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This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0000_01BF4968.1FF2DE60 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Beiligend die original php3 von: http://www.ticinonline.to/search/addurl.php3 wo titel desciption und keyword rauskommt aus den link Falls etwas nicht klahr ist ............ zum verstehen meine Ich mail info_(at)_ticinonline.to 404 link check ist auch gut Ich habe einfach von den scripten dirty search und von amalesh linkbase ein wenig gemischt und dass ergebniss lasst sich sehen Gruesse aus der sudschweiz PP ============================================= Peter Hohl PPK ScreenDesign Gordevio Java PHP3 Banche dati dinamiche Online Shop 091 753 20 66 www.ticinonline.to info_(at)_ticinonline.to webadmin Jazzascona.ch webadmin Ticino webcamera www.ti-news.ch www.ppk.grossalp.ch ============================================= -----Messaggio originale----- Da: messi_(at)_bigfoot.com [mailto:messi_(at)_bigfoot.com] Inviato: sabato 18 dicembre 1999 14.00 A: PPK Screen Oggetto: Re: [php] R: [php] get_meta_tags titleeeeee!!!! Hallo Patrik; On 23 Nov 99, at 23:46, PPK Screen wrote: > Hallo liste die losung ist servierbereit: > > Ich habe die losung gefunden, habe einfach kraeftig nach (fopen) gesucht > und "$out[1]" gibt mir den titel von der seiten die bei der suchmaschine > angemeldet werden ; falls description nicht kommt oder leer waehre > etwas text won der seite gut, etwa die erste 20 zeilen oder so... > > Saluti > Patrik [schnipp] CODE [schnapp] Ich hab deine Mail gerade aus meinem Mailfolder ausgegraben, der Code ist genau das was ich gesucht habe ... (darf ich ihn auch benutzen ?, nicht kommerziell ! ) Genau wie du hätte ich gerne zusätzlich ein paar Zeilen des Inhalts in meiner db..... Hast du da mittlerweile was zu rausbekommen ? (in der PHP3- Liste hab ich nichts mehr dazu gefunden :-( Danke schon mal ! Messi <Christian> Me_myself_and_I are open for nearly everything ------=_NextPart_000_0000_01BF4968.1FF2DE60 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="addurl.php3" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="addurl.php3" <?php if ($dimmiutente=3D=3D0) { $session =3D md5(uniqid(rand()));=20 setcookie( "dimmiutente", $appena, time()+99999999); } else { $session=3D$dimmiutente; } =20 =20 =20 =20 require("include/conect.php3"); testa("TI SEARCH","Il Primo Meta Search Ticinese",$Browser_Name,$solo); require("include/front.inc"); function FncSelectBoxSelected ($svSQLVar, $svHtmlVar) { if ($svSQLVar =3D=3D $svHtmlVar) { echo "selected"; } }; /* Check to see if ID, URL, and Category have been set by the form yet = */ if (isset($tit) && isset($url) && isset($cat)) { =09 $qquery =3D "SELECT * from info WHERE url=3D'$url'"; $qresult=3D MYSQL_QUERY($qquery); if ($rows=3Dmysql_num_rows($qresult)) { =09 while($zeile=3Dmysql_fetch_array($qresult)):=20 $cat=3D($zeile["cat"]); $url=3D($zeile["url"]); $tit=3D($zeile["tit"]); $descr=3D($zeile["descr"]); $hit=3D($zeile["hit"]); $id=3D($zeile["id"]); $datum=3D($zeile["datum"]); $chiavi=3D($zeile["chiavi"]); ?> <CENTER><table width=3D"450" border=3D"1" cellpadding=3D"5" = bgcolor=3D"#DBFBBD" bordercolor=3D"White" bordercolorlight=3D"Yellow" = bordercolordark=3D"Yellow"> <tr> <td>=20 <form action=3D"addurlmo.php3" method=3D"POST" = target=3D"_blank"> <INPUT TYPE=3D"Hidden" NAME=3D"go" VALUE=3D"2"> <INPUT TYPE=3D"Hidden" NAME=3D"submiter" VALUE=3D"public"> <INPUT TYPE=3D"Hidden" NAME=3D"newid" VALUE=3D"<?php echo $id ?>"> <table border=3D"0" width=3D"100%"> <tr>=20 <td colspan=3D"2" align=3D"LEFT"><u><div = align=3D"center"><b><font face=3D"" color=3D"Red">L'indirizzo appena = inserito risulta <?php echo"$rows"; ?> volta/e nel Database!<br> Desidera cambiarlo?</font></u> </b><br> <u><b><font face=3D"" color=3D"Red">Die angegebene Adresse ist = bereits <?php echo"$rows"; ?> mal in der Datenbank vorhanden!=20 Moechten Sie eine aenderung vornehemen?</font></u></b></div> </td> </tr> <tr>=20 <td align=3D"right"><b>Kategorie:<br>Categoria:</b></td> <td bgcolor=3D"#FFFFA4"> <select name=3D"cat" style=3D"font-weight: bold; = background-color: #EAEAEA;"><?php include('include/url/dbcat.php3'); ?> </select> =20 </td> </tr> <tr>=20 <td = align=3D"right"><b>Beschreibung:<br>Descrizione:</b></td> <td bgcolor=3D"#FFFFA4">=20 <textarea name=3D"descr" cols=3D"33" rows=3D"5" = wrap=3D"PHYSICAL" style=3D"font-weight: bold; background-color: = #EAEAEA;"><?php echo $descr ?></textarea> </td> </tr> <tr>=20 <td align=3D"right"><b>Keywords:<br>Parole = chiavi:</b></td> <td bgcolor=3D"#FFFFA4">=20 <textarea name=3D"chiavi" cols=3D"33" rows=3D"4" = wrap=3D"PHYSICAL" style=3D"font-weight: bold; background-color: #EAEAEA; = color: Red;"><?php echo $chiavi ?></textarea> </td> </tr> <tr>=20 <td align=3D"right"><b>Titel - Titolo:</b></td> <td bgcolor=3D"#FFFFA4">=20 <input type=3D"Text" name=3D"tit" value=3D"<?php echo = $tit ?>" size=3D"40" style=3D"font-weight: bold; background-color: = #EAEAEA;"> </td> </tr> <tr>=20 <td align=3D"right"><b>URL:</b></td> <td bgcolor=3D"#FFFFA4">=20 <input type=3D"Text" name=3D"url" value=3D"<?php echo = $url ?>" size=3D"40" style=3D"font-weight: bold; background-color: = #EAEAEA;"> </td> </tr> <tr>=20 <td align=3D"right"> </td> <td bgcolor=3D"#FFFFA4">=20 <input type=3D"Submit" name=3D"submit" value=3D"Chance - = Mofifica!" style=3D"font-weight: bold; color: Navy;"><br> <b>(SEND-META-RESULTS) Yes: <input type=3D"Radio" name=3D"meta" = value=3D"si" checked> No: <input type=3D"Radio" name=3D"meta" = value=3D"no"></b> </form></td> </tr> </table> =20 </td> </tr> </table></CENTER><br><br> <? endwhile; } else { $beschr =3D addslashes($descr); $titel =3D addslashes($tit); $keye =3D addslashes($chiavi); $datum=3D date( "d.m.Y");=20 $result =3D mysql_query("INSERT INTO info = (id,cat,url,tit,descr,datum,hit,chiavi,num,vote,online) VALUES ( '$id', '$cat', '$url', '$titel', '$beschr', '$datum', 'NULL', '$keye', '$cat', 'NULL', '1' )");=20 } =09 /* Close the database connection */ =09 =09 /* Check the result to see if addition was successful or not */ if ($result) { /* If it was successful, notify on web page. */ //mail("$adminaddress", //"link to validate.", //"$cname added a link $url\n //in category $category. \n //Contact's email address is $cmail."); ?> <CENTER><table width=3D"450" border=3D"1" cellpadding=3D"5" = bgcolor=3D"#DBFBBD" bordercolor=3D"White" bordercolorlight=3D"Yellow" = bordercolordark=3D"Yellow"> <tr> <td> <table border=3D"0" width=3D"100%"> <tr>=20 <td align=3D"CENTER" valign=3D"TOP"><h2><b>Grazie - = Danke</b></h2><b>E' stato inserito il seguente indirizzo nel = Database.<br> Die Folgende Adresse ist Hinzugefuegt worden:<br><br> Title: <font face=3D"" color=3D"Red"><?php echo $tit ?></font><BR> URL: <a href=3D"<?php echo $url ?>" = target=3D"_blank"><?php echo $url ?></a><BR> </b></td> </tr> </table> =20 </td> </tr> </table></CENTER><br><br> <? if ($meta=3D=3Dsi) { include('include/url/metaout.php3'); } } } else { if (isset($url)) { echo"<!--- 11 ---><font face=3D'' style=3D'font-size: 1px; color: = White;' color=3D'White'>"; $file =3D fopen($url, "r"); if (!$file) { echo"</font><!--- 11 --->"; echo "<div align=3D'center'><table width=3D'400' border=3D'0' = cellspacing=3D'2' cellpadding=3D'2' align=3D'CENTER' bgcolor=3D'Red'> <tr> <td><b><h2><font face=3D'' color=3D'White'>File not = exist<br><br>L'indirizzo non risponde.<br></font></h2></b></td> </tr> </table></div> </body> </html>\n"; exit; } while (!_(at)_feof($file)) { $line =3D _(at)_fgets($file, 800); /* This only works if the title and its tags are on one line. */ if (eregi("<title>(.*)", $line, $out)) { $title =3D $out[1]; break; } } _(at)_fclose($file); $avanti=3Deregi_replace("</title>","",$title); $poi=3Deregi_replace("[<:-=3D?'\/%&*+>]","",$avanti); $metatags =3D _(at)_get_meta_tags("$url"); $description =3D $metatags["description"]; $keywords =3D $metatags["keywords"]; $generator =3D $metatags["generator"]; ?> <CENTER><table width=3D"450" border=3D"1" cellpadding=3D"5" = bgcolor=3D"#DBFBBD" bordercolor=3D"White" bordercolorlight=3D"Yellow" = bordercolordark=3D"Yellow"> <tr> <td>=20 <FORM ACTION=3D"addurl.php3" METHOD=3D"POST"> <INPUT TYPE=3D"Hidden" NAME=3D"go" VALUE=3D"1"> <INPUT TYPE=3D"Hidden" NAME=3D"submiter" VALUE=3D"public"> <INPUT TYPE=3D"Hidden" NAME=3D"newid" VALUE=3D""> <INPUT TYPE=3D"Hidden" NAME=3D"hit" VALUE=3D"1"> <table border=3D"0" width=3D"100%"> <tr>=20 <td align=3D"right"><b>Categoria:</b></td> <td bgcolor=3D"#FFFFA4">=20 <select name=3D"cat" style=3D"font-weight: bold; = background-color: #EAEAEA;"> <?php if (isset($cat)) { include('include/url/dbcat.php3'); } else { include('include/url/dnocat.php3'); } ?> </select> </td> </tr> <tr>=20 <td align=3D"right"><b>Descrizione:</b></td> <td bgcolor=3D"#FFFFA4">=20 <textarea name=3D"descr" cols=3D"33" rows=3D"5" = wrap=3D"PHYSICAL" style=3D"font-weight: bold; background-color: = #EAEAEA;"> <?php echo"$description\n\n"; echo "$poi"; ?> </textarea> </td> </tr> <tr>=20 <td align=3D"right"><b>Parole chiavi:</b></td> <td bgcolor=3D"#FFFFA4">=20 <textarea name=3D"chiavi" cols=3D"33" rows=3D"4" = wrap=3D"PHYSICAL" style=3D"font-weight: bold; background-color: #EAEAEA; = color: Red;"> <?php echo"$keywords \n";?> <?php echo "$generator \n";?> </textarea> </td> </tr> <tr>=20 <td align=3D"right"><b>Titolo:</b></td> <td bgcolor=3D"#FFFFA4">=20 <input type=3D"Text" name=3D"tit" value=3D"<?php echo" = $poi"; ?>" size=3D"40" style=3D"font-weight: bold; background-color: = #EAEAEA;"> </td> </tr> <tr>=20 <td align=3D"right"><b>URL:</b></td> <td bgcolor=3D"#FFFFA4">=20 <input type=3D"Text" name=3D"url" value=3D"<?php echo = $url ?>" size=3D"40" style=3D"font-weight: bold; background-color: = #EAEAEA;"> </td> </tr> <tr>=20 <td align=3D"right"> </td> <td bgcolor=3D"#FFFFA4">=20 <input type=3D"Submit" name=3D"submit" value=3D"Addurl - = Inserisci!" style=3D"font-weight: bold; color: Navy;"><br> <b>(SEND-META-RESULTS) Yes: <input type=3D"Radio" name=3D"meta" = value=3D"si" checked> No: <input type=3D"Radio" name=3D"meta" = value=3D"no"></b> </form></td> </tr> </table> =20 </td> </tr> </table></CENTER><br><br> <? } else { ?> <CENTER><table width=3D"450" border=3D"1" cellpadding=3D"5" = bgcolor=3D"#DBFBBD" bordercolor=3D"White" bordercolorlight=3D"Yellow" = bordercolordark=3D"Yellow"> <tr> <td>=20 <form action=3D"addurl.php3" method=3D"POST"> =09 <table border=3D"0" width=3D"100%"> <td align=3D"right"><b>URL:</b></td> <td bgcolor=3D"#FFFFA4">=20 <input type=3D"Text" name=3D"url" value=3D"http://" = size=3D"40" style=3D"font-weight: bold; background-color: #EAEAEA;"> </td> </tr> <tr>=20 <td align=3D"right"> </td> <td bgcolor=3D"#FFFFA4">=20 <input type=3D"Submit" name=3D"submit" = value=3D"Addurl-Inserisci!" style=3D"font-weight: bold; color: = Navy;"></form></td> </tr> </table> =20 </td> </tr> </table></CENTER><br><br> <? } } ?> </body> </html> ------=_NextPart_000_0000_01BF4968.1FF2DE60--
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