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Zur Info, da hier vor kurzer Zeit mal eine Anfrage war. Gruß Andi -- Kraftl EDV - Dienstleistungen Tel: +43(0)676/3533220 Kundmanngasse 5/17 e-mail: Andreas.Kraftl_(at)_kraftl.at 1030 Wien Homepage: http://www.kraftl.at Return-Path: <root_(at)_mail.linux-solutions.at> Received: from mail.linux-solutions.at ([]) by viefep12-int.chello.at (InterMail vM. 201-253-122-126-109-20020611) with ESMTP id <20020830073507.LVD17085.viefep12-int.chello.at_(at)_mail.linux-solutions.a t> for <Andreas.Kraftl_(at)_chello.at>; Fri, 30 Aug 2002 09:35:07 +0200 Received: (from root_(at)_localhost) by mail.linux-solutions.at (8.11.6/linuxconf) id g7U7Z7X30621 for andi_(at)_linux-solutions.at; Fri, 30 Aug 2002 09:35:07 +0200 Received: from linux.pt (linux.pt []) by mail.linux-solutions.at (8.11.6/linuxconf) with SMTP id g7U7Z6F30617 for <Andreas.Kraftl_(at)_linux-city.at>; Fri, 30 Aug 2002 09:35:07 +0200 Received: (qmail 11300 invoked by uid 1005); 30 Aug 2002 06:58:06 -0000 Message-ID: <20020830065805.11299.qmail_(at)_linux.pt> To: PHP Classes <void_(at)_phpclasses.org> Subject: [PHP Classes] Added a new class: DB_Session Date: 30 Aug 2002 06:46:29 -0000 From: PHP Classes <subscriber-help_(at)_phpclasses.org> Precedence: bulk X-Mailer: http://www.phpclasses.org/mimemessage MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hello, If you do not want to receive more alert messages like this, see the instructions at the bottom of this message. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A new class was added to "PHP Classes" repository. Name: DB_Session Author: Stanislav Shramko <stanis_(at)_movingmail.com> Description: With this class, you can keep your sessions in a lot of various databases. It's working with PEAR DB API. URL: http://www.phpclasses.org/browse.html/package/707.html --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you do not want to receive any more alert messages like this one or want to receive a weekly or daily digest newsletter instead, go to the User Options page of the site "PHP Classes" located at http://www.phpclasses.org/user_options.html and change the respective e-mail notification options.
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