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Elmar wrote: > Wenn Du die Lösung hast, kannst Du es ja vielleicht mal kurz in die > Liste posten. Hi, wen es interessiert, hier die Lösung des Problems. Es musste der Ordner ZendIDE unter c:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\<user>\ gelöscht werden Antwort von Zend Support: Please remove all Zend Studio from your machine and all Java / JRE that you might have. Also, delete a folder named 'ZendIDE' from your machine (should be located under your user's home folder. For example: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>). Now, download the Zend Studio Client that has JRE within it (about 10.8MB in size) and install it. This time, in the 'Choose Component to Install' page, make sure that only the 'Zend Development Environment' and the 'Local Debugger' are selected (no Zend Information center, no Zend Studio Server and no Zend SafeGuard Suite Evaluation). After the installation is complete, try to run the ZDE and see if it now works. Gruss Maik
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