

[php] configure php3

[php] configure php3

Egon Schmid eschmid_(at)
Thu, 11 May 2000 19:37:19 +0200

Cyrill Schumacher wrote:
> > ./configure --help

> das war das erste was ich getan habe, aber das ergibt keinen sinn...
> und deshalb meine hochqualifizierte frage an die liste !
> da steht ja noch nicht einmal mysql, zlib oder pdf drin ....
> xxxxx:/usr/local/php-3.0.16 # ./configure --help

Das glaube ich Dir nicht.

Bei mir siehts so aus (php-3.0.17-dev):

--enable and --with options recognized:
  --enable-maintainer-mode enable make rules and dependencies not useful
                          (and sometimes confusing) to the casual
  --with-apxs[=FILE]      Build shared Apache module.  FILE is the
                          pathname to the Apache apxs tool; defaults to
  --enable-versioning     Take advantage of versioning and scoping
                          Provided by Solaris 2.x and Linux
  --with-apache[=DIR]     Build Apache module.  DIR is the top-level
                          build directory, defaults to
  --with-system-regex     Do not use the bundled regex library
  --with-mod_charset      Enable transfer tables for mod_charset (Rus
  --with-fhttpd[=DIR]     Build fhttpd module.  DIR is the fhttpd
                          directory, defaults to /usr/local/src/fhttpd.
  --with-imap[=DIR]       Include IMAP support (DIR is IMAP's include
dir and c-client.a dir).
  --with-imsp[=DIR]       Include IMSp support (DIR is IMSP's include
dir and libimsp.a dir).
  --with-aspell[=DIR]     Include ASPELL support.
  --with-mcal[=DIR]     Include MCAL support.
  --with-ftp     Include FTP support.
  --without-gd            Disable GD support.
  --with-gd[=DIR]         Include GD support (DIR is GD's install dir).
  --with-jpeg-dir[=DIR]   jpeg dir for gd-1.8+
  --with-ttf[=DIR]        Include FreeType support
  --enable-t1lib          Enable t1lib support.
  --with-gettext[=DIR]    Include GNU gettext support.  DIR is the
                          intall directory, defaults to /usr/local
  --with-imagick[=DIR]    Include ImageMagick support.  DIR is the
                          intall directory, and if left out, PHP will
                          try to find it on its own. [experimental]
  --with-x                use the X Window System
  --with-oracle[=DIR]     Include Oracle database support.  DIR is
                          home directory, defaults to $ORACLE_HOME.
  --with-iodbc[=DIR]      Include iODBC support.  DIR is the iODBC base
                          install directory, defaults to /usr/local.
  --with-openlink[=DIR]   Include OpenLink ODBC support.  DIR is the
                          OpenLink base install directory, defaults to
  --with-adabas[=DIR]     Include Adabas D support.  DIR is the Adabas
                          install directory, defaults to /usr/local.
  --with-sybase[=DIR]     Include Sybase-DB support.  DIR is the Sybase
                          directory, defaults to /home/sybase.
  --with-sybase-ct[=DIR]  Include Sybase-CT support.  DIR is the Sybase
                          directory, defaults to /home/sybase.
  --with-mysql[=DIR]      Include MySQL support.  DIR is the MySQL base
                          install directory, defaults to searching
                          a number of common places for the MySQL files.
  --with-msql[=DIR]       Include mSQL support.  DIR is the mSQL base
                          install directory, defaults to
  --with-pgsql[=DIR]      Include PostgresSQL support.  DIR is the
                          base install directory, defaults to
  --with-ibm-db2[=DIR]    Include IBM DB2 support.  DIR is the DB2 base
                          install directory, defaults to
  --with-solid[=DIR]      Include Solid support.  DIR is the Solid base
                          install directory, defaults to
  --with-empress[=DIR]    Include Empress support.  DIR is the Empress
                          install directory, defaults to $EMPRESSPATH
  --with-ldap[=DIR]       Include LDAP support.  DIR is the LDAP base
                          install directory, defaults to /usr and
  --with-mck[=DIR]        Include Cybercash MCK support. DIR is the
                          mck build directory, defaults to
                          /usr/src/mck- for help look in
  --with-openssl[=DIR]    Include OpenSSL support in SNMP.
  --with-snmp[=DIR]       Include SNMP support.  DIR is the SNMP base
                          install directory, defaults to searching
                          a number of common locations for the snmp
                          Set DIR to shared to build as a dl, or
                          to build as a dl and still specify DIR.
  --enable-ucd-snmp-hack  Enable UCD SNMP hack
  --with-velocis[=DIR]    Include Velocis support.  DIR is the Velocis
			  base install directory, defaults to /usr/local/velocis.
  --with-informix[=DIR]   Include Informix support.  DIR is the Informix
                          install directory, defaults to nothing.
  --with-interbase[=DIR]  Include InterBase support.  DIR is the
InterBase base
                          install directory, defaults to /usr/interbase
  --with-custom-odbc[=DIR]      Include a user defined ODBC support.
                          The DIR is ODBC install base directory, 
                          which defaults to /usr/local.
                          Make sure to define CUSTOM_ODBC_LIBS and
                          have some odbc.h in your include dirs.
                          E.g., you should define following for 
                          Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5.00 on QNX, prior to
                          run configure script:
                              CFLAGS="-DODBC_QNX -DSQLANY_BUG"
                              CUSTOM_ODBC_LIBS="-ldblib -lodbc".
  --with-hyperwave        Include Hyperwave support
  --with-xml              Include XML support
  --with-yp          Include YP support
  --with-zlib[=DIR]       Include zlib support (requires zlib >= 1.0.9).
                          DIR is the zlib install directory,
                          defaults to /usr.
  --with-pdflib[=DIR]     Include pdflib support (tested with 0.6 and
                          DIR is the pdflib install directory,
                          defaults to /usr/local.
  --with-zlib-dir[=DIR]   zlib dir for pdflib 2.0 or include zlib
  --with-jpeg-dir[=DIR]   jpeg dir for pdflib 2.0
  --with-tiff-dir[=DIR]   tiff dir for pdflib 2.0
  --with-cpdflib[=DIR]    Include ClibPDF support.
                          DIR is the ClibPDF install directory,
                          defaults to /usr/local.
  --with-fdftk[=DIR]      Include fdftk support.
                          DIR is the fdftk install directory,
                          defaults to /usr/local.
  --with-dbase            Include the bundled dbase library
  --with-filepro          Include the bundled read-only filePro support
  --with-mod-dav=DIR      Include DAV support through Apache's mod_dav,
                          DIR is mod_dav's installation directory
                          module version only!)
  --disable-unified-odbc  Disable unified ODBC support. Only applicable
                          iODBC, Adabas, Solid, Velocis or a custom ODBC
                          interface is enabled.
  --with-config-file-path=PATH  Sets the path in which to look for
                          defaults to /usr/local/lib
  --enable-debug          Compile with debugging symbols
  --enable-safe-mode      Enable safe mode by default.
  --with-exec-dir[=DIR]   Only allow executables in DIR when in safe
                          defaults to /usr/local/php/bin
  --enable-track-vars     Enable GET/POST/Cookie track variables by
  --enable-magic-quotes   Enable magic quotes by default.
  --enable-debugger       Compile with remote debugging functions.
  --disable-bcmath        Compile without bc style precision math
  --enable-force-cgi-redirect Enable the security check for internal
                              redirects.  You should use this if you are
                              running the CGI version with Apache. 
  --enable-discard-path   If this is enabled, the PHP CGI binary
                          can safely be placed outside of the
                          web tree and people will not be able
                          to circumvent .htaccess security. 
  --enable-memory-limit   Compile with memory limit support. 
  --disable-short-tags    Disable the short-form <? start tag by
  --disable-url-fopen-wrapper Disable the URL-aware fopen wrapper that
                              accessing files via http or ftp.
  --enable-sysvsem        Enable System V semaphore support.
  --enable-sysvshm        Enable the System V shared memory support
  --disable-display-source  Compile without displaying source support
  --with-gdbm[=DIR]       Include GDBM support
  --with-ndbm[=DIR]       Include NDBM support
  --with-db2[=DIR]        Include Berkeley DB2 support
  --with-dbm[=DIR]        Include DBM support
  --with-cdb[=DIR]        Include CDB support
  --with-mcrypt[=DIR]     Include mcrypt support.  DIR is the mcrypt
                          install directory.
  --with-mhash[=DIR]      Include mhash support.  DIR is the mhash
                          install directory.
  --without-pcre-regex    Don't include Perl Compatible Regular
Expressions support
  --without-posix         Don't include POSIX functions
  --with-recode[=DIR]     Include GNU recode support.
  --enable-dmalloc        Enable dmalloc

Flash Support gibts nur bei Version 4.


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