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follgendes php3 script sollte eigentlcih der perfekte e-mail check sein, aber irgendwie gibt er nicht aus, kann mal jemand schauen was fehlt? Mir fehlt noch ein groseß Stueck Verstaendnis um das zu Kapieren...: <?php /* Originally By: Jon S. Stevens jon_(at)_clearink.com Copyright 1998 Jon S. Stevens, Clear Ink This code has all the normal disclaimers. It is free for any use, just keep the credits intact. Enhancements and modifications: By: Shane Y. Gibson shane_(at)_tuna.org Organization: The Unix Network Archives (http://www.tuna.org./) Date: November 16th, 1998 Changes: Added **all** comments, as original code lacked them. Added some return codes to include a bit more description for useability. By : berber Organization : webdev.berber.co.il Date : April 10th, 1999 Changes : The script now handls all kind of domains (not only _(at)_xxx.yyy) as before. Added a debuging mode which also works as a verbose mode. By : Pascal Chambenoit Organization : Techno-Prime, France Date : June 16th, 1999 Changes : The script now execute a "negative" check of the email address. As backup servers allways respond by a 250.. user known, if a MX tell us that a user is not known, perhaps can we trust it. Also added a \r to all fputs because some servers doesnt understand \n. However, there are a few servers correctly configured on Earth... :-) */ /* This function takes in an email address (say 'shane_(at)_tuna.org') * and tests to see if it's a valid email address. * * An array with the results is passed back to the caller. * * Possible result codes for the array items are: * * Item 0: [true|false] true for valid email address * false for NON-valid email address * * Item 1: [SMTP Code] if a valid MX mail server found, then * fill this array in with failed SMTP * reply codes * * Item 2: [true|false] true for valid mail server found for * host/domain * false if no valid mail server found * * Item 3: [MX server] if a valid MX host was found and * connected to then fill in this item * with the MX server hostname * * EXAMPLE code for use is at the very end of this function. */ function validateEmail ($email) $debug_=1; // used for SMTP HELO argument global $SERVER_NAME; // initialize our return array, populating with default values $return=array(false,"","",""); // assign our user part and domain parts respectively to seperate // variables list($user,$domain)=split("_(at)_",$email,2); if($debug_==1) echo"user: $user<BR>"; echo"domain: $domain<BR>"; } // split up the domain name into sub-parts $arr=explode(".",$domain); // figure out how many parts to the host/domain name portion there are $count=count($arr); // get our Top-Level Domain portion (i.e. foobar.org) $tld=$arr[$count-2].".".$arr[$count-1]; // check that an MX record exists for Top-Level Domain, and if so // start our email address checking if (checkdnsrr($domain,"MX")) if($debug_==1) echo"Check DNS RR OK<BR>"; } // Okay...valid dns reverse record; test that MX record for // host exists, and then fill the 'mxhosts' and 'weight' // arrays with the correct information // if (getmxrr($domain,$mxhosts,$weight)) if($debug_==1) echo "MX LOOKUP RESULTS :<BR>"; for ( $i = 0; $i < count($mxhosts); $i++ ) echo " o $weight[$i] $mxhosts[$i]<BR>"; } echo "<b>".count($mxhosts)." mail-servers found for this domain</b><BR>"; } // sift through the 'mxhosts' connecting to each host for ( $i=0; $i < count($mxhosts); $i++) // open socket on port 25 to mxhosts, setting // returned file pointer to the variable 'fp' $fp = fsockopen ($mxhosts[$i], 25 ); // if the 'fp' was set, then goto work if ($fp) if($debug_==1) echo"<BR><BR><h2>$mxhosts[$i]</h2>"; echo"Socket Opened successfully...<BR>"; } // work variables $s = 0; $c = 0; $out = ""; // set our created socket for 'fp' to // non-blocking mode // so our fgets() calls will return // right away set_socket_blocking ( $fp, false ); // as long as our 'out' variable has a // null value ("") // keep looping (do) until we get // something // do // output of the stream assigned // to 'out' variable $out = fgets ( $fp, 2500 ); if($debug_==1) if($out != "") echo"out: $out<BR>"; } // if we get an "220" code (service ready code (i.e greeting)) // increment our work (code (c)) variable, and null // out our output variable for a later loop test // if ( ereg ( "^220", $out ) ) if($debug_==1) echo"Service ready on recipient machine.<BR>"; } $s = 0; $out = ""; $c++; $return[2] = true; $return[3] = $mxhosts[$i]; } // elseif c is greater than 0 // and 'out' is null (""), // we got a code back from some // server, and we've passed // through this loop at least // once // else if (($c > 0) && ($out == "")) $return[2] = true; break; } // else increment our 's' // counter else { $s++; } // and if 's' is 9999, break, to // keep from looping // infinetly if ( $s == 9999 ) if($debug_==1) echo"Reached maximum 10000 loops, breaking.<BR>"; } break; } } while ( $out == "" ); // reset our file pointer to blocking // mode, so we wait // for communication to finish before // moving on... set_socket_blocking ( $fp, true ); // talk to the MX mail server, // validating ourself (HELO) fputs ( $fp, "HELO ".$SERVER_NAME."\r\n"); if($debug_==1) echo"<BR>HELO $SERVER_NAME<BR>"; } // get the mail servers reply, assign to // 'output' (ignored) $output = fgets ( $fp, 2000 ); if($debug_==1) echo"output : $output<BR>"; } // give a bogus "MAIL FROM:" header to // the server fputs ($fp,"MAIL FROM: <info_(at)_".$domain.">\r\n"); if($debug_==1) echo"MAIL FROM: <info_(at)_".$domain."><BR>"; } // get output again (ignored) $output = fgets ( $fp, 2000 ); if($debug_==1) echo"output : $output<BR>"; } // give RCPT TO: header for the email // address we are testing fputs($fp,"RCPT TO: <".$email.">\r\n"); if($debug_==1) echo"RCPT TO: <$email><BR>"; } // get final output for validity testing // (used) $output = fgets ($fp, 2000); if($debug_==1) echo"output : $output<BR>"; } // test the reply code from the mail // server for the 550 (no recipient) code if (ereg("^550",$output)) if($debug_==1) echo"Recipient doesnt exist<BR>"; } // set our true/false(ness) // array item for testing $return[0] = false; $return[1] = $output; } else // otherwise, the address is valid, // fillin the 2nd array item // with the mail servers reply // code for user to test if they // want $return[0] = true; $return[1] = $output; if($debug==1) echo"The recipient exists <BR>"; } } // tell the mail server we are done // talking to it fputs ( $fp, "QUIT\r\n"); if($debug==1) echo"Quit"; } // close the file pointer fclose($fp); // if we got a good value break, // otherwise, we'll keep // trying MX records until we get a good // value, or we // exhaust our possible MX servers if ($return[0] == false) if($debug_==1) echo"Recipient doesnt exist... Breaking"; } break; } } } } } else // No MX record appears for the specified Top-Level Domain; possibly // an invalid host/domain name was specified. $return[0] = false; $return[1] = "Invalid email address (bad domain name)"; $return[2] = false; } // end if checkdnsrr() // return the array for the user to test against return $return; } ?> danke fuer jede Hilfe!
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