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ok, ich hab es weiteruntersucht. <?php $head = Array(); echo "."; flush(); $lines = Array(); echo "."; flush(); import("dump_E_ADRESSE.txt", $head, $lines); echo "."; flush(); // foreach($lines AS $val) echo implode(" - ", $val); function import($in_dumpfilename, $head, $lines) /* fills $out_head (array) with rownames of csv-dump. */ /* fills $out_lines (md array) with tupels from csv-dump */ { $out_head = Array(); echo "."; flush(); $out_lines = Array(); echo "."; flush(); $fp = fopen($in_dumpfilename,"r"); // open the file readonly echo "."; flush(); $out_head = fgetcsv($fp, 4096, ","); // get values of fistr line in seperate array echo "."; flush(); while(!feof($fp)) // until EndOfFile is reached, do... $out_lines[] = fgetcsv($fp, 4096, ","); // read evry line into an multidimansional array echo "."; flush(); fclose($fp); // close filedescriptor echo "."; flush(); } ?> wirft 6 punkte also liegt der fehler hier: while(!feof($fp)) // until EndOfFile is reached, do... $out_lines[] = fgetcsv($fp, 4096, ","); // read evry line into an multidimansional array ich nehme an, dass php es nicht mag, dass ich $out_lines mit arrays auffülle. kann das jemand verifizieren? gruss /Christian mailto:caefer at --- I propose that the following character sequence for joke markers: :-) 19-Sep-82 11:44 Scott E Fahlman
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