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Hallo Liste, ich verwende mysql-5.1.26-rc-win32 und habe mit untenstehendem Select ein Problem, wenn sich mehr als 2 bis 3 Datensätze in der Tabelle befinden. Das Select wird richtig ausgeführt, wenn sich nur zwei Datensätze in der HauptTabelle befinden. Bei drei Datensätzen wird das Selcect extrem langsam ausgeführt, bei mehr Datensätzen rast mysql in eine Enlosschleife und kommt nicht mehr zurück. Wer hätte da mal einen Tip. Danke Reinhold select t1.property_qwidget_key, t1.context_menu_policy_q_enum_key, t1.focus_policy_q_enum_key, t1.layout_direction_q_enum_key, t1.window_type_q_enum_key, t1.window_modality_q_enum_key, t1.status_tip_strings_key, t1.tool_tip_strings_key, t1.whats_this_strings_key, t1.window_file_path_strings_key, t1.window_icon_text_strings_key, t1.window_title_strings_key, t1.sizepolicy_q_sizepolicy_key, t1.locale_q_locale_key, t1.cursor_q_cursor_key, t1.font_q_font_key, t1.property_sql_field_key, t1.geometry_q_rect_key, t1.minimum_q_size_key, t1.maximum_q_size_key, t1.size_increment_q_size_key, t1.base_size_q_size_key, t1.palette_q_palette_key, t1.dialog_name, t1.col, t1.e_widget_type, t1.accept_drops, t1.accessible_description, t1.accessible_name, t1.auto_fill_background, t1.enabled, t1.mouse_tracking, t1.visible, t1.window_icon, t1.window_opacity, t1.style_sheet, t3.string, t4.string, t5.string, t7.string, t8.string, t9.string, t11.string, t12.string, t13.string, t15.string, t16.string, t17.string, t19.string, t20.string, t21.string, t22.string, t23.string, t24.string, t25.string, t26.string, t27.string, t28.policy_name, t29.locale_name, t30.cursor_name, t31.font_name, t33.string, t35.qt_type_key, t35.qt_type_name, t34.sql_create, t34.default_value_sql, t32.unique_index, t32.sql_field_name, t36.rect_name, t36.x, t36.y, t36.width, t36.height, t37.size_name, t37.width, t37.height, t38.size_name, t38.width, t38.height, t39.size_name, t39.width, t39.height, t40.size_name, t40.width, t40.height, t41.palette_name from property_qwidget as t1, q_enum as t2, stringslang as t3, stringslang as t4, stringslang as t5, q_enum as t6, stringslang as t7, stringslang as t8, stringslang as t9, q_enum as t10, stringslang as t11, stringslang as t12, stringslang as t13, q_enum as t14, stringslang as t15, stringslang as t16, stringslang as t17, q_enum as t18, stringslang as t19, stringslang as t20, stringslang as t21, stringslang as t22, stringslang as t23, stringslang as t24, stringslang as t25, stringslang as t26, stringslang as t27, q_sizepolicy as t28, q_locale as t29, q_cursor as t30, q_font as t31, sql_field as t32, stringslang as t33, qt_sql_type as t34, qt_type as t35, q_rect as t36, q_size as t37, q_size as t38, q_size as t39, q_size as t40, q_palette as t41 where t1.property_qwidget_key = 2 and t1.context_menu_policy_q_enum_key = t2.q_enum_key and t2.qt_name_strings_key = t3.stringslang_key and t2.enum_type_strings_key = t4.stringslang_key and t2.enum_name_strings_key = t5.stringslang_key and t1.focus_policy_q_enum_key = t6.q_enum_key and t6.qt_name_strings_key = t7.stringslang_key and t6.enum_type_strings_key = t8.stringslang_key and t6.enum_name_strings_key = t9.stringslang_key and t1.layout_direction_q_enum_key = t10.q_enum_key and t10.qt_name_strings_key = t11.stringslang_key and t10.enum_type_strings_key = t12.stringslang_key and t10.enum_name_strings_key = t13.stringslang_key and t1.window_type_q_enum_key = t14.q_enum_key and t14.qt_name_strings_key = t15.stringslang_key and t14.enum_type_strings_key = t16.stringslang_key and t14.enum_name_strings_key = t17.stringslang_key and t1.window_modality_q_enum_key = t18.q_enum_key and t18.qt_name_strings_key = t19.stringslang_key and t18.enum_type_strings_key = t20.stringslang_key and t18.enum_name_strings_key = t21.stringslang_key and t1.status_tip_strings_key = t22.stringslang_key and t1.tool_tip_strings_key = t23.stringslang_key and t1.whats_this_strings_key = t24.stringslang_key and t1.window_file_path_strings_key = t25.stringslang_key and t1.window_icon_text_strings_key = t26.stringslang_key and t1.window_title_strings_key = t27.stringslang_key and t1.sizepolicy_q_sizepolicy_key = t28.q_sizepolicy_key and t1.locale_q_locale_key = t29.q_locale_key and t1.cursor_q_cursor_key = t30.q_cursor_key and t1.font_q_font_key = t31.q_font_key and t1.property_sql_field_key = t32.sql_field_key and t32.type_strings_key = t33.stringslang_key and t32.qt_sql_type_key = t34.qt_sql_type_key and t34.qt_type_key = t35.qt_type_key and t1.geometry_q_rect_key = t36.q_rect_key and t1.minimum_q_size_key = t37.q_size_key and t1.maximum_q_size_key = t38.q_size_key and t1.size_increment_q_size_key = t39.q_size_key and t1.base_size_q_size_key = t40.q_size_key and t1.palette_q_palette_key = t41.q_palette_key order by t1.property_qwidget_key asc ________________________________________________________________ Neu: WEB.DE Doppel-FLAT mit Internet-Flatrate + Telefon-Flatrate für nur 19,99 Euro/mtl.!* _______________________________________________ Allgemeine Infos zur Liste: Verwaltung:
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