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What a Wonderful World! 16. New Orleans Jazz Ascona 30 June - 9 July 2000 Ascona - Lake Maggiore - Switzerland ASCONA NEW ORLEANS JAZZ NEWS in english, auf deutsch, in italiano, en français For any further information: www.jazzascona.ch Performers Ascona New Orleans Jazz 2000 Bob Wilber and Kenny Davern with °Summit Reunion° (USA) Dan Barrett`s Blue Swing feat. Rebecca Kilgore voc. (USA) Lars Edegran`s New Orleans All Stars feat. Juanita Brooks voc. (USA) Big Al Carson & the Blues Masters New Orleans (USA) Leroy Jones & Craig Klein (USA) Trevor Richards New Orleans Trio (USA) High Spirit °Gospel Group of Chicago° (USA) Ed Polcer All Stars (USA) feat. Allan Vaché (USA), Bob Havens (USA) and Lino Patruno (I) Ray Sherman (USA)-Joel Forbes (USA)-Jeff Hamilton (USA) Eddie Erikson (USA)-Jon Erik Kellso (USA)-Brian Ogilvie(USA) John Smith (USA)-Ernest Elly (USA)-Tom Fisher(USA) Evan Christopher(USA)-Freddie Lonzo (USA)-Mark Brooks (USA) Dwayne Burns (USA)-David Boeddinghaus (USA)-Tommy Sancton (USA) Phil Parnell (USA)-The Grand Marshall Earl Conway (USA) Tom Baker (AUS)-Jim Galloway (CDN)-Keith Smith (GB) Sammy Rimington (GB)-Norman Emberson (GB)-Ted Fullick (GB) Alyn Shipton (GB) Keith Nichols Blue Rhythm Makers (GB) Hot Antic (F) Paris Washboard (F) Watergate Seven (F) Formule 4 (F) Paris Swing Orchestra (F) Le Petit Jazzband de Mr. Morel (F) Les Haricots Rouges (F) Swing Cats (NL) Joep Peeters Swing Band (NL) Miss Lulu White`s Red Hot Creole Jazzband (NL) The Handsome Harry Company (NL) Lousiana Radio (NL) Happy Feet Brass Band (NL) Lino Patruno & the Red Pellini Gang (I) Laura Fedele °Tribute to Blues° (I) Oliver River Gess Band (I) Paolo Tomelleri and his Big Band (I) Brass Brother Band (I) Milano Hot Jazz Orchestra (I) Barrelhouse Jazzband (D) Abbi Hübners Low Down Wizards (D) Maryland Jazzband of Cologne (D) Sidewalk Hot Jazz Orchestra (D) Dirk Raufeisen Jazzfinger (D) Slick Salzer`s Swing Academy (D) Karl F`s Jazzconnection (D) Roger & the Evolution (D) Old Stoariegler Tschässband (A) Oscar Klein`s Jazz Show feat. Charly Antolini (CH) Silvan Zingg (CH) *Welcome! The most important European festival dedicated to hot jazz in one of the most attractive places in Switzerland: Ascona! Ten days of great music, with the best artists of the international scene. More than 260 musicians, more than 240 concerts. An enlarged program with an offering that goes from swing to blues, rhythm & blues, gospel, and mainstream. Music from the morning till late at night. Concerts in restaurants and bars, as well as in the open air. Fantastic jam sessions that last till dawn. A series of great special events, like the show °Tribute to Louis Armstrong!° New Orleans Jazz Ascona 2000: a mixture of art and entertainment. A popular festival for 70’000 people. A °must° for musicians, people in the music business, and thousands of jazz lovers from all over Europe. A success and a steeply rising reputation. *Wilkommen! Das wichtigste europäische, dem Hot Jazz gewidmete Festival an einem der reizvollsten Touristenorte der Schweiz. Ascona! Zehn Tage grosse Musik mit den besten Musikern der internationalen Szene. Ueber 260 Musiker, mehr als 240 Konzerte. Ein auf Swing, Blues, Gospel und Mainstream ausgedehntes Programm. Musik von morgens bis spät in die Nacht hinein. Konzerte in öffentlichen Lokalen und im Freien. Phantastische Jam Session bis zum Morgengrauen. Special Events: Tribute to Luois Armstrong! New Orleans Jazz Ascona 2000: Ein Mix aus Kunst und Unterhaltung. Ein Volksfest für 70`000 Zuschauer. Ein Muss für Musiker, Insider und unzähligen Jazzliebhaber in ganz Europa. Erfolg und guter Ruf sind ständig am wachsen. *Benvenuti! Il più importante festival europeo dedicato all`Hot Jazz. Dieci giorni digrande musica, coi migliori artisti della scena internazionale. Oltre 260 musicisti, più di 240 concerti. Un cartellone ampliato allo swing, al blues, al gospel, al mainstream. Musica dal mattino a notte fonda. Concerti in locali pubblici e all`aperto. Fantastiche jam session fino all`alba. Special Events: Tribute to Louis Armstrong. New Orleans Jazz Ascona 2000: un mix di arte e divertimento, una grande festa popolare, un °must° per musicisti, addetti ai lavori e migliaia di appassionati di jazz da tutta l`Europa. *Bienvenue! Le plus important festival européen consacré au hot jazz. Dix jours de musique de grande classe, avec les meilleurs artistes de la scène internationale. Plus de 260 musiciens, plus de 240 concerts. Un programme comprenant du jazz traditionnel, du swing, du blues, du gospel, du mainstream. Musique du matin au fin fond de la nuit. Concerts dans les établissements publics et en plein air. Jam sessions d`enfer jusqu`à l`aube. Rendez-vous de choix: hommage à Louis Armstrong. New Orleans Jazz Ascona 2000: un mélange d`art et de divertissement, une grande fête po-pulaire, un °must° pour les musiciens, les spécialistes et les passionnés de jazz de l`Europe entière. For any further information: www.jazzascona.ch or info_(at)_jazzascona.ch ======================================== Ti Search www.info-ticino.ch The Swiss Italian Metasearch New! WAP Wireless Application Protocol Free Mail From Handy www.ticinonline.to/wap/ only wap device ========================================
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