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Hi Liste, ich hab folgendes ph�nomen, wenn ich meine Datenbank vor dem Filezugriff aufrufe funktioniert es noch, nacher nicht mehr. Ich weiss nicht warum und hab auch keine Erkl�rung daf�r. Weis jemand von euch vielleicht, warum ich danach keinen Datenbank-Zugriff mehr habe. Ist das ein Bug in php oder ein Fehler in der dir.php??? Danke schon im Voraus. Gruss Martin <?php include ("dir.php"); $TRUE=1; $FALSE=0; $oDir = new CDir(); $db_connection = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", ""); if ($db_connection == 1) { $db_connection = mysql_select_db("mmp"); } else { echo("FALSE"); } $result = mysql_query("SELECT * from mp3data"); $result_db[$x] = mysql_fetch_array($result); */ ab hier kein Datenbank Zugriff mehr $oDir->Read( "c:/eigenedateien/mp3/","()\$" , "true_", "true_", "false_", "c:/eigenedateien/mp3/", "(_vti_)|(vssver.scc)" ); */ �belt�ter */ $db_connection = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", ""); if ($db_connection == 1) { $db_connection = mysql_select_db("mmp"); } else { echo("FALSE"); } $result = mysql_query("SELECT * from mp3data"); $result_db[$x] = mysql_fetch_array($result); ?> <?php // // $Archive: /iPage/V1.1/include/dir.php $ // $Author: Hannesd $ // $Date: 28.11.00 14:12 $ // $Revision: 5 $ // // $History: dir.php $ // // ***************** Version 5 ***************** // User: Hannesd Date: 28.11.00 Time: 14:12 // Updated in $/iPage/V1.1/include // // Class for reading a directory structure. // aFiles contains multiple aFile entries // aFile: Path => relative path eg. ../xx/yy/ // File => filename eg. filename (without extension) // Extension => ext // IsDirectory => true/false // FullName => Path . File . "." . Extension // FileName => File . "." . Extension // Notes // Filenames with multiple Extensions: only the last extensions is saved as extensions // eg: aaa.bbb.ccc results in File=aaa.bbb and Extension=ccc // Filenames are stored in the same case as the are stored in the filesystem // sFilter is only applied to files. file://if ( !defined( "INCLUCDED_DIR" ) ) file://{ file://define( "INCLUCDED_DIR", TRUE ); Class CDir { var $aFiles; Function CDir() { $this->Init(); } Function Init() { unset( $this->aFiles ); $this->aFiles = array(); } // Read // sPath path eg. "../xx/yy/" (note the last "/") // sInclude regular expression for filtering path- and filenames // fRecursive true/false: go down the whole structure // fFiles result set will contain entries which are files // fDirectory result set will contain entries which are directories // sRoot Root-Path. Will be appended to the entries. // sExclude regular expression for filtering path- and filenames Function Read( $sPath, $sInclude = "", $fRecursive, $fFiles, $fDirectories, $sRoot = "", $sExclude = "" ) { $oHandle = opendir( $sPath ); while ( $sFilename = readdir( $oHandle ) ) { $fInsert = true_; if ( $sFilename == "." || $sFilename == ".." ) continue; $fIsDirectory = is_dir( $sPath . $sFilename ); if ( !$fFiles && !$fIsDirectory ) $fInsert = false_; if ( !$fDirectories && $fIsDirectory ) $fInsert = false_; if ( $fInsert && !$fIsDirectory && ( !empty( $sInclude ) || !empty( $sExclude ) ) ) { $sFullname = $sRoot; $sFullname .= $sFilename; if ( !empty( $sInclude ) ) if ( !ereg( $sInclude, $sFullname ) ) $fInsert = false_; if ( !empty( $sExclude ) ) if ( ereg( $sExclude, $sFullname ) ) $fInsert = false_; } if ( $fInsert ) { $i = strrpos( $sFilename, "." ) + 1; if ( substr( $sFilename, $i - 1, 1 ) == "." ) { $sFile = substr( $sFilename, 0, $i - 1 ); $sExtension = substr( $sFilename, $i ); } else { $sFile = $sFilename; $sExtension = ""; } $aFile = array ( "Path" => $sRoot, "File" => $sFile, "Extension" => $sExtension, "IsDirectory" => $fIsDirectory ); file://Insert current file into aFiles array $this->aFiles[] = $aFile; } file://Recursion? if ( $fRecursive && $fIsDirectory ) $this->Read( $sPath . $sFilename . "/", $sInclude, $fRecursive, $fFiles, $fDirectories, $sRoot . $sFilename . "/", $sExclude ); } closedir( $oHandle ); } Function Output() { reset( $this->aFiles ); while( list( $sKey, $aFile ) = each( $this->aFiles ) ) $this->OutputFile( $aFile ); } Function OutputFile( $aFile ) { printf( "Path: %s<br>\n", $this->GetPath( $aFile ) ); printf( "File: %s<br>\n", $this->GetFile( $aFile ) ); printf( "Extension: %s<br>\n", $this->GetExtension( $aFile ) ); printf( "IsDirectory: %s<br>\n", $this->GetIsDirectory( $aFile ) ? "true" : "false" ); printf( "IsFile: %s<br>\n", $this->GetIsFile( $aFile ) ? "true" : "false" ); printf( "FullName: %s<br>\n", $this->FullName( $aFile ) ); printf( "FileName: %s<br>\n", $this->FileName( $aFile ) ); printf( "DirectoryName: %s<br>\n", $this->DirectoryName( $aFile ) ); echo "<hr>\n"; } Function GetPath( $aFile ) { return( $aFile[ "Path" ] ); } Function GetFile( $aFile ) { return( $aFile[ "File" ] ); } Function GetExtension( $aFile ) { return( $aFile[ "Extension" ] ); } Function GetIsDirectory( $aFile ) { return( $aFile[ "IsDirectory" ] ); } Function GetIsFile( $aFile ) { return( !$this->GetIsDirectory( $aFile ) ); } Function FullName( $aFile ) { return( $this->GetPath( $aFile ) . $this->FileName( $aFile ) ); } Function FileName( $aFile ) { $sBuffer = $this->DirectoryName( $aFile ); if ( $this->GetIsDirectory( $aFile ) ) $sBuffer .= "/"; return( $sBuffer ); } // DirectoryName returns the same as FileName, but without a ending "/" for Directories. Function DirectoryName( $aFile ) { $sBuffer = $this->GetExtension( $aFile ); if ( !empty( $sBuffer ) ) $sBuffer = "." . $sBuffer; $sBuffer = $this->GetFile( $aFile ) . $sBuffer; return( $sBuffer ); } } file://} // if ( !INCLUCDED_DIR ) ?>
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