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Hi, einer hier (Mariano?) bastelt doch mit Delphi rum, oder? Da dürfte diese Ankündigung interessant sein ... :) Ciao, Martin -- Martin Ramsch <m.ramsch_(at)_computer.org> <URL: http://home.pages.de/~ramsch/ > PGP KeyID=0xE8EF4F75 FiPr=52 44 5E F3 B0 B1 38 26 E4 EC 80 58 7B 31 3A D7
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- Subject: ANNOUCE: ZEOS MySQL Components
- From: "Rangel Reale" <rangel.reale_(at)_yahoo.com>
- Date: Sat, 7 Aug 1999 17:19:25 -0300
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Announcing ZEOS MySQL components! ZEOS is an awesome set of components for Borland Delphi developed by Sergey Seroukhov, that provides access to MySQL databases without ODBC nor BDE. It uses the MySQL client DLL. Some feature of the ZEOS components are: - Support for all data types - Can edit simple and complex queries! (post support!) - Cached updates - BLOB support - Locate and Lookup - Master-Detail support - Filter support - ZEOS generator support (recommended for cached updates - but not required) - ZEOS transact server support (to emulate MySQL transactions) - UDF library Everything is free, with source code, under the terms of the GPL. If you are interested, take a look at http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/2064/mysql.html []s Rangel Reale --------------------------------------------------------------------- Please check "http://www.mysql.com/Manual_chapter/manual_toc.html" before posting. To request this thread, e-mail mysql-thread9699_(at)_lists.mysql.com To unsubscribe, send a message to the address shown in the List-Unsubscribe header of this message. If you cannot see it, e-mail mysql-unsubscribe_(at)_lists.mysql.com instead.
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