

From Access2k to mySQL
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From Access2k to mySQL

Hi there,

we just migrated from ACCESS2000 to mySQL but all SQL statements do not work
any further. How can I parse this a2k SQL to mySQL?

SELECT items.*, quantity.quantitydescshort, vat.vatpercent,
currency.currencydescshort FROM [currency] JOIN (vat JOIN (quantity JOIN
items ON quantity.quantityunitid = items.quantityunitid) ON vat.vatid =
items.vatid) ON currency.currencyid
 = items.currencyid WHERE items.itemid IN ('2')

Access delivers a ResultSet with all this fields. my SQL only says st about
syntax error near blablabla. I tried many other variations but I could not
find a solution.

Thanks for help


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