb Daniel Bladeck: [snip] Hab ma mal die Doku angesehen :-). Da steht sowas wie <TMPL_VAR NAME="PARAMETER_NAME"> Optionally there are 2 more attributes that you can add to this tag: 1) Escape .. value may be: i) html -> html escapes the variable, i.e. exchanging '<' with '<' , '>' with '>' and '&' with '&'. v) none -> turns off any escaping for this particular variable. Vielleicht hilfts Andi -- Kraftl EDV - Dienstleistungen Tel: +43(0)676/3533220 Kundmanngasse 5/17 e-mail: Andreas.Kraftl_(at) 1030 Wien Homepage:
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