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Hallo, ich habe ein Problem beim upload von Oracle LOB feldern mit dem oci8 interface. das insert erfolgt ja nun so, was auch klappt: $req=sprintf("INSERT INTO %s (insert_date_%s,insert_by_%s,kind_of_%s,duration_%s,title_%s,place_%s,contentarea_%s,branch_%s,data_%s) VALUES ". "(:currenttime,:userid,:kind,:duration,:title,:place,:contentarea,:branch,EMPTY_CLOB()) returning data_%s into :data", $this->type,$this->type,$this->type,$this->type,$this->type,$this->type,$this->type,$this->type,$this->type,$this->type, $this->type); $this->parse($req); $lob = ocinewdescriptor($this->conn,OCI_D_LOB); _(at)_OCIBindByName($this->stmt,":data",$lob,-1,SQLT_CLOB); $this->execute($this->stmt,OCI_DEFAULT); $lob->save(serialize($data)); $this->commit(); das problem ist nun ein update eines solchen CLOB feldes ich fand ein beispielcode von thies: // SELECT and update the lob.... $stmt = ociparse($conn,"select * from test"); ociexecute($stmt,OCI_DEFAULT); while (ocifetchinto($stmt,&$arr,OCI_ASSOC)) { var_dump($arr); $lob = $arr[ "CLOB" ]->load(); $arr[ "CLOB" ]->load($lob . "saved again"); } ocifreestatement($stmt); aber so wie mir es scheint, wird doch dort auber nciht abgespeichert ??? oder ueberseh ich da was ? ich habs dann so probiert: $req=sprintf("SELECT data_%s FROM %s WHERE id_%s='%s' FOR UPDATE", $this->type,$this->type,$this->type,$jobid); $this->parse($req); $this->execute($this->stmt,OCI_DEFAULT); $req=sprintf("UPDATE %s SET data_%s=:data WHERE id_%s='%s'", $this->type,$this->type,$this->type,$jobid); $this->parse($req); $lob = ocinewdescriptor($this->conn,OCI_D_LOB); _(at)_OCIBindByName($this->stmt,":data", &$lob,-1,SQLT_CLOB); $this->execute($this->stmt,OCI_DEFAULT); $lob->save(serialize($data)); if(!$this->commit()){ return FALSE; } was leider hierzufuehrt: 22275, 00000, "invalid LOB locator specified" // *Cause: There are several causes: (1) the LOB locator was never // initialized; (2) the locator is for a BFILE and the routine // expects a BLOB/CLOB/NCLOB locator; (3) the locator is for a // BLOB/CLOB/NCLOB and the routine expects a BFILE locator; // (4) trying to update the LOB in a trigger body -- LOBs in // trigger bodies are read only. // *Action: For (1), initialize the LOB locator by selecting into the locator // variable or by setting the LOB locator to empty. For (2) and (3), // pass the correct type of locator into the routine. For (4), hat da jemand eine idee ? die beispielcodes sammel ich im ueberigen und bastel sie mit in der schonmal angesprochene oracle faq. gruss thomas -- --------------------------------------------------------- Mail: tfromm_(at)_cs.uni-potsdam.de Web: http://codewizards.org/thomas.fromm Job: http://www.inubit.com PHP-Stand auf Europas größter Linux-Messe: 'Linux-Tag' ! weitere Infos _(at)_ http://www.dynamic-webpages.de/
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