

[php] [Fwd: [PHP3] Mail]unter Win95

[php] [Fwd: [PHP3] Mail]unter Win95

Werner Stuerenburg ws_(at)
Tue, 17 Aug 1999 11:46:14 +0200

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War da nicht neulich ein Thread?

Mit freundlichem Gruss
Werner Stuerenburg

ISIS Verlag - Uhlandstr. 8 - D-32120 Hiddenhausen -  Germany
Tel. 0(049)5224-9974-07, Fax-09, <mailto:ws_(at)>
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Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1999 11:59:28 -0700
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Subject: Re: [PHP3] Mail
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On Fri, 13 Aug 1999 13:54:47 -0300, Ricardo Matheus Minari wrote:

>Anybody knows other way to send a mail in PHP for Windows, instead of Delete
>Ahh.. I have worth news... It isn t WinNT.. it s Windows95 :o)
>Some solution??

I have some code in that
(among other things) sends an email by directly connecting to the mail
server. You're more than welcome to use that code (under the Artistic
license). If you don't want to, consult RFC821 for details on what you need
to do.

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