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The truth of the matter Dear friend Please do read the following at least once .... it will be of help to you ...this message is meant only as a service to you in a fraternal spirit ! You will get mail from here only this once. If you could pass this on to friends or contacts that would be wonderful. By the way this is REALLY serious material. Good luck. THE truth has come to your doorstep - literally speaking! No, this is not a Church or sect or marketing scheme out to spoil your happiness. This is truth - 100% pure & simple. You may have heard that, "The truth is stranger than fiction". This one page document can & will change your lives - if you can think and thereby prove to yourself the truths in this document. Please listen carefully to the following words - EVERY word below is of the truth only ! First and foremost here is the TRUTH about Armageddon, the "famous" battle mentioned in Revelation. Now, NONE of the interpretations of the Bible are correct when it comes to Armageddon. Because in TRUTH , it is a Battle for the SOULS and MINDS of all people upon this planet.….no need to emphasize that all our flashy Hollywood movies, "doomsday cults", "new" Churches, self-proclaimed "prophets" and such types - have got it ALL wrong and MISLED us when it comes to THE TRUTH about Armageddon. Also, a related matter where mass media have again misled us is the matter of "conspiracy". Now, there IS a ‘conspiracy’ operating behind our backs which will be herewith discussed. Here is a surprise for you - Armageddon is NOT a coming physical battle as the aforementioned mass media or "priests" would make you think - it is here and being waged in every corner of the globe. At stake is the VERY SOULS of billions ! The deciding factor is the MASS attitude. If that tends to ignorance and materialism then the battle is lost. This is the simple TRUTH. The site of the battle is not some place in Israel. It is right here - going on in every mind and every human life. But once you know the Universal Law of LOVE .. the game changes complexion. Because "reality" as perceived by every individual is only an objective illusion created by the subjective ( MIND and SOUL ). Armageddon is to be considered seriously by you because of the untapped INFINITE spiritual potential within you. This is illustrated by the GEOMETRIC effect of every individual’s thoughts and actions. To explain this here is a numerical answer to a great mystery : the effect of one person on mass attitude is 1. The effect of two LIKE thinking and acting persons is 8. The effect of three like minded people acting in unison is 8x8x8 = 512. The effect CUBES for every extra person in this SPIRITUAL chain. With TWELVE like minded people acting in unison, their mass impact is basically INFINITY. This is WHY Jesus took 12 disciples - all open minded and simple folks who were not highly educated but spiritual. WHY Jesus did not take a scholar was quite simply because their minds would have been closed and already "made up" about what makes "reality". So acting and thinking in UNISON would have been impossible. Our best weapon in Armageddon is to be of pure thought, prayer and caution ! AND LOVE EACH OTHER .. and to love is to GIVE of oneself. And through ALL this, you MUST rid yourself of ALL the fears and neuroses that "modern society" has planted in you through mass-media and other forms of mass-programming ! WHY you should take your own role in life seriously is because EVERY human is a MIGHTY spiritual being working towards the ultimate fulfillment of SPIRITUAL potential. Remember that by UNIVERSAL LAW every human being has FREE WILL. The will and RIGHT of the INDIVIDUAL human being to CHOOSE. This is THE tool for learning SPIRITUAL lessons through several lifetimes. By CHOOSING to BE spiritual at every given opportunity, you will gradually EVOLVE as a SOUL. The fastest SPIRITUAL evolution is possible only when the human SOUL follows NATURE and NATURAL LAWS closely ( Nature is the best teacher). And always, a human SOUL must conform to the inviolable Universal Laws in order to evolve. Depriving another human being of the RIGHT to exercise FREE WILL is one of THE GREATEST crimes a human being can commit. Now you can imagine how much AGAINST Universal Laws all the "great Empires & Kingdoms" of history have been and continue to be. By the way, your ENEMY in Armageddon works through YOUR OWN mind and soul !! And uses your ignorance ! How is that ? Now we come to the "stranger than fiction" truth that the bad guys are really, really high on technical knowledge as well as knowledge of mass psychology. Please KNOW that there is a VERY powerful group in our world which has TREMENDOUS knowledge of technology & human psychology. This group is ANTI - GOD !! Most unfortunate of all, this group knows about advanced brain therapy ( manipulation ) . This group operates through highly influential world figures & from there extends its web right into the heart of society. This is where it concerns YOU . Why should we fight them ? First, because this group VIOLATES UNIVERSAL LAW, and wants to drag the whole world and YOU into it’s own spiritual and moral pit. Second, because the automobile "industry" and other "industries" have got us to the brink of a planetary eco-catastrophe. How do we fight them ? By ridding ourselves of OUR OWN IGNORANCE ! Our worst enemy is ignorance of SPIRITUAL & MORAL truths. 1. Who am I ? Who are human beings ? What are we ALL doing here ? Simple - YOU are an infinite, immortal SOUL encased in a finite body. Humans are God's highest creations IN NATURE - NOT beyond it. We are ALL here to evolve spiritually. That is THE ONLY purpose for MATERIAL existence. And by the way, ALL POWER is in the SOUL . . . NEVER in the material world . . . ALL things material are ONLY an EXPRESSION of SOUL ! To give this a "scientic" label , you might call it THOUGHT FORCE or TELE FORCE, because all THOUGHT is omnipotent, omnipresent and Universal. This SAME TRUTH expressed another way is that YOUR THOUGHTS are THE BUILDING BLOCKS OF YOUR ENTIRE LIFE ! This why "purity and elevation of thoughts" is central to spirituality. The above couple of statements mean that 100s of our "science" books belong near the dustbin. These belong in the bin anyway because "modern science" has not been exposed till date for the beggar it is ! Now, here IS A ONE LINE ANSWER to ALL your problems in material life : first, you must meditate, and then concentrate all your attention on the problem you wish to solve. When you do this, your HIGHER SELF WILL provide an answer . . . . through DREAMS in the sleeping time or as VISUAL THOUGHTS during waking hours. THAT IS ALL. Do remember that in REAL LIFE . . . . "Practise makes perfect". So you could do this every night - the answers, as mentioned before, will be in the dream time or during waking hours as visual thoughts. The HIGHER SELF is omnipotent, omnipresent AND very, very powerful. IT IS your SPIRITUAL parent - the parent of YOUR SOUL. By PROPER communication with it, ANY disease can be healed without medical treatment. The HIGHER SELF communicates with your SOUL through a weak brain current. When you practise meditation, this SPIRITUAL communication via brain current is enhanced. The result of continuous practise of meditation and concentration is YOUR SPIRITUAL ELEVATION. THIS IS THE TRUTH. The simplicity of THE TRUTH exposes ALL our dogmatic & "complex" sciences and psuedo-religions as being a worldwide FRAUD that is parading as the king. Needless to say, very few people in the world today are able live healthy AND youthful lives because of their life long materialism and total LACK of meditation and spiritual practise. 2. So what's wrong with my life? A better question would be, "What's RIGHT about my life ?". MOSTLY everything in our lives is AGAINST Nature - so there . . . ! We ALL DIE before 100 because of the POISONS in our everyday life - poison in the food ( PROCESSED food) . . . poison in the water ( yes, those leaden pipes add nerve-damaging metals to Earth's fresh water) . . . poison in the air ( those AUTOMOBILE exhausts) . . . and as we will see … the worst pollutant called NOISE ! To repeat an often repeated TRUTH : ALL explosion mobiles & machines cause harm to the planet. The oil wells, nuclear reactors, trains, automobiles, planes, "drilling" sites . . . ALL these harm YOU day in and day out by damaging the planet through explosions. Needless to say, ALL THESE are against NATURE ! Here is a simple question : can "modern technology" restore the LIFE of a dead ANT ? You know the answer ! WE NEED TECHNOLOGIES THAT CONFORM TO NATURAL LAWS. So what is the alternative to explosive technologies ? Two words - ANTI GRAVITY. ANTI-GRAVITY IS TRUTH AND FACT. "Oil" or "car" industry cannot bury it forever with money. Now, turning to the topic of FOOD - yes, a lot of the food people eat STRAINS their mind instead of replenishing it. Most of the processed foods in the market and definitely the "fast foods" have very little or no "life" in them. Taken over long periods of time, they shorten the lifespan. So you want an example of a physical POISON that is mistaken for food ? White sugar is toxic to the human body. In short, it is a SLOW poison. Now, EVERY "sweet" and "chocolate" in the market uses it. There is a huge world "sugar" INDUSTRY that manufactures this toxin out of nature’s gift of sugarcane. Think about it ! This is an example of WHY you should not follow the FLOCK. ALWAYS remember that the ENEMY is dead cunning and very experienced in programming WHOLE populations. On the bright side, naturally available fresh fruits & vegetables ( without ANY chemical traces) are a great bet for good health. MEDICINES & DRUGS ? Yes, they PRETEND to heal .... THEY DON'T. "Allopathic medicines" take our money and our lives after prolonging pain for a bit... HOWS THAT ??? The white - coated people apparently like ONLY to prolong one’s PAIN … not HEALTHY LIFE ! Healthy air, water and food is ALL one needs ( apart from balanced thinking ). All these are becoming scarce in our "modern" lives. 3. What else ? WORSE than the PHYSICAL poisons ARE THE SPIRITUAL & MENTAL POISONS .....these have the deadly potential to SPIRITUALLY RETARD YOU for several LIFETIMES ! Welcome to Armageddon. Here is an unpleasant Armageddon home truth : The communication with HIGHER SELF that people have undergoes DAMAGE because of the mental and spiritual poisons in their daily lives. This is bad news for you because your ability to solve problems in REAL life goes down directly proportionate to SPIRITUAL damage. This is WHY people score less and less in so-called "IQ" tests as age progresses. What are the MENTAL poisons ? THE TV, THE RADIO, THE NEWSPAPERS - ALL these are today serving to constipate and bombard our MINDS with poisons! You could choose to watch a Nature program - but how many people across the land are going to do that ? One time or other - ALL users will be exposed to harmful vibrations coming right out of the TV or radio or paper ! Have you ever considered the psychological IMPACT of "entertainment" like the movie TERMINATOR-2 on a 5 year old boy ? It is "scar-ry" ! Not to mention the endless "daily headline news" involving assorted dictators, serial killers and big-time robbers. The mass media are not the only culprits. EVERY other mass-mechanism that does NOT serve the stated purpose is a POISON. Here is an Armageddon home truth : the organized religions, sects, cults, political parties and many of our "famous and great leaders" belong in this category. What are the SPIRITUAL poisons ? NO1. HALLUCINOGENIC DRUGS - these WILL damage the user for several LIFETIMES! Apart from NOISE, these ARE the greatest poisons damaging human lives. The reason is NOT what you might have known so far. It is this : THE SOUL is ELECTRONIC - being a mass of many billions of electrons. And so it is HIGHLY sensitive like all electronic instruments. YOUR SOUL is EXACTLY married to the shape of your physical body. ALL hallucinogenic drugs drag THE SOUL into an artificial sphere & then DAMAGE IT ! Such damage can take SEVERAL lifetimes to repair. By the way, no "science" book will ever tell you this ! They might say, " drugs cause brain damage". Never " SOUL DAMAGE" ! They would deny SOUL at all costs. NO2. NOISE : YES, ALL NOISY MACHINES RETARD THE HUMAN SOUL! The train, the plane, the "fashionable" motorbike, The lawnmower, The DRILLS used by the dentist - ever wonder WHY KIDS run like deer from the DENTIST ? Because THEY KNOW BETTER than us due to their INNER knowing - UNTIL WE SUPPRESS their natural reaction. YOU SEE ? THE SYSTEM TRAINS ALL OF US IN IGNORANCE ! Our "material technology" MUST conform to the LAWS OF SPIRIT ... we are FAR from achieving this right now because of the COLOSSAL pollution of body, mind and soul brought about by our "advanced" technologies ! NOISE HURTS THE ELEMENTS OF OUR SOULS ! Yes, my friend - the SOUL is NOT some mystical winged being made of "nothing" like some religion or sect would have you believe . . . . . it is made of BILLIONS of electrons . . . . . ALL of which are DAMAGED only by 2 things - NOISE & DRUGS . . . . . our "modern" society happens to have PLENTY of BOTH these POISONS... think about it ! "Music is food for the soul " is ACTUALLY TRUE . . . . but that music when played at 4 times the human voice can DAMAGE the soul ! Have you been to the DISCO . . . . to rock concerts ? ALL OF THEM damage the human SOUL because of the high volume noise AND THE COLOURS. Here is ANOTHER revelation : NOISE & MUSIC ALSO come from COLOURS, and so the TRAFFIC LIGHTS glowing DULL RED at night as well as the LIGHTS IN DISCOS are actually damaging the SOULS of people ! Such damage is not SEEN with the eyes so nobody ever thinks of it. NOISE damage is worse than being burned in a fire because the electrons of the IMMORTAL SOUL get DAMAGED (or DEFORMED). THE knowledge lost because of this MUST be gathered again in the following births ! This IS Universal Law and TRUTH. This is ONE of the big reasons WHY we are far from being a "civilization" behind ALL the glitter of "modern" technology ! Whereas our little children wearing PINK ( which is the colour of Universal LOVE) or other bright dresses are actually enjoying the GOOD VIBRATIONS, people "raving " to the NOISES of "rock music" and "techno music" are mere symbols of their own ignorance and pain ! A DISCO can be better termed as meat factory of SOUL. Electrons have HUGE memories - each contains as much as 10000 large bibles….these perfect - memory - electrons are DAMAGED due to exposure to aforementioned NOISE & DRUGS! When they are damaged the CONTACT with HIGHER SELF is distorted. This causes a DECLINE of the SOUL. THAT IS THE TRUTH ! Due to prolonged noise exposure people LOSE hearing & health because the SOUL gets damaged & loses contact with the hearing and other organs. By the way NO health book will ever DARE mention the SOUL as THE power behind ALL organs ! Because you see, "modern science" is ATHEIST .......and ANTI- SPIRITUAL .... by METHOD ! Mind you, this is NOT a criticism of any INDIVIDUAL scientist. It is a summary of THE WHOLE system. IT IS US .. the people who should put an END to the nonsense of separating SOUL from SCIENCE ! The SOUL has its own LAWS. One of these LAWS is that suicide is AGAINST Universal Law! Exactly as hallucinogenic drug taking. What is THE greatest evil in the world today ? MONEY ! MONEY ! MONEY ! It is this infamous paper and numbers that has DESTROYED our spirituality en masse. Have you ever wondered WHY we all HAVE TO EARN MONEY till our last breaths ? WHO INVENTED THIS MECHANISM ? IS MONEY RELATED TO ANY OF OUR LIFE PROCESSES ? Then why should our whole lives revolve around it ? LOVE should inspire WORK, not money. Here is a big time Armageddon home truth : MONEY is organized AND controlled by SECRET SOCIETIES. These ARE the enemy. We cannot wish them away ! We have to show in ACTION and FUNCTION that LOVE is greater than MONEY ! That is the way to break the EVIL grip of money on the mass mind. THIS IS TRUTH. If we don't get together now and do something about the ORGANIZED slaughter of body, mind and soul, the procession of LIFE-KILLING technologies under the monetary system will continue into the near future. The result of that WILL be the end of our world because of the irreversible destruction of NATURAL ecosystems. And mind you, this is NOT a prediction. Just reading this puts a burden of responsibility on you because you have been told and you know now what our "technologies" ACTUALLY do to us. Just remember this - ALL "modern" technologies have TWO functions ( just like the white sugar, which is NOT food as we are made to think, but slow POISON) . . . . . one is the STATED function - which official "science" tells the whole world. The OTHER is the ACTUAL function, which is ALWAYS to slowly kill the human body, mind & soul. ( one example for this is "nuclear power" - the stated function is "power". The ACTUAL function is to weaken & slowly KILL the body, mind and soul of WHOLE populations - that way it is easier to control them. In case you did not know here is another Armageddon truth : ALL nuclear reactors and submarines are radioactive. NO WALLS around them can stop the deadly radiation from within. And the "conspiracy" operating LIFE-KILLING "science" KNOWS this ). This is small proof of WHY the "conspiracy" is a group that is ANTI-GOD and VIOLATES Universal Law. What do I do ? Simple - search for THE truth WITHIN you. GOD HAS GIVEN US PLENTY OF SPIRITUAL AMMUNITION ALWAYS READY TO BE USED .... THE CALL IS YOURS ! THE BALL IS IN YOUR COURT . We must stand up to the organized criminals that DESPOIL our lives every day from behind our backs AND TREAT US LIKE A HERD OF SHEEP headed for the factory. For example, parents must ensure that the kids get GET MORAL AND ETHICAL EDUCATION INSTEAD OF MERE MATERIAL INFORMATION LABELED AS MATH, SCIENCE, ......of what use is ANY TITLE to an "educated" man when he is a mere liar, thief, womaniser or drunkard ?? What should I do about all this ? Simple. Use YOUR GOD GIVEN spiritual knowledge always. Every day. Every minute. You can join useful groups of people with LIKE interests that care about the environment and so on. And of course : THERE IS NOTHING to fear in all this Universe. But use CAUTION ( as stated previously) and always follow the way of BALANCED THINKING. THE ONE RELIGION IS LOVE. THE ONE COMMUNITY IS HUMANITY. My dear friend, This knowledge though simple may yet prove VALUABLE in your life. My effort leading to this knowledge was to fill a COMPLETE BLANK I found in my "education". That BLANK is in the area of human SPIRITUALITY. I should emphasize that I was never a religious person & continue to be free of dogmatism. After I graduated from university there was a STRANGE feeling of emptiness - THAT I HAD MISSED SOMETHING . . . and then it dawned on me slowly that I HAD LEARNED NOTHING about spirituality. My years of formal "education" HAD ONLY BEEN MATERIAL INFORMATION AND NOT INCLUDED ANYTHING SPIRITUAL. I had been given VERY LITTLE to guide my ethical life, my moral life, my spiritual life . . . . . then I started on a TRUTH HUNT. . . . . I found VERY SOON that THE TRUTH IS STRANGER THAN FICTION. . . . . . Having said that, let me give you some BIG KEYS to the REAL LIFE . . . . FIRST AND FOREMOST is the UNIVERSAL LAW OF LOVE : Yes, my friend the "Atomic Theory" or 1000001 theories of Physicists are ALL INCOMPLETE ! BECAUSE THEY REFUSE TO ACCEPT THAT WE ARE EACH OF US MADE PERFECT & DIVINE BY THE ONE SPIRIT AS PER UNIVERSAL LAW. The "scientific" world today is unfortunately a DEMONIC world of ATOMIC BOMBS and NUCLEAR REACTORS. Our "high technology" is a beggar dressed in silk and purple! Because it has done NOTHING to help our IMMORTAL SOULS - and on the contrary has only damaged us AND the planet through NOISE and harmful vibrations. Well . . . What is LOVE ? 3 Words - RHYTHMIC BALANCED INTERCHANGE. Think about it. Of what, you ask ? OF GIVING AND RE-GIVING. Our "modern culture" is based on TAKING & TAKING & TAKING. THIS IS WHAT CAUSES CATASTROPHE. Does our "education" TELL US ABOUT THIS FUNDAMENTAL LAW OF LIFE CALLED LOVE? The problem is THEY DON'T WANT TO ! I am NOT TALKING PHILOSOPHY HERE - THIS LAW OF LOVE APPLIES EVERYWHERE IN CREATION & NATURE. LOVE IS GOD AND LOVE IS ATOM. THIS IS THE TRUTH. But what do we have instead? Fake religion and fake science - ALL perfectly tuned to make us FORGET that we are immortal SOULS. Here is TRUTH for you - THE QUALITY and PATTERN of your OUTGIVINGS ( IN THOUGHT, WORD and DEED) WILL crystallize into BODY FORM in the image of your THINKING. THIS IS LAW. WHAT YOU GIVE OUT WILL RETURN TO YOU in your image. So the bottom line is this - LOVE IS GIVING. WHAT YOU GIVE IS THE REAL YOU. I can go on, but I will stop here & let you carry this forward & APPLY THE LAW OF LOVE IN YOUR LIFE. Just remember that BALANCED THINKING is the key to a creative life - in the same token, UNBALANCED THINKING costs you your health, time & ultimately your life. Here's ANOTHER TRUTH ABOUT THE LIFE PROCESS ( based on Near Death Experiences) : This subject ( OF DEATH) affects all of us. Many of us are afraid of it. But the truth is that "DEATH" IS ONLY A RE-FOLDING OF THE SOUL. When you die, YOUR SOUL leaves the physical body to join YOUR HIGHER SELF. ("ghost stories" are based on evidence of EMPTY electrons left behind by the SOUL when it LEAVES the body at the time of death. EVERY SOUL rejoins the HIGHER SELF upon death. "Ghosts" are bodies of empty electrons left behind. You see? THE TRUTH is simple ). When the your SOUL rejoins the HIGHER SELF, the HIGHER SELF shows a VIDEO ( for lack of another word) OF YOUR ENTIRE LIFE WHICH YOU EXPERIENCE WITH ALL YOUR SENSES ! But THERE IS ONE DIFFERENCE ! The WHOLE LIFE IS EXPERIENCED THROUGH THE THOUGHTS, EMOTIONS & FEELINGS OF ALL THE OTHERS WHOM THE SOUL MET & AFFECTED IN ITS LIFETIME. So if the person had been a mere BRUTE, a liar, a thief, a bully and a scoundrel - his soul WILL EXPERIENCE the pains he inflicted on all his victims THROUGH THEIR VERY OWN EYES! THIS IS THE LAW OF LOVE in action. This is Karma in action. And this is TRUTH. This is why, "SEE NO EVIL, HEAR NO EVIL, SPEAK NO EVIL ....". So one can imagine what ecstasy it would be to be a Gandhi or a Diana - people who truly GAVE - and experiencing one's life review after death. On the other hand you can calculate how painfully bad the review of a terrible dictator would be ! Remember that THE GREATEST EXAM IN LIFE IS THE LAST AND FINAL EXAM OF SPIRIT. WHERE YOU WATCH YOURSELF FROM THE OUTSIDE & JUDGE. The corollaries from this are enormous. First, our actions, thoughts and words can NEVER be hidden from anyone. EVERY event is recorded for posterity. Second, the life review is a great learning event for every soul when the body dies. So the more giving by the person during his life, which means the more LOVE he gives, the more of it he will experience in his life review ! Another corollary from this is the unpleasant realization that MATERIALISM presents a great danger to us because it distracts us from achieving the right measure of SPIRITUAL experiences in life. When a BILLIONAIRE lives, breathes, walks talks and thinks ONLY about his BILLIONS he is going to fail his FINAL EXAM OF SPIRIT. I also found that MATERIALISM by itself only causes neuroses and anxieties. These gradually erode one's INNER LOVE and lead to the rejection of the NATURAL IMPULSE to give to the fellow man. Today the world is steeped in MATERIALISM - I urge you to rethink this in your life. The individual matters because every human body has a human soul that is ABSOLUTELY DIVINE. Please do think about your spiritual life along with ALL ELSE in your life. Rid yourself of ALL artificial fears & neuroses & BE the LIGHT that you ARE .... Last but not least, here is a GREAT KEY to unlocking the untold truth about your present life : CIRCULAR THINKING IS DIVINE. RECTILINEAR THINKING IS DEMONIC. Just about EVERYTHING in our "modern" society is RECTILINEAR. Think about it. To better help you on this profound truth, here are examples : many millions of buildings, railtracks, roads, dams, power lines etc. ALL OVER the world are RECTILINEAR. ALL THESE are simply destroying the planet. Here is a simple question to you : WHY do you enter your house through one LITTLE door on ONLY ONE SIDE ? WHY are ALL houses, ALL OVER the world built like this ?? WHY enter a palace through one door on just ONE side ? Ask questions like these and YOU WILL know the difference between our "modern" DEMONISM and THE ETERNAL TRUTH THAT IS DIVINITY. On the brighter side, MEDITATION ( for example, with a rosary) is CIRCULAR - and hence DIVINE. When you meditate - you are accessing THE REAL YOU - and that IS divine. G-d bless you. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
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