

[php] Abfrage von ICQ Online Status

[php] Abfrage von ICQ Online Status

Robert Breker breker_(at)
Thu, 30 Dec 1999 17:43:22 +0100

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

> Hi,
> gibt es eine Möglichkeit mittels PHP3 den ICQ Server abzufragen, ob ein
> bestimmter ICQ User online ist?
ja die gibt es, hab ein script geschrieben, siehe anhang

Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: attachment;

# ICQ Status                      Version 1.0                        	   =
# Copyright 1996-98 Garage Studios  scripts_(at)             =
# Scripts bei:                 =
# COPYRIGHT NOTICE                                                       =
# Copyright 1999-2000 Zone Scripts.  All Rights Reserved.                =
#                                                                        =
# ICQ Status may be used and modified free of charge by anyone so long =
as    #=0A=
# this copyright notice and the comments above remain intact.  By using =
this #=0A=
# code you agree to indemnify Zone Scripts from any liability that       =
# might arise from its use.                                              =
#                                                                        =
# Selling the code for this program without prior written consent is     =
# expressly forbidden.  In other words, please ask first before you try =
and  #=0A=
# make money off of my program.                                          =
#                                                                        =
# Obtain permission before redistributing this software over the =
Internet or #=0A=
# in any other medium.  In all cases copyright and header must remain =
#                              Installation                              =
# The Installation is realy simple you've only to change some variables  =
# below. 								     #=0A=
# You can simply include the scripts by calling it via ssi on the =
folowing   #=0A=
# Way: <!--#include virtual=3D"php/status.php3?5462484" -->              =
# Also be aware that when you use SSI on a webpage you must name your =
page   #=0A=
# .shtml or .shtm.                                                       =
# or via php: <?php $uin =3D 5462484; require("php/status.php3"); ?>     =
# sure you have to change the 5462484 to your uin and the path to your   =
# Enviroments.                						     #=0A=
################### Variables =
//What should be printed if the person is online? Here you could also=0A=
//put something like <img src=3D/image/online.gif>.=0A=
$online =3D "online";=0A=
//if you set here an uin you do not have to set it in the url,=0A=
//if you do so you' ve to strip the #=0A=
#$uin =3D "54043923";=0A=
//What should the script print when a person is offline?=0A=
$offline =3D "offline";=0A=
################### No more editing is needed below this line =
//exit with the offline message if no uin is set=0A=
$uin  =3D $QUERY_STRING;=0A=
//open the connection to the icq online check=0A=
$url =3D =
$file =3D _(at)_fopen("$url", "r");=0A=
// Exit the Scripts with the offline message if can't open the connection=0A=
//get the message from the the icq online check caracter for caracter=0A=
while (!feof($file)) {=0A=
	$caracter =3D fgetc($file);=0A=
//choose wich message it is and print out the offline or online message=0A=
	case 199:=0A=
			echo "$online";=0A=
	case 139:=0A=
			echo "$offline";=0A=
			echo "$offline";=0A=


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