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Kristian Köhntopp wrote: > > >um Verzeichnisse anzulegen. Funktionen wie getuid() und > > >getpwnam() kann ich derzeit in PHP3 nicht entdecken. > > wozu wären die denn gut ? Ich bin kein Experte, aber sieht nicht das folgende so aus? get_real_uid() This method will return the user ID of the PHP process itself. It does not use the built in php method getmyuid(), which is 99% of the time a lieing sack of puss that is best ignored. This method determines it's user id by creating a temporary file, and then performing a stat() check on the file. The results of this method are cached by the class for more efficient results. (So if you call this method right after a new(), the class will perform a teensy-bit faster) function get_real_uid() { $tempDir = $this->TEMPDIR; $tempFile = tempnam($tempDir,"cdi"); if(!touch($tempFile)) { $this->ERROR = "is_owner: Unable to create [$tempFile]"; return false; } $stats = stat($tempFile); unlink($tempFile); $uid = $stats[4]; $gid = $stats[5]; $this->REALUID = $uid; $this->REALGID = $gid; return $uid; } <http://www.thewebmasters.net/php/File.phtml#get_real_uid_> -- Mit freundlichem Gruss Werner Stuerenburg _____________________________________________________________ ISIS Gesellschaft fuer Softwareentwicklung und -vertrieb mbH Webdesign - Uhlandstr. 8 - D-32120 Hiddenhausen - Germany Tel. 0(049)5224-9974-07, Fax-09, <mailto:ws_(at)_art-quarter.com> - <http://art-quarter.com> - <http://pferdezeitung.com> -
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