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Hallo Liste hier nun mal die Fehlermeldungen. Habe jetzt die DB eingestellt, und die einzelnen Datein im Script auf *.php3 geändert. Könnt Ihr was damit anfangen??? Ich hoffe jemand kann mir helfen, sonst wird dies für mich ein laaanges Weekend. ;-) thx Andre Warning: Oops, php3_SetCookie called after header has been sent in /homepages/21/d18851298/htdocs/tlmc/public/public/root/99_admins/public/publ ic/root/phpSecurePages/session.php3 on line 258 Warning: Cannot add more header information - the header was already sent (header information may be added only before any output is generated from the script - check for text or whitespace outside PHP tags, or calls to functions that output text) in /homepages/21/d18851298/htdocs/tlmc/public/public/root/99_admins/public/publ ic/root/phpSecurePages/session.php3 on line 261 Warning: Cannot add more header information - the header was already sent (header information may be added only before any output is generated from the script - check for text or whitespace outside PHP tags, or calls to functions that output text) in /homepages/21/d18851298/htdocs/tlmc/public/public/root/99_admins/public/publ ic/root/phpSecurePages/session.php3 on line 262 Warning: Cannot add more header information - the header was already sent (header information may be added only before any output is generated from the script - check for text or whitespace outside PHP tags, or calls to functions that output text) in /homepages/21/d18851298/htdocs/tlmc/public/public/root/99_admins/public/publ ic/root/phpSecurePages/session.php3 on line 263 Warning: Cannot add more header information - the header was already sent (header information may be added only before any output is generated from the script - check for text or whitespace outside PHP tags, or calls to functions that output text) in /homepages/21/d18851298/htdocs/tlmc/public/public/root/99_admins/public/publ ic/root/phpSecurePages/session.php3 on line 264 Warning: Failed opening '/homepages/21/d18851298/htdocs/tlmc/public/public/root/99_admins/public/pub lic/root/phpSecurePages/interface.php' for inclusion in /homepages/21/d18851298/htdocs/tlmc/public/public/root/99_admins/public/publ ic/root/phpSecurePages/checklogin.php3 on line also ich habs gezogen, entpackt und es lief... wende keine error beschreibung machst kann dir wohl keiner helfen. -- ** http://www.php-center.de ** Die PHP-Liste: mailto: php_(at)_phpcenter.de http://lists.phpcenter.de/mailman/listinfo/php
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