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> wie definiert man eine Abfrage mit > Tabellen aus zwei Datenbanken ? > Geht das überhaupt ? Klar. Beispiel: Tbl1,DB1: Felder a,b Tbl2 ,DB2Felder c,d mysql> SELECT t1.a,t1.b,t2.c,t2.d from tbl1 as t1 left join tbl2 as t2 on t1.a=t2.c ; Zitat aus dem HTML-Handbuch: The FROM table_references clause indicates the tables from which to retrieve rows. If you name more than one table, you are performing a join. For information on join syntax, see section 7.16 JOIN syntax. You can refer to a column as col_name, tbl_name.col_name or db_name.tbl_name.col_name. You need not specify a tbl_name or db_name.tbl_name prefix for a column reference in a SELECT statement unless the reference would be ambiguous. See section 7.1.5 Database, table, index, column and alias names, for examples of ambiguity that require the more explicit column reference forms. A table reference may be aliased using tbl_name [AS] alias_name. Ende Zitat: Hope this helps -- Alex Bamesreiter staatlich gepr. Augenoptikermeister Pro-Laser WECO Helpdesk Jägerstrasse 58 D-40231 Duesseldorf Fon: +49(211)2104-214 --- !!NEU!! Fragen und Antworten zu MySQL und dieser Liste unter -->> http://www.4t2.com/mysql
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