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Hallo, Can anyone suggest why this script doesn't send an email correctly? in Outlook, Netscape and altavista everything is OK (HTML and Logo) in GMX, Hotmail and yahoo, HTML-text is correct but Logo look like Attachement and Lycos show nothing! #!/usr/bin/perl -w use MIME::Lite; use strict; my $gid="my-Logo"; my $html='<A HREF=""><IMG SRC="cid:'.$gid.'" ALT="Logo"></A> <BR><H1>E-mail as HTML</H1>text bla bla bla<I> in HTML</I><BR> <HR>'; my $msg = MIME::Lite->new( From =>'at_(at)', To =>'adamtuszynski_(at)', Subject =>'test-19.03', Type =>'multipart/related', ); my $fancy = $msg->attach( Type =>'text/html', ReadNow => 1, Data =>$html); $fancy->attach( Type =>'image/jpeg', Path =>'/usr/local/testserver/Logo.jpg', Id =>$gid); if (open(MAILER,"|/usr/lib/sendmail -t -oi -oem")) { print MAILER $msg->as_string; close(MAILER); } Thank you! Adam Tuszynski at_(at)
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