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Aloha, ich hab gestern nacht noch etwas gestöbert ... > ---------- > Von: Heiko Schubert[SMTP:heiko_(at)_ghost.tmt.de] > > > > > http://www.sap.com/solutions/technology/sapdb/sap_db_software.htm > > > Hat jemand Erfahrungen mit SAP DB, vieleicht auch im Vergleich > > > zu PosgreSQL und MySQL (Performance, Stabilität, besondere > > > Features) ? > > > Für unsere Belange gilt weitgehend SAP-DB = AdabasD > > aber: Adabas muß über ODBC angesprochen werden. Die Linux-ODBC Treiber > sind leider in bestimmten Situationen (ich sage nur "LONG") buggy. Die .... > Sollte nun SAP-DB wirklich Adabas in vielen Punkten (ODBC) gleichen, dann > würde ich von der Nutzung bei php-Projekten eher abraten. Es kann sonst > extrem frustrierend sein ... ich mußte leider die Erfahrung machen. :-(( .... Hier das, was ich gefunden habe: ----- schnipp ---- For PHP 4 including 4.0.3, SAP DB can be accessed by building PHP with support for ODBC using these patches (3 KB). For "configure" options see the patch file PHP-SAPDB-patch-HOWTO. The subsequent PHP releases will already contain SAP DB support through Unified ODBC (thanks to A. Karajannis of the PHP-ODBC module team). ----- schnipp ---- SAP DB Support for PHP * To: * sapdb-general_(at)_sap.com * Subject: SAP DB Support for PHP * From: Andreas Karajannis <* Andreas.Karajannis_(at)_gmd.de> * Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 18:02:41 +0200 * Sender: * owner-sapdb-general_(at)_sap-ag.de I have just merged the patches from sapdbphp.tgz into the PHP repository. Additionally, I have corrected some probably harmless compiler warnings in the above mentioned patchset. Some quick hints: -As opposed to Adabas D, you cannot connect locally to a database, vserver must be running. -In PHP's odbc_connect() function, use a database specification in the form of "host:database", e.g. for the sample database: odbc_connect("localhost:TST", "TEST", "TEST") -The odbc.ini file in /usr/spool/sql/config as used by Adabas D doesn't seem to work with SAPDB - SAP DB seems to work fine without setting SAPDBROOT / DBROOT environment variables. However, you get warnings in the user's appldiag file, that can be silenced by setting the DBROOT environment variable to any path - /tmp will do. -Andreas -- Andreas Karajannis GMD National Research Center for Information Technology Schloss Birlinghoven, D-53754 Sankt Augustin Phone +49 2241 142948 SAP DB is supported by PHP * To: "'* sapdb-announce_(at)_sap.com'" <* sapdb-announce_(at)_sap.com> * Subject: SAP DB is supported by PHP * From: "Fuchs, Ute" <* ute.fuchs_(at)_sap.com> * Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 13:36:42 +0200 * Sender: * owner-sapdb-announce_(at)_sap-ag.de SAP DB is supported by PHP. From release 4.0.3 PHP's source distribution will include SAP DB support through Unified ODBC. The SAP DB Team -- SAP AG SAP Labs Berlin www.sapdb.org ----- schnipp ---- Ich hoffe, daß das nicht als HTML bei euch ankommt, wenn ja, dann verzeiht mir bitte im Voraus ;-) Viele Grüße, Mathias
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