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Für das Amazonthema :-) -- Kraftl EDV - Dienstleistungen Tel: +43(0)676/3533220 Kundmanngasse 5/17 e-mail: Andreas.Kraftl_(at)_kraftl.at 1030 Wien Homepage: http://www.kraftl.at Return-Path: <root_(at)_mail.linux-solutions.at> Received: from mail.linux-solutions.at ([]) by viefep15-int.chello.at (InterMail vM. 201-253-122-118-106-20010523) with ESMTP id <20020718231229.DPBS1259.viefep15-int.chello.at_(at)_mail.linux-solutions.a t> for <Andreas.Kraftl_(at)_chello.at>; Fri, 19 Jul 2002 01:12:29 +0200 Received: (from root_(at)_localhost) by mail.linux-solutions.at (8.11.6/linuxconf) id g6INCTX23636 for andi_(at)_linux-solutions.at; Fri, 19 Jul 2002 01:12:29 +0200 Received: from linux.pt (linux.pt []) by mail.linux-solutions.at (8.11.6/linuxconf) with SMTP id g6INCRe23631 for <Andreas.Kraftl_(at)_linux-city.at>; Fri, 19 Jul 2002 01:12:28 +0200 Received: (qmail 14089 invoked by uid 1005); 18 Jul 2002 22:38:52 -0000 Message-ID: <20020718223851.14087.qmail_(at)_linux.pt> To: PHP Classes <void_(at)_phpclasses.org> Subject: [PHP Classes] Added a new class: Amazon API Access with PHP and XML Date: 18 Jul 2002 22:37:50 -0000 From: PHP Classes <subscriber-help_(at)_phpclasses.org> Precedence: bulk MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hello, If you do not want to receive more alert messages like this, see the instructions at the bottom of this message. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A new class was added to "PHP Classes" repository. Name: Amazon API Access with PHP and XML Author: Uioreanu Calin <uioreanu_(at)_hotmail.com> Description: Now everybody heard of Amazon.com. What not everybody knows that Amazon released an API to access its huge catalogs. What this basically means is that each developer can access the information from Amazon following some simple protocols and every site owner can enhance his own website with content and features from Amazon. The Amazon API comes as a simple Webservice. Here are the first Web services that they have exposed: - Product Display : The ability to search for and retrieve product information from the Amazon.com catalog. - Shopping Cart : The ability to add Amazon.com products to shopping carts, wish lists, and registries from third party locations. No matter of your intentions, you will first need to register and obtain a valid developer token. You can get your token here at this address: http://www.amazon.com/webservices The current listed implementation of Amazon webservices uses Keyword searches. It has basically the same results as searching the books catalog online. As any developer/webmaster can see in the "Amazon.com Web Services Developers Kit v 1.0" document, a lot of other Amazon features are exposed. This would imply extending the base structure I present here. There are multiple approaches from a developer's point of view. The simplest one deals with SOAP and web services classes already implemented in PHP. You could also extend the PEAR's XMLParser object to parse Amazon results. The reason I did not choose these directions is because they require additional extensions installed with PHP. What I currently use is the XML parsing package that comes embedded in PHP, so it is slightly more general. What basically happens in this implementation is that the search word entered by the used is embedded into a XML url that is then retrieved from Amazon.com. Then PHP builds a nice display for the information received. I should let the code talk for itself. Here is the main controller, with a small search form for Amazon: http://www.php9.com/php/source/amazon.phps As you see, the actual code is very small. Then here is the class used in the controller to parse the XML returned by Amazon. http://www.php9.com/php/source/amazon_class.phps Then the configuration file. I need to remember you that you need to change the DEVELOPER_TOKEN constant with the one you will obtain from Amazon. The current license key belongs to me. http://www.php9.com/php/source/amazon_config.phps And here is the layout template used to build the output from the XML document retrieved from Amazon. It is parsed every time a book record is retrieved, so the output rendering is the fastest possible. http://www.php9.com/php/source/amazon_layout.phps Here you have the full package zipped. http://www.php9.com/php/source/amazon.zip And of course a demo: http://www.php9.com/amazon.php Feel free to use it and improve. I am open to suggestions. URL: http://www.phpclasses.org/browse.html/package/642.html --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you do not want to receive any more alert messages like this one or want to receive a weekly or daily digest newsletter instead, go to the User Options page of the site "PHP Classes" located at http://www.phpclasses.org/user_options.html and change the respective e-mail notification options.
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