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This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_015B_01BF152B.9EC12BA0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Mailafile.php3 besser auf 2 file aufteilen :-) Zum testen http://www.ticinonline.to/search/guestbook/mailafile.php3 "MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="5000000" mit cookie damit man nicht immer neu den absender reinschreiben muss Die loesch funktion sollte noch aktiviert werden :-( ansonsten KB ueber KB haufen) Mit freundlichen Gruessen Cordiali Saluti Peter Hohl ==================================== PPK ScreenDesign www & CD Mysql Data sheet (Banca dati Dinamiche) CGI Program Perl & PHP3 DHTML JAVA 6672 Gordevio Tel: 091/7532066 Fax: 091/ 7532069 info_(at)_ti-news.ch info_(at)_ticinonline.to http://www.ti-news.ch/ Ti Search oltre 900 recensioni con Ti Mail sembre raggiungibili http://www.ticinonline.to/ Die neue Tessiner Suchmachine ==================================== ----- Original Message ----- From: Martin <martin_(at)_cheabit.com> To: <php_(at)_solix.wiso.Uni-Koeln.DE> Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 1999 9:39 PM Subject: [php] eMails mit Attachement verschicken? > Hallo, > > als Neueinsteiger in Sachen PHP nun mal eine Frage von mir: > > Kennt jemand von euch eine Möglichkeit, einem Interessenten per > eMail eine Datei (z.B. ZIP-Datei) anzuhängen? > > Bei CGI bin ich bis jetzt immer verzweifelt. Vielleicht gibts ja diese > Möglichkeit bei PHP? > > In meinem Falle möchten immer mehr Interessenten unsere Dateien > per eMail zugeschickt haben, doch bisher habe ich keine geeignete > Möglichkeit gefunden dise zu realisieren. > > Für jegliche Tips wäre ich dankbar. > > Schöne Grüsse und schon mal besten Dank! > > Martin Geisler > ---- > http://www.cheabit.com > http://www.w-e-b-h-o-s-t-i-n-g.de - http://www.tele-fon.de > > -- > ** Durchgehend geöffnet: http://www.php-center.de ** > Die PHP-Liste: mailto:php_(at)_infosoc.uni-koeln.de > http://infosoc.uni-koeln.de/mailman/listinfo/php ------=_NextPart_000_015B_01BF152B.9EC12BA0 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="mailafile.php3" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="mailafile.php3" <? /* * Cookie From Mark Kronebein * Guestbook Version 8 =20 */ if(empty($tisName)) { setcookie( "tisName", $name, time()+99999999); $tisName=3D$name; } if(empty($tisEmail)) { setcookie( "tisEmail", $email, time()+99999999); $tisEmail=3D$email; } /* * Class mime_mail * Original implementation by Sascha Schumann <sas_(at)_schell.de> * Modified by Tobias Ratschiller <tobias_(at)_dnet.it>: * and remodifiet by Patrik info_(at)_ticinonline.to the swiss search engime = www.ticinonline.to * - General code clean-up * - separate body- and from-property * - killed some mostly un-necessary stuff */ =20 class mime_mail=20 { var $parts; var $to; var $from; var $headers; var $subject; var $body; function mime_mail() { $this->parts =3D array(); $this->to =3D ""; $this->from =3D ""; $this->subject =3D ""; $this->body =3D ""; $this->headers =3D ""; } function add_attachment($message, $name =3D "", $ctype =3D = "application/octet-stream") { $this->parts[] =3D array ( "ctype" =3D> $ctype, "message" =3D> $message, "encode" =3D> $encode, "name" =3D> $name ); } /* * void build_message(array part=3D * Build message parts of an multipart mail */ function build_message($part) { $message =3D $part["message"]; $message =3D chunk_split(base64_encode($message)); $encoding =3D "base64"; return "Content-Type: ".$part["ctype"]. ($part["name"]?"; name =3D = \"".$part["name"]."\"" : ""). "\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: = $encoding\n\n$message\n"; } /* * void build_multipart() * Build a multipart mail */ function build_multipart()=20 { $boundary =3D "b".md5(uniqid(time())); $multipart =3D "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary =3D = $boundary\n\nThis is a MIME encoded message.\n\n--$boundary"; for($i =3D sizeof($this->parts)-1; $i >=3D 0; $i--)=20 { $multipart .=3D = "\n".$this->build_message($this->parts[$i])."--$boundary"; } return $multipart.=3D "--\n"; } /* * void send() * Send the mail (last class-function to be called) */ function send()=20 { $mime =3D ""; if (!empty($this->from)) $mime .=3D "From: ".$this->from."\n"; if (!empty($this->headers)) $mime .=3D $this->headers."\n"; =20 if (!empty($this->body)) $this->add_attachment($this->body, "", "text/plain"); =20 $mime .=3D "MIME-Version: 1.0\n".$this->build_multipart(); mail($this->to, $this->subject, "", $mime); } };=20 $submit=3D SEND; $ip1 =3D getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"); $ip =3D gethostbyaddr($ip1); echo"<FORM ENCTYPE=3D\"multipart/form-data\" NAME=3DMyForm = ACTION=3D$PHP_SELF METHOD=3D\"POST\">"; echo"<table ALIGN=3D\"center\" WIDTH=3D\"80%\"><tr>"; echo"<td><h1>Mail a File</h1>"; echo"From Name:<br><input type=3D\"text\" name=3D\"name\" size=3D50 = value=3D\"$tisName\"><br>"; echo"From E-Mail <br><input type=3D\"text\" name=3D\"email\" size=3D50 = "; =20 echo"value=3D\"$tisEmail\"><br>"; echo"TO E-Mail:<br><input type=3D\"Hidden\" name=3D\"sendmail\" = value=3D\"yes\">"; echo"<input type=3D\"text\" name=3D\"tomeil\" size=3D50><br>"; echo"Subjekt:<br><input type=3D\"text\" name=3D\"betreff\" = size=3D50><br>Text:<br><textarea name=3D\"kommentar\" rows=3D\"7\" = cols=3D\"50\" wrap=3Dphysical></textarea><br>Attachment:<BR><INPUT = TYPE=3D\"hidden\" name=3D\"MAX_FILE_SIZE\" value=3D\"5000000\"><INPUT = NAME=3D\"MyFile\" TYPE=3D\"File\"><br><hr>"; echo"<input TYPE=3D\"submit\" name=3D\"action\" = VALUE=3D\"$submit\"><br>"; echo"</FORM></td></tr>"; echo"</table>"; if($action =3D=3D "$submit"){=20 print "Send to $tomeil <a href=3D\"$PHP_SELF\">Back</a>"; if($MyFile !=3D "none") { // wo Ihn stellen ? copy($MyFile,"/pic/$MyFile_name"); } } if ($sendmail =3D=3D "yes"){ $attachment =3D fread(fopen("pic/$MyFile_name", "r"), = filesize("pic/$MyFile_name"));=20 $mail =3D new mime_mail(); $mail->from =3D "$email"; $mail->headers =3D "Errors-To: info_(at)_microsoft.com"; $mail->to =3D "$tomeil"; $mail->subject =3D "$betreff"; $mail->body =3D "From: $name $kommentar"; $mail->add_attachment("$attachment", "pic/$MyFile_name", "text/plain"); $mail->send(); =20 } ?> ------=_NextPart_000_015B_01BF152B.9EC12BA0--
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