

[php] Re: php digest, Vol 1 #1137 - 29 msgs

[php] Re: php digest, Vol 1 #1137 - 29 msgs

johannes w.leinauer more_(at)
Wed, 05 Apr 2000 18:05:20 +0200

> Hallo Liste,
>> irgendwie steh ich grade auf dem Schlauch.
>> Ich habe in meinen Log-Files entdeckt, daß ein Spambot auf meinen Seiten
>> war. Dies möchte ich in Zukunft unterbinden (Der Bot heißt EmailSiphon,
>> gibt seinen Namen an, aber hält sich scheinbar nicht an die robots.txt).

>Ich würde den Bot mit EMail-Adressen zumüllen bis er kotzt! Ich hatte
>da mal ein perl-script, welches ca. 1000 Email-Adressen aus
>editierbaren Bestandteilen dynamisch erzeugte. (Natürlich alles
>ungültige EMail-Adressen, so daß der Spam-Versender auch ordentlich was
>in sein Logbuch bekommt ...)

hier ein ein perli
fuer die nette aufgabe

das ganze in eine seite einbauen 
dass der bot es nicht merkt das es ein script ist

cu j.


# Cliff's SpamBot Killer 1.0
# Copyright 1998 Shaven Ferret Productions                                   #
# Created 7/7/98                                                             #
# Available at                           #
# COPYRIGHT NOTICE                                                           #
# Copyright 1998 Shaven Ferret Productions All Rights Reserved.              #
#                                                                            #
# This script can be used\modified free of charge as long as you don't       #
# change this header thing.  By using this script you agree to indemnify     #
# me from any liability that might arise from its use.  In simple English,   #
# if this script somehow makes your computer run amuck and kill the pope,    #
# it's not my fault.                                                         #
#                                                                            #
# Redistributing\selling the code for this program without prior written     #
# consent is expressly forbidden.                                            #

# Set this variable to the number of e-mail addresses to generate.
$generate = 100;

# Congratulations!  You've finished defining the variables.  If you want to, #
# you can continue screwing with the script, but it isn't necessary.         #

$| = 1;
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<html><head><title>Kontakt Adressen</title></head><body><ul>\n";
_(at)_c = split(/ */, "bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz");
_(at)_v = split(/ */, "aeiou");      

for ($i = 0; $i < $generate; $i++) {
        print "<li><a href=\"mailto:";
        $userpw = "";       
        $k = int(rand(4))+1;
        for ($j = 0; $j <= $k; $j++) { print
"$c[int(rand(21))]$v[int(rand(5))]"; }
        print "\_(at)_";
        $k = int(rand(4));
        for ($j = 0; $j <= $k; $j++) { print
"$c[int(rand(21))]$v[int(rand(5))]"; }
        $k = int(rand(3));
        if ($k == 0) { print ".com"; }
        if ($k == 1) { print ".ch"; }
        if ($k == 2) { print ".de"; }        
        print "\">";
        $k = int(rand(50));
        if ($k == 0) { print "Anne "; }
        if ($k == 1) { print "Barbara "; }
        if ($k == 2) { print "Carleen "; }
        if ($k == 3) { print "Chas "; }
        if ($k == 4) { print "Chrissy "; }
        if ($k == 5) { print "Dennis "; }
        if ($k == 6) { print "Donna "; }
        if ($k == 7) { print "Edward "; }
        if ($k == 8) { print "Frank "; }
        if ($k == 9) { print "Gerald "; }
        if ($k == 10) { print "Hellen "; }
        if ($k == 11) { print "Jacqueline "; }
        if ($k == 12) { print "Jas "; }
        if ($k == 13) { print "Jennifer "; }
        if ($k == 14) { print "Jerome "; }
        if ($k == 15) { print "Jerry "; }
        if ($k == 16) { print "Joe "; }
        if ($k == 17) { print "John "; }
        if ($k == 18) { print "Josh "; }
        if ($k == 19) { print "Kevin "; }
        if ($k == 20) { print "Leroy "; }
        if ($k == 21) { print "Marian "; }
        if ($k == 22) { print "Marie "; }
        if ($k == 23) { print "Maureen "; }
        if ($k == 24) { print "Melissa "; }
        if ($k == 25) { print "Michael "; }
        if ($k == 26) { print "Mike "; }
        if ($k == 27) { print "Nancy "; }
        if ($k == 28) { print "Nicholas "; }
        if ($k == 29) { print "Patricia "; }
        if ($k == 30) { print "Paul "; }
        if ($k == 31) { print "Peter "; }
        if ($k == 32) { print "Philip "; }
        if ($k == 33) { print "Robert "; }
        if ($k == 34) { print "Sean "; }
        if ($k == 35) { print "Sheila "; }
        if ($k == 36) { print "Stephen "; }
        if ($k == 37) { print "Terry "; }
        if ($k == 38) { print "Thomas "; }
        if ($k == 39) { print "Anthony "; }
        if ($k == 40) { print "Arthur "; }
        if ($k == 41) { print "Jason "; }
        if ($k == 42) { print "Andrew "; }
        if ($k == 43) { print "Guy "; }
        if ($k == 44) { print "Christopher "; }
        if ($k == 45) { print "Donald "; }
        if ($k == 46) { print "Marylou "; }
        if ($k == 47) { print "Emily "; }
        if ($k == 48) { print "Laura "; }
        if ($k == 49) { print "Kim "; }
        $k = int(rand(50));
        if ($k == 0) { print "Abel"; }
        if ($k == 1) { print "Amato"; }
        if ($k == 2) { print "Bendit"; }
        if ($k == 3) { print "Bitner"; }
        if ($k == 4) { print "Chesterbrook"; }
        if ($k == 5) { print "Connel"; }
        if ($k == 6) { print "Dambro"; }
        if ($k == 7) { print "Deininger"; }
        if ($k == 8) { print "Ellenbogen"; }
        if ($k == 9) { print "Ellison"; }
        if ($k == 10) { print "Fox"; }
        if ($k == 11) { print "Foy"; }
        if ($k == 12) { print "Glover"; }
        if ($k == 13) { print "Gdansk"; }
        if ($k == 14) { print "Hamilton"; }
        if ($k == 15) { print "Hill"; }
        if ($k == 16) { print "Ingle"; }
        if ($k == 17) { print "Inzaina"; }
        if ($k == 18) { print "Jolley"; }
        if ($k == 19) { print "Jorden"; }
        if ($k == 20) { print "Kane"; }
        if ($k == 21) { print "Kellog"; }
        if ($k == 22) { print "Lakofsky"; }
        if ($k == 23) { print "Litwa"; }
        if ($k == 24) { print "Madonna"; }
        if ($k == 25) { print "Martin"; }
        if ($k == 26) { print "Natale"; }
        if ($k == 27) { print "Nitz"; }
        if ($k == 28) { print "Odell"; }
        if ($k == 29) { print "Orsini"; }
        if ($k == 30) { print "Palermo"; }
        if ($k == 31) { print "Peck"; }
        if ($k == 32) { print "Quirk"; }
        if ($k == 33) { print "Quinlan"; }
        if ($k == 34) { print "Remish"; }
        if ($k == 35) { print "Robinson"; }
        if ($k == 36) { print "Schaffer"; }
        if ($k == 37) { print "Schultz"; }
        if ($k == 38) { print "Taylor"; }
        if ($k == 39) { print "Tosti"; }
        if ($k == 40) { print "Urie"; }
        if ($k == 41) { print "Utt"; }
        if ($k == 42) { print "Vernon"; }
        if ($k == 43) { print "Venezia"; }
        if ($k == 44) { print "Wifi"; }
        if ($k == 45) { print "Wagner"; }
        if ($k == 46) { print "Yank"; }
        if ($k == 47) { print "Young"; }
        if ($k == 48) { print "Zahm"; }
        if ($k == 49) { print "Zappitelli"; }
        print "</a>\n";
print "</ul></body></html>\n";


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