

[php] Sessions in PHP4

[php] Sessions in PHP4

Markus Kniehl voyager_(at)
Sun, 21 May 2000 10:53:43 +0200

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>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Sebastian Bergmann" <sebastian.bergmann_(at)>
>To: <php_(at)>
>Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2000 7:53 AM
>Subject: Re: [php] Re: Re:[php] Sessions in PHP4

>Markus Kniehl wrote:
>> Ich hab jetzt c:\temp ringetragen aber er zeigt immer noch den Fehler an
>> /tmp
>c:\temp\ muß natürlich auch existieren.

Das verzeichnis gibt es !

>> Wo muss ich die PHP.ini reinkopieren ??
>Die php.ini kommt unter Win32 entweder nach x:\winnt\ (Windows NT, 2000)
>oder x:\windows\ (Windows9x), wobei x durch den Laufwerksbuchstaben
>Deiner Systempartition zu ersetzen ist.

Hab ich gemacht, aber mit phpinfo() zeigt er mit immer nur die
Standart-Einstllungen an
obwohl ich eine veränderte php.ini in c:\winnt\ reinkopiert hab.

Ich hab die phpinfo() als file angefügt (test.htm)
Und die dazugehörige php.ini aus c:\winnt\

>Sebastian Bergmann

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; About this file ;
; This file controls many aspects of PHP's behavior.  In order for PHP =
; read it, it must be named 'php.ini'.  PHP looks for it in the current
; working directory, in the path designated by the environment variable
; PHPRC, and in the path that was defined in compile time (in that =
; Under Windows, the compile-time path is the Windows directory.  The
; path in which the php.ini file is looked for can be overriden using
; the -c argument in command line mode.
; The syntax of the file is extremely simple.  Whitespace and Lines
; beginning with a semicolon are silently ignored (as you probably =
; Section headers (e.g. [Foo]) are also silently ignored, even though
; they might mean something in the future.
; Directives are specified using the following syntax:
; directive =3D value
; Directive names are *case sensitive* - foo=3Dbar is different from =
; The value can be a string, a number, a PHP constant (e.g. E_ALL or =
M_PI), one
; of the INI constants (On, Off, True, False, Yes, No and None) or an =
; (e.g. E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE), or a quoted string ("foo").
; Expressions in the INI file are limited to bitwise operators and =
; |				bitwise OR
; &				bitwise AND
; ~				bitwise NOT
; Boolean flags can be turned on using the values 1, On, True or Yes.
; They can be turned off using the values 0, Off, False or No.
; An empty string can be denoted by simply not writing anything after =
the equal
; sign, or by using the None keyword:
;   foo =3D			; sets foo to an empty string
;	foo =3D none		; sets foo to an empty string
;	foo =3D "none"	; sets foo to the string 'none'
; If you use constants in your value, and these constants belong to a =
; loaded extension (either a PHP extension or a Zend extension), you may =
; use these constants *after* the line that loads the extension.
; All the values in the php.ini-dist file correspond to the builtin
; defaults (that is, if no php.ini is used, or if you delete these =
; the builtin defaults will be identical).

; Language Options ;

engine			=3D	On	; Enable the PHP scripting language engine under Apache
short_open_tag	=3D	On	; allow the <? tag.  otherwise, only <?php and =
<script> tags are recognized.
asp_tags		=3D	Off ; allow ASP-style <% %> tags
precision		=3D	14	; number of significant digits displayed in floating =
point numbers
y2k_compliance	=3D	Off	; whether to be year 2000 compliant (will cause =
problems with non y2k compliant browsers)
output_buffering	=3D Off	; Output buffering allows you to send header =
lines (including cookies)
							; even after you send body content, in the price of slowing PHP's
							; output layer a bit.
							; You can enable output buffering by in runtime by calling the =
							; buffering functions, or enable output buffering for all files
							; by setting this directive to On.
implicit_flush		=3D Off	; Implicit flush tells PHP to tell the output =
layer to flush itself
							; automatically after every output block.  This is equivalent to
							; calling the PHP function flush() after each and every call to =
							; or echo() and each and every HTML block.
							; Turning this option on has serious performance implications, =
							; is generally recommended for debugging purposes only.
allow_call_time_pass_reference	=3D On	; whether to enable the ability to =
force arguments to be=20
										; passed by reference at function-call time.  This method
										; is deprecated, and is likely to be unsupported in future
										; versions of PHP/Zend.  The encouraged method of specifying
										; which arguments should be passed by reference is in the
										; function declaration.  You're encouraged to try and
										; turn this option Off, and make sure your scripts work
										; properly with it, to ensure they will work with future
										; versions of the language (you will receive a warning
										; each time you use this feature, and the argument will
										; be passed by value instead of by reference).

; Safe Mode
safe_mode		=3D	Off
safe_mode_exec_dir	=3D
safe_mode_allowed_env_vars =3D PHP_					; Setting certain environment =
													; may be a potential security breach.
													; This directive contains a comma-delimited
													; list of prefixes.  In Safe Mode, the
													; user may only alter environment
													; variables whose names begin with the
													; prefixes supplied here.
													; By default, users will only be able
													; to set environment variables that begin
													; with PHP_ (e.g. PHP_FOO=3DBAR).
													; Note:  If this directive is empty, PHP
													; will let the user modify ANY environment
													; variable!
safe_mode_protected_env_vars =3D LD_LIBRARY_PATH		; This directive =
contains a comma-
													; delimited list of environment variables,
													; that the end user won't be able to
													; change using putenv().
													; These variables will be protected
													; even if safe_mode_allowed_env_vars is
													; set to allow to change them.

; Colors for Syntax Highlighting mode.  Anything that's acceptable in =
<font color=3D???> would work.
highlight.string	=3D	#DD0000
highlight.comment	=3D	#FF8000
highlight.keyword	=3D	#007700		=3D	#FFFFFF
highlight.default	=3D	#0000BB
highlight.html		=3D	#000000

; Misc
expose_php	=3D	On		; Decides whether PHP may expose the fact that it is =
installed on the
						; server (e.g., by adding its signature to the Web server header).
						; It is no security threat in any way, but it makes it possible
						; to determine whether you use PHP on your server or not.

; Resource Limits ;

max_execution_time =3D 30     ; Maximum execution time of each script, =
in seconds (UNIX only)
memory_limit =3D 8388608		; Maximum amount of memory a script may =
consume (8MB)

; Error handling and logging ;
; error_reporting is a bit-field.  Or each number up to get desired =
error reporting level
; E_ALL				- All errors and warnings
; E_ERROR			- fatal run-time errors
; E_WARNING			- run-time warnings (non fatal errors)
; E_PARSE			- compile-time parse errors
; E_NOTICE			- run-time notices (these are warnings which often result =
from a bug in
;					  your code, but it's possible that it was intentional (e.g., =
using an
;					  uninitialized variable and relying on the fact it's =
;					  initialized to an empty string)
; E_CORE_ERROR		- fatal errors that occur during PHP's initial startup
; E_CORE_WARNING	- warnings (non fatal errors) that occur during PHP's =
initial startup
; E_COMPILE_ERROR	- fatal compile-time errors
; E_COMPILE_WARNING	- compile-time warnings (non fatal errors)
; E_USER_ERROR		- user-generated error message
; E_USER_WARNING	- user-generated warning message
; E_USER_NOTICE		- user-generated notice message
; Examples:
; error_reporting =3D E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE						; show all errors, except =
for notices
; error_reporting =3D E_COMPILE_ERROR|E_ERROR|E_CORE_ERROR	; show only =
error_reporting	=3D	E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE		; Show all errors except for =
display_errors	=3D	On	; Print out errors (as a part of the HTML script)
log_errors		=3D	Off	; Log errors into a log file (server-specific log, =
stderr, or error_log (below))
track_errors	=3D	Off	; Store the last error/warning message in =
$php_errormsg (boolean)
;error_prepend_string =3D "<font color=3Dff0000>"   ; string to output =
before an error message
;error_append_string =3D "</font>"                ; string to output =
after an error message
;error_log	=3D	filename	; log errors to specified file
;error_log	=3D	syslog		; log errors to syslog (Event Log on NT, not =
valid in Windows 95)
warn_plus_overloading	=3D	Off		; warn if the + operator is used with =

; Data Handling ;
variables_order		=3D	"EGPCS"	; This directive describes the order in =
which PHP registers
								; GET, POST, Cookie, Environment and Built-in variables (G, P,
								; C, E & S respectively, often referred to as EGPCS or GPC).
								; Registration is done from left to right, newer values override
								; older values.
register_globals	=3D	On		; Whether or not to register the EGPCS =
variables as global
								; variables.  You may want to turn this off if you don't want
								; to clutter your scripts' global scope with user data.  This =
								; most sense when coupled with track_vars - in which case you =
								; access all of the GPC variables through the $HTTP_*_VARS[],
								; variables.
register_argv_argc	=3D	On		; This directive tells PHP whether to declare =
the argv&argc
								; variables (that would contain the GET information).  If you
								; don't use these variables, you should turn it off for
								; increased performance
track_vars			=3D	On		; enable the $HTTP_*_VARS[] arrays, where * is one =
gpc_order			=3D	"GPC"	; This directive is deprecated.  Use =
variables_order instead.

; Magic quotes
magic_quotes_gpc	=3D	On		; magic quotes for incoming GET/POST/Cookie =
magic_quotes_runtime=3D	Off		; magic quotes for runtime-generated data, =
e.g. data from SQL, from exec(), etc.
magic_quotes_sybase	=3D	Off		; Use Sybase-style magic quotes (escape ' =
with '' instead of \')

; automatically add files before or after any PHP document
auto_prepend_file	=3D
auto_append_file	=3D

; As of 4.0b4, PHP always outputs a character encoding by default in
; the Content-type: header.  To disable sending of the charset, simply
; set it to be empty.
; PHP's built-in default is text/html
default_mimetype =3D "text/html"
;default_charset =3D "iso-8859-1"

; Paths and Directories ;
include_path	=3D                   ; UNIX: "/path1:/path2"  Windows: =
doc_root		=3D	c:\inetpub\wwwroot\				; the root of the php pages, used =
only if nonempty
user_dir		=3D					; the directory under which php opens the script using =
/~username, used only if nonempty
;upload_tmp_dir	=3D	                ; temporary directory for HTTP =
uploaded files (will use system default if not specified)
upload_max_filesize =3D 2097152       ; 2 Meg default limit on file =
extension_dir	=3D	c:\inetpub\php	\		; directory in which the loadable =
extensions (modules) reside

; Dynamic Extensions ;
; if you wish to have an extension loaded automaticly, use the
; following syntax:  extension=3Dmodulename.extension
; for example, on windows,
; extension=3Dmsql.dll
; or under UNIX,
; Note that it should be the name of the module only, no directory =
; needs to go here.  Specify the location of the extension with the =
extension_dir directive above.

;Windows Extensions

; Module Settings ;

define_syslog_variables	=3D Off	; Whether or not to define the various =
syslog variables,
								; e.g. $LOG_PID, $LOG_CRON, etc.  Turning it off is a
								; good idea performance-wise.  In runtime, you can define
								; these variables by calling define_syslog_variables()

[mail function]
SMTP			=3D	localhost			;for win32 only
sendmail_from	=3D	me_(at)	;for win32 only
;sendmail_path	=3D						;for unix only, may supply arguments as well =
(default is sendmail -t)

[Debugger]	=3D	localhost
debugger.port	=3D	7869
debugger.enabled	=3D	False

; These configuration directives are used by the example logging =
; See examples/README.logging for more explanation.
;logging.method    =3D db
; =3D /path/to/log/directory

sql.safe_mode	=3D	Off

;uodbc.default_db		=3D	Not yet implemented
;uodbc.default_user		=3D	Not yet implemented
;uodbc.default_pw		=3D	Not yet implemented
uodbc.allow_persistent	=3D	On	; allow or prevent persistent links
uodbc.check_persistent  =3D 	On	; check that a connection is still =
validbefore reuse
uodbc.max_persistent	=3D	-1	; maximum number of persistent links. -1 =
means no limit
uodbc.max_links			=3D	-1	; maximum number of links (persistent+non =
persistent). -1 means no limit
uodbc.defaultlrl	=3D	4096	; Handling of LONG fields. Returns number of =
bytes to variables, 0 means passthru
uodbc.defaultbinmode	=3D 	1	; Handling of binary data. 0 means passthru, =
1 return as is, 2 convert to char
; See the documentation on odbc_binmode and odbc_longreadlen for an =
explanation of uodbc.defaultlrl
; and uodbc.defaultbinmode

mysql.allow_persistent	=3D	On	; allow or prevent persistent link
mysql.max_persistent	=3D	-1	; maximum number of persistent links. -1 =
means no limit
mysql.max_links			=3D	-1	; maximum number of links (persistent+non =
persistent).  -1 means no limit
mysql.default_port		=3D		; default port number for mysql_connect().  If =
								; mysql_connect() will use the $MYSQL_TCP_PORT, or the mysql-tcp
								; entry in /etc/services, or the compile-time defined MYSQL_PORT
								; (in that order).  Win32 will only look at MYSQL_PORT.
mysql.default_host		=3D		; default host for mysql_connect() (doesn't =
apply in safe mode)
mysql.default_user		=3D		; default user for mysql_connect() (doesn't =
apply in safe mode)
mysql.default_password	=3D		; default password for mysql_connect() =
(doesn't apply in safe mode)
								; Note that this is generally a *bad* idea to store passwords
								; in this file.  *Any* user with PHP access can run
								; 'echo cfg_get_var("mysql.default_password")' and reveal that
								; password!  And of course, any users with read access to this
								; file will be able to reveal the password as well.

msql.allow_persistent	=3D	On	; allow or prevent persistent link
msql.max_persistent		=3D	-1	; maximum number of persistent links. -1 =
means no limit
msql.max_links			=3D	-1	; maximum number of links (persistent+non =
persistent).  -1 means no limit

pgsql.allow_persistent	=3D	On	; allow or prevent persistent link
pgsql.max_persistent	=3D	-1	; maximum number of persistent links. -1 =
means no limit
pgsql.max_links			=3D	-1	; maximum number of links (persistent+non =
persistent).  -1 means no limit

sybase.allow_persistent	=3D	On	; allow or prevent persistent link
sybase.max_persistent	=3D	-1	; maximum number of persistent links. -1 =
means no limit
sybase.max_links		=3D	-1	; maximum number of links (persistent+non =
persistent).  -1 means no limit
;sybase.interface_file	=3D	"/usr/sybase/interfaces"
sybase.min_error_severity	=3D	10	; minimum error severity to display
sybase.min_message_severity	=3D	10	; minimum message severity to display
sybase.compatability_mode	=3D Off	; compatability mode with old versions =
of PHP 3.0.
									; If on, this will cause PHP to automatically assign types to =
									; according to their Sybase type, instead of treating them all =
									; strings.  This compatability mode will probably not stay =
									; forever, so try applying whatever necessary changes to your =
									; and turn it off.

sybct.allow_persistent	=3D	On		; allow or prevent persistent link
sybct.max_persistent	=3D	-1		; maximum number of persistent links. -1 =
means no limit
sybct.max_links			=3D	-1		; maximum number of links (persistent+non =
persistent).  -1 means no limit
sybct.min_server_severity	=3D	10	; minimum server message severity to =
sybct.min_client_severity	=3D	10	; minimum client message severity to =

bcmath.scale	=3D	0	; number of decimal digits for all bcmath functions

;browscap	=3D	extra/browscap.ini

ifx.default_host		=3D		; default host for ifx_connect() (doesn't apply =
in safe mode)
ifx.default_user		=3D		; default user for ifx_connect() (doesn't apply =
in safe mode)
ifx.default_password		=3D		; default password for ifx_connect() (doesn't =
apply in safe mode)
ifx.allow_persistent		=3D	On	; allow or prevent persistent link
ifx.max_persistent		=3D	-1	; maximum number of persistent links. -1 =
means no limit
ifx.max_links			=3D	-1	; maximum number of links (persistent+non =
persistent).  -1 means no limit
ifx.textasvarchar		=3D	0	; if set on, select statements return the =
contents of a text blob instead of it's id
ifx.byteasvarchar		=3D	0	; if set on, select statements return the =
contents of a byte blob instead of it's id
ifx.charasvarchar		=3D	0	; trailing blanks are stripped from =
fixed-length char columns. May help the life
						; of Informix SE users.=20
ifx.blobinfile			=3D	0	; if set on, the contents of text&byte blobs are =
dumped to a file instead of
						; keeping them in memory
ifx.nullformat			=3D	0	; NULL's are returned as empty strings, unless =
this is set to 1. In that case,
						; NULL's are returned as string 'NULL'.

session.save_handler      =3D files   ; handler used to store/retrieve =
session.save_path         =3D c:\temp    ; argument passed to =
                                    ; in the case of files, this is the
                                    ; path where data files are stored
session.use_cookies       =3D 1       ; whether to use cookies              =3D PHPSESSID =20
                                    ; name of the session
                                    ; is used as cookie name
session.auto_start        =3D 0       ; initialize session on request =
session.cookie_lifetime   =3D 0       ; lifetime in seconds of cookie
                                    ; or if 0, until browser is =
session.cookie_path       =3D /       ; the path the cookie is valid for
session.cookie_domain     =3D         ; the domain the cookie is valid =
session.serialize_handler =3D php     ; handler used to serialize data
                                    ; php is the standard serializer of =
session.gc_probability    =3D 1       ; percentual probability that the=20
                                    ; 'garbage collection' process is =
                                    ; on every session initialization
session.gc_maxlifetime    =3D 1440    ; after this number of seconds, =
                                    ; data will be seen as 'garbage' and
                                    ; cleaned up by the gc process
session.referer_check     =3D         ; check HTTP Referer to invalidate =

                                    ; externally stored URLs containing =
session.entropy_length    =3D 0       ; how many bytes to read from the =
session.entropy_file      =3D         ; specified here to create the =
session id
; session.entropy_length    =3D 16
; session.entropy_file      =3D /dev/urandom
session.cache_limiter     =3D nocache ; set to {nocache,private,public} =
                                    ; determine HTTP caching aspects
session.cache_expire      =3D 180     ; document expires after n minutes

mssql.allow_persistent		=3D	On	; allow or prevent persistent link
mssql.max_persistent		=3D	-1	; maximum number of persistent links. -1 =
means no limit
mssql.max_links				=3D	-1	; maximum number of links (persistent+non =
persistent).  -1 means no limit
mssql.min_error_severity	=3D	10	; minimum error severity to display
mssql.min_message_severity	=3D	10	; minimum message severity to display
mssql.compatability_mode	=3D Off	; compatability mode with old versions =
of PHP 3.0.

;				=3D	On	; assert(expr); active by default
;assert.warning				=3D	On	; issue a PHP warning for each failed =
;assert.bail				=3D	Off	; don't bail out by default.
;assert.callback			=3D	0	; user-function to be called if an assertion =
;assert.quiet_eval			=3D	0	; eval the expression with current =
error_reporting(). set to true if you want error_reporting(0) around the =

; Local Variables:
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  <TR bgColor=3D#9999cc vAlign=3Dcenter>
    <TD align=3Dleft><A href=3D""><IMG align=3Dright =
      <H1>PHP Version 4.0RC2</H1></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=3D#000000 border=3D0 cellPadding=3D3 cellSpacing=3D1 =
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>System</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Windows NT 5.0 build 2195</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>Build Date</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>May 10 2000</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>Server API</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>ISAPI</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>Virtual Directory Support</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>disabled</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>Configuration File (php.ini) Path</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>php.ini</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>ZEND_DEBUG</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>disabled</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>Thread Safety</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>enabled</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=3D#000000 border=3D0 cellPadding=3D3 cellSpacing=3D1 =
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dtop>
    <TD align=3Dleft><A href=3D""><IMG align=3Dright =
      src=3D"C:\Documents and =
      This program makes use of the Zend scripting language =
engine:<PRE>Zend Engine v0.99, Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Zend Technologies =
<HR noShade SIZE=3D1 width=3D600>
<A =
<H1>PHP 4.0 Credits</H1></A>
<HR noShade SIZE=3D1 width=3D600>

<H2>PHP Core </H2>
<TABLE bgColor=3D#000000 border=3D0 cellPadding=3D3 cellSpacing=3D1 =
  <TR bgColor=3D#9999cc vAlign=3Dbottom>
    <TH>Local Value</TH>
    <TH>Master Value</TH></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>define_syslog_variables</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Off</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Off</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B></B><BR></TD>
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    <TD align=3Dmiddle><FONT color=3D#ffffff>#FFFFFF</FONT></TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>highlight.comment</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><FONT color=3D#ff8000>#FF8000</FONT></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><FONT color=3D#ff8000>#FF8000</FONT></TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>highlight.default</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><FONT color=3D#0000bb>#0000BB</FONT></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><FONT color=3D#0000bb>#0000BB</FONT></TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>highlight.html</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><FONT color=3D#000000>#000000</FONT></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><FONT color=3D#000000>#000000</FONT></TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>highlight.keyword</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><FONT color=3D#007700>#007700</FONT></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><FONT color=3D#007700>#007700</FONT></TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>highlight.string</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><FONT color=3D#dd0000>#DD0000</FONT></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><FONT color=3D#dd0000>#DD0000</FONT></TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>allow_call_time_pass_reference</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>On</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>On</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>asp_tags</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Off</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Off</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>display_errors</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>On</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>On</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>enable_dl</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>On</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>On</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>error_append_string</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Off</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Off</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>error_prepend_string</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Off</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Off</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>expose_php</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>On</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>On</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>ignore_user_abort</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>On</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>On</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>implicit_flush</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Off</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Off</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>log_errors</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Off</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Off</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>magic_quotes_gpc</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>On</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>On</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>magic_quotes_runtime</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Off</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Off</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>magic_quotes_sybase</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Off</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Off</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>output_buffering</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Off</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Off</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>register_argc_argv</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>On</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>On</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>register_globals</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>On</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>On</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>safe_mode</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Off</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Off</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>short_open_tag</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>On</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>On</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>sql.safe_mode</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Off</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Off</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>track_errors</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Off</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Off</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>track_vars</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>On</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>On</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>y2k_compliance</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Off</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Off</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>arg_separator</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>&amp;</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>&amp;</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>auto_append_file</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>auto_prepend_file</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>doc_root</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>default_charset</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>default_mimetype</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>text/html</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>text/html</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>error_log</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>extension_dir</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>gpc_order</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>GPC</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>GPC</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>include_path</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>max_execution_time</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>30</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>30</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>open_basedir</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>safe_mode_exec_dir</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>1</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>1</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>upload_max_filesize</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>2097152</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>2097152</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>upload_tmp_dir</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>user_dir</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>variables_order</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>SMTP</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>localhost</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>localhost</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>browscap</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>error_reporting</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>precision</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>14</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>14</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>sendmail_from</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>sendmail_path</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR>
<CENTER><A name=3Dmodule_standard>
<TABLE bgColor=3D#000000 border=3D0 cellPadding=3D3 cellSpacing=3D1 =
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>Regex Library</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Bundled library enabled</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>Dynamic Library Support</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>enabled</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>Internal Sendmail Support for Windows =
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>enabled</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=3D#000000 border=3D0 cellPadding=3D3 cellSpacing=3D1 =
  <TR bgColor=3D#9999cc vAlign=3Dbottom>
    <TH>Local Value</TH>
    <TH>Master Value</TH></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>safe_mode_protected_env_vars</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>LD_LIBRARY_PATH</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>LD_LIBRARY_PATH</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>safe_mode_allowed_env_vars</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>PHP_</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>PHP_</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B></B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>1</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>1</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>assert.bail</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>0</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>0</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>assert.warning</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>1</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>1</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>assert.callback</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>assert.quiet_eval</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>0</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>0</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR>
<CENTER><A name=3Dmodule_com>
<TABLE bgColor=3D#000000 border=3D0 cellPadding=3D3 cellSpacing=3D1 =
  <TR bgColor=3D#9999cc vAlign=3Dbottom>
    <TH>Local Value</TH>
    <TH>Master Value</TH></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>allow_dcom</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Off</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Off</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>typelib_file</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR>
<CENTER><A name=3Dmodule_pcre>
<TABLE bgColor=3D#000000 border=3D0 cellPadding=3D3 cellSpacing=3D1 =
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions)=20
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>enabled</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>PCRE Library Version</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>3.1 09-Feb-2000</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR>
<CENTER><A name=3Dmodule_odbc>
<TABLE bgColor=3D#000000 border=3D0 cellPadding=3D3 cellSpacing=3D1 =
  <TR bgColor=3D#9999cc vAlign=3Dbottom>
    <TH>ODBC Support</TH>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>Active Persistent Links</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>0</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>Active Links</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>0</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>ODBC library</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Win32</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=3D#000000 border=3D0 cellPadding=3D3 cellSpacing=3D1 =
  <TR bgColor=3D#9999cc vAlign=3Dbottom>
    <TH>Local Value</TH>
    <TH>Master Value</TH></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>odbc.allow_persistent</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>On</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>On</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>odbc.max_persistent</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Unlimited</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Unlimited</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>odbc.max_links</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Unlimited</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Unlimited</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>odbc.default_db</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>odbc.default_user</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>odbc.default_pw</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle></TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>odbc.defaultlrl</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>return up to 4096 bytes</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>return up to 4096 bytes</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>odbc.defaultbinmode</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>return as is</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>return as is</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>odbc.check_persistent</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>On</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>On</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR>
<CENTER><A name=3Dmodule_session>
<TABLE bgColor=3D#000000 border=3D0 cellPadding=3D3 cellSpacing=3D1 =
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>Session Support</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>enabled</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=3D#000000 border=3D0 cellPadding=3D3 cellSpacing=3D1 =
  <TR bgColor=3D#9999cc vAlign=3Dbottom>
    <TH>Local Value</TH>
    <TH>Master Value</TH></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>session.save_path</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>/tmp</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>/tmp</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B></B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>PHPSESSID</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>PHPSESSID</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>session.save_handler</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>files</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>files</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>session.auto_start</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>0</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>0</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>session.gc_probability</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>1</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>1</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>session.gc_maxlifetime</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>1440</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>1440</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>session.serialize_handler</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>php</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>php</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>session.cookie_lifetime</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>0</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>0</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>session.cookie_path</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>/</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>/</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>session.cookie_domain</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>session.use_cookies</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>1</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>1</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>session.referer_check</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>session.entropy_file</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>session.entropy_length</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>0</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>0</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>session.cache_limiter</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>nocache</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>nocache</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>session.cache_expire</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>180</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>180</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR>
<CENTER><A name=3Dmodule_xml>
<TABLE bgColor=3D#000000 border=3D0 cellPadding=3D3 cellSpacing=3D1 =
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>XML Support</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>active</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR>
<CENTER><A name=3Dmodule_mysql>
<TABLE bgColor=3D#000000 border=3D0 cellPadding=3D3 cellSpacing=3D1 =
  <TR bgColor=3D#9999cc vAlign=3Dbottom>
    <TH>MySQL Support</TH>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>Active Persistent Links</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>0</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>Active Links</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>0</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>Client API version</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>3.23.10-alpha</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=3D#000000 border=3D0 cellPadding=3D3 cellSpacing=3D1 =
  <TR bgColor=3D#9999cc vAlign=3Dbottom>
    <TH>Local Value</TH>
    <TH>Master Value</TH></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>mysql.allow_persistent</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>On</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>On</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>mysql.max_persistent</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Unlimited</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Unlimited</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>mysql.max_links</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Unlimited</TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Unlimited</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>mysql.default_host</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>mysql.default_user</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>mysql.default_password</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>mysql.default_port</B><BR></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle><I>no value</I></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR>
<CENTER><A name=3Dmodule_ISAPI>
<TABLE bgColor=3D#000000 border=3D0 cellPadding=3D3 cellSpacing=3D1 =
  <TR bgColor=3D#9999cc vAlign=3Dbottom>
    <TH>Server Variable</TH>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>ALL_HTTP</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>HTTP_ACCEPT:image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, =
      image/pjpeg, application/, =
      application/msword, application/x-comet, */* =
      HTTP_CONNECTION:Keep-Alive HTTP_HOST:markus =
      (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0) HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING:gzip, =
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>APPL_MD_PATH</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>CONTENT_LENGTH</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>0</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>HTTPS</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>off</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>INSTANCE_ID</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>1</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>INSTANCE_META_PATH</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>/LM/W3SVC/1</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>PATH_INFO</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>/test.php</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>PATH_TRANSLATED</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\test.php</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>REMOTE_ADDR</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle></TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>REMOTE_HOST</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle></TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>REQUEST_METHOD</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>GET</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>SCRIPT_NAME</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>/test.php</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>SERVER_NAME</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>markus</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>SERVER_PORT</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>80</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>SERVER_PORT_SECURE</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>0</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>SERVER_PROTOCOL</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>HTTP/1.1</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>SERVER_SOFTWARE</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Microsoft-IIS/5.0</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>URL</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>/test.php</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR>
<H2>Additional Modules</H2>
<TABLE bgColor=3D#000000 border=3D0 cellPadding=3D3 cellSpacing=3D1 =
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
<TABLE bgColor=3D#000000 border=3D0 cellPadding=3D3 cellSpacing=3D1 =
  <TR bgColor=3D#9999cc vAlign=3Dbottom>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>ALLUSERSPROFILE</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>C:\Documents and Settings\All Users</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>CommonProgramFiles</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>C:\Program Files\Common Files</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>COMPUTERNAME</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>MARKUS</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>ComSpec</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>C:\WINNT\system32\cmd.exe</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>1</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>OS</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>Windows_NT</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>Os2LibPath</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>C:\WINNT\system32\os2\dll;</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>Path</B></TD>
      Files\Support Tools\</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>PATHEXT</B></TD>
    <TD =

  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>x86</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>x86 Family 5 Model 8 Stepping 12, =
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>PROCESSOR_LEVEL</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>5</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>PROCESSOR_REVISION</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>080c</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>ProgramFiles</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>C:\Program Files</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>SystemDrive</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>C:</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>SystemRoot</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>C:\WINNT</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>TEMP</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>C:\WINNT\TEMP</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>TMP</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>C:\WINNT\TEMP</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>USERPROFILE</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>C:\Documents and =
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>windir</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>C:\WINNT</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR>
<H2>PHP Variables</H2>
<TABLE bgColor=3D#000000 border=3D0 cellPadding=3D3 cellSpacing=3D1 =
  <TR bgColor=3D#9999cc vAlign=3Dbottom>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>PHP_SELF</B></TD>
    <TD align=3Dmiddle>/test.php</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>HTTP_SERVER_VARS["ALL_HTTP"]</B></TD>
    <TD>HTTP_ACCEPT:image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, =

      application/, application/,=20
      application/msword, application/x-comet, */* =
      HTTP_CONNECTION:Keep-Alive HTTP_HOST:markus =
      (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0) HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING:gzip, =
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>HTTP_SERVER_VARS["APPL_MD_PATH"]</B></TD>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD =
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>HTTP_SERVER_VARS["CONTENT_LENGTH"]</B></TD>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>HTTP_SERVER_VARS["HTTPS"]</B></TD>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>HTTP_SERVER_VARS["INSTANCE_ID"]</B></TD>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD =
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>HTTP_SERVER_VARS["PATH_INFO"]</B></TD>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD =
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>HTTP_SERVER_VARS["REMOTE_ADDR"]</B></TD>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>HTTP_SERVER_VARS["REMOTE_HOST"]</B></TD>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>HTTP_SERVER_VARS["REQUEST_METHOD"]</B></TD>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>HTTP_SERVER_VARS["SCRIPT_NAME"]</B></TD>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>HTTP_SERVER_VARS["SERVER_NAME"]</B></TD>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>HTTP_SERVER_VARS["SERVER_PORT"]</B></TD>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD =
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD =
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD =
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>HTTP_SERVER_VARS["URL"]</B></TD>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>HTTP_SERVER_VARS["PHP_SELF"]</B></TD>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>HTTP_SERVER_VARS["HTTP_ACCEPT"]</B></TD>
    <TD>image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg,=20
      application/, application/,=20
      application/msword, application/x-comet, */*</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD =
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD =
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>HTTP_SERVER_VARS["HTTP_HOST"]</B></TD>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD =
    <TD>Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD =
    <TD>gzip, deflate</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>HTTP_SERVER_VARS["argv"]</B></TD>
    [0] =3D&gt;=20
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>HTTP_SERVER_VARS["argc"]</B></TD>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>HTTP_ENV_VARS["ALLUSERSPROFILE"]</B></TD>
    <TD>C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD =
    <TD>C:\\Program Files\\Common Files</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>HTTP_ENV_VARS["COMPUTERNAME"]</B></TD>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>HTTP_ENV_VARS["ComSpec"]</B></TD>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD =
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>HTTP_ENV_VARS["OS"]</B></TD>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>HTTP_ENV_VARS["Os2LibPath"]</B></TD>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>HTTP_ENV_VARS["Path"]</B></TD>
      Files\\Support Tools\\</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>HTTP_ENV_VARS["PATHEXT"]</B></TD>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD =
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD =
    <TD>x86 Family 5 Model 8 Stepping 12, AuthenticAMD</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>HTTP_ENV_VARS["PROCESSOR_LEVEL"]</B></TD>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD =
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>HTTP_ENV_VARS["ProgramFiles"]</B></TD>
    <TD>C:\\Program Files</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>HTTP_ENV_VARS["SystemDrive"]</B></TD>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>HTTP_ENV_VARS["SystemRoot"]</B></TD>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>HTTP_ENV_VARS["TEMP"]</B></TD>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>HTTP_ENV_VARS["TMP"]</B></TD>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>HTTP_ENV_VARS["USERPROFILE"]</B></TD>
    <TD>C:\\Documents and Settings\\NetShowServices</TD></TR>
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dbaseline>
    <TD bgColor=3D#ccccff><B>HTTP_ENV_VARS["windir"]</B></TD>
<H2>PHP License</H2>
<TABLE bgColor=3D#000000 border=3D0 cellPadding=3D3 cellSpacing=3D1 =
  <TR bgColor=3D#cccccc vAlign=3Dtop>
    <TD align=3Dleft>
      <P>This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or =
modify it=20
      under the terms of the PHP License as published by the PHP Group =
      included in the distribution in the file: LICENSE </P>
      <P>This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, =
      WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of =
      <P>If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license, or have any =
      about PHP licensing, please contact license_(at)


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