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This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0042_01BFD154.6038B390 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Hallo Andreas > Hallo Liste, > > kennt jemand ein Script oder Codesnipsel, mit welchem ich die > Verfügbarkeit von DE als auch von COM/NET/ORG Domains testen kann? Beiliegend den Code (hab ich von webdev) Mit dem String $name kannst Du die Abfrage starten. > Danke > Andreas mfg Andi ------=_NextPart_000_0042_01BFD154.6038B390 Content-Type: php3/octet-stream; name="internic.php3" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="internic.php3" <?PHP // Whois hosts locate particular domains. An entry is needed for=20 // If you don't have matched pairs below a script generated error = notifies you of the fact. $domain[] =3D ".com"; $host[] =3D "whois.internic.net"; $domain[] =3D ".org"; $host[] =3D "whois.internic.net"; $domain[] =3D ".net"; $host[] =3D "whois.internic.net"; $domain[] =3D ".ch"; $host[] =3D "whois.internic.ch"; $domain[] =3D ".de"; $host[] =3D "whois.internic.de"; // End of whois host/domain list Function checkRegistered($res) { $rval=3Dtrue; if(gettype($res)=3D=3D"array") { for($i=3D0;$i<count($res[0]);$i++) { if(empty($res[0][$i])) $res[0][$i] =3D ""; if(strstr($res[0][$i],"No match for")!=3Dfalse) { $rval=3Dfalse; } } } return $rval; } Function whois($domainName, $server) { $whoisQuery =3D "whois -h $server $domainName"; // $whoisQuery =3D "dir"; exec($whoisQuery, $whoisResult[], $whoisReturnValue); // echo $whoisQuery; // echo "<br>\n"; $reg =3D checkRegistered($whoisResult); echo " <TR>\n"; echo " <TD WIDTH=3D\"33%\" VALIGN=3DTOP>\n"; echo " <FONT FACE=3D\"Arial,Helvetica,Monaco\" SIZE=3D\"2\">\n"; echo " "; echo $domainName; echo "\n"; echo " </FONT></TD>\n"; echo " <TD WIDTH=3D\"33%\" VALIGN=3DTOP>\n"; echo " <FONT FACE=3D\"Arial,Helvetica,Monaco\" SIZE=3D\"2\">\n"; if($reg) { echo " "; echo "Already registered"; echo "\n"; } else { echo " <FONT COLOR=3D\"RED\">\n"; echo " "; echo "Available"; echo "\n"; echo " </FONT>\n"; } echo " </TD>\n"; echo " </TR>\n"; } Function head() { echo "<HTML>\n"; echo " <HEAD>\n"; echo " <TITLE>Is That Taken?</TITLE>\n"; echo " </HEAD>\n"; echo " <BODY BGCOLOR=3D\"WHITE\">\n"; echo " <H2 ALIGN=3DCENTER>\n"; echo " <FONT FACE=3D\"Arial,Helvetica,Monaco\"><FONT = SIZE=3D\"6\"><FONT COLOR=3D\"RED\">\n"; echo " Is It Taken?</FONT></FONT></FONT></H2>\n"; echo " \n"; echo " <H4 ALIGN=3DCENTER>\n"; } Function wait_msg() { echo " <FONT FACE=3D\"Arial,Helvetica,Monaco\" SIZE=3D\"2\">\n"; echo " Please be patient, this can take a few moments...\n"; echo " </FONT></H4>\n"; flush(); } Function table_head() { echo " <CENTER>\n"; echo " <P ALIGN=3DCENTER>\n"; echo " <TABLE WIDTH=3D\"80%\" CELLPADDING=3D\"2\" = CELLSPACING=3D\"0\" BORDER=3D\"1\">\n"; echo " <TR>\n"; echo " <TD WIDTH=3D\"33%\" VALIGN=3DTOP>\n"; echo " <FONT FACE=3D\"Arial,Helvetica,Monaco\"><FONT = SIZE=3D\"3\"><B>Domain</B></FONT></FONT></TD>\n"; echo " <TD WIDTH=3D\"33%\" VALIGN=3DTOP>\n"; echo " <FONT FACE=3D\"Arial,Helvetica,Monaco\"><FONT = SIZE=3D\"3\"><B>Status</B></FONT></FONT></TD>\n"; echo " </TR>\n"; } Function table_foot() { echo " </TABLE>\n"; echo " </CENTER>\n"; } Function foot() { echo " <P ALIGN=3DCENTER>\n"; echo " <A HREF=3D\"whois.html\"><IMG SRC=3D\"larrow.gif\" = WIDTH=3D\"128\" HEIGHT=3D\"20\" VSPACE=3D\"0\" HSPACE=3D\"0\" = ALT=3D\"See if something else is taken.\" BORDER=3D\"0\" = LOOP=3D\"0\"></A>\n"; echo " </BODY>\n"; echo "</HTML>\n"; } if(empty($name)) $name =3D ""; $name =3D strtolower($name); $base =3D ""; $dom =3D ""; if($name<>"") { if(strcmp("www.",substr($name,0,4))=3D=3D0) $name =3D substr($name,4,strlen($name)-4); $base =3D strtok($name,"."); if($base) { $tok =3D strtok("."); while($tok) { $dom .=3D "." . $tok; $tok =3D strtok("."); } } } head(); if(count($domain)=3D=3Dcount($host)) { if($base<>"") { wait_msg(); table_head(); if($dom=3D=3D"") { // Query all domains for($i=3D0;$i<count($domain);$i++) { whois($base.$domain[$i],$host[$i]); } } else { // Query specific domain for($i=3D0;$i<count($domain);$i++) { if($domain[$i]=3D=3D$dom) whois($base.$domain[$i],$host[$i]); } } table_foot(); } else { echo "<P ALIGN=3DCENTER><FONT FACE=3D\"Arial,Helvetica,Monaco\" = SIZE=3D\"4\">\n"; echo "You need to enter a domain or basename<br>\n"; echo "</FONT></P>\n"; } } else { echo "<P ALIGN=3DCENTER><FONT FACE=3D\"Arial,Helvetica,Monaco\" = SIZE=3D\"4\">\n"; echo "Error in script: Hosts count doesn't match domain count<br>\n"; echo "</FONT></P>\n"; } foot(); ?> ------=_NextPart_000_0042_01BFD154.6038B390--
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