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Fw: [CORE SDI ADVISORY] MySQL weak authentication

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Iván Arce <core.lists.bugtraq_(at)_CORE-SDI.COM>
Gesendet: Dienstag, 24. Oktober 2000 00:09
Betreff: [CORE SDI ADVISORY] MySQL weak authentication

>                                          CORE SDI
>                    Vulnerability Report for MySQL Authentication
> Vulnerability
> Date Published: 2000-10-23
> Advisory ID: CORE-20001023
> Bugtraq ID: 1826
> CVE CAN: Not currently assigned.
> Title: MySQL Authentication Vulnerability
> Class: Design Error
> Remotely Exploitable: Yes
> Locally Exploitable: No
> Vulnerability Description:
>  The "MySQL Database Engine" uses an authentication scheme designed
>  to prevent the flow of plaintext passwords over the network and
>  the storage of them in plaintext. For that purpose a challenge-response
>  mechanism for authentication has been implemented on all versions
>  of MySQL. Slight variations are to be found between version 3.20
>  and 3.21 and above.
>  Regrettably, this authentication mechanism is not cryptographically
>  strong. Specifically, each time a user executes this mechanism,
>  information allowing an attacker to recover this user's password is
>  leaked. Using an attack of our design, described in the "Technical
>  details" section of this advisory,  an eavesdropper is able to recover
>  the user's password after witnessing only a few executions of this
>  protocol, and thence is able to authenticate to the database engine
>  impersonating a valid user.
> Vulnerable Packages/Systems:
>   All versions of MySQL
> Solution/Vendor Information/Workaround:
>  The vendor is aware of the problems described and suggests
>  encrypting the traffic between client and server to prevent
>  exploitation.
>  For further details refer to:
> ty
>  Plans to implement a stronger authentication mechanism are being
>  discussed for future versions of MySQL.
>  Additionally, advisories and information on security issues
>  in MySQL can be obtained from:
> Vendor notified on: October 19th, 2000
> Credits:
>  These vulnerabilities were found and researched by Ariel "Wata"
>  Waissbein, Emiliano Kargieman, Carlos Sarraute, Gerardo Richarte and
>  Agustin "Kato" Azubel of CORE SDI, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
>  This advisory was drafted with the help of the
>  Vulnerability Help Team. For more information or assistance drafting
>  advisories please mail vulnhelp_(at)
> Technical Description - Exploit/Concept Code:
>  1. The challenge/response mechanism
>  The challenge-response mechanism devised in MySQL does the following:
>  From mysql-3.22.32/sql/password.c:
>  /***********************************************************************
>  The main idea is that no passwords are sent between client & server on
>  connection and that no passwords are saved in mysql in a decodable
>  form.
>  MySQL provides users with two primitives used for authentication: a
>  hash function and a (supposedly) random generator. On connection a random
>  string is generated by the server and sent to the client. The client,
>  using as input the hash value of the random string he has received and
>  the hash value of his password, calculates a new string using the
>  random generator primitive.
>  This 'check' string is sent to the server, where it is compared with a
>  string generated from the stored hash_value of the password and the
>  random string.
>  The password is saved (in user.password) by using the PASSWORD()
>  function in mysql.
>   Example:
>     update user set password=PASSWORD("hello") where user="test"
>   This saves a hashed number as a string in the password field.
>   **********************************************************************/
>  To accomplish that purpose several functions and data structures are
>   implemented:
>   mysql-3.22.32/include/mysql_com.h:
>    struct rand_struct {
>     unsigned long seed1,seed2,max_value;
>     double max_value_dbl;
>    };
>   mysql-3.22.32/sql/password.c:
>    void randominit(struct rand_struct *rand_st,ulong seed1, ulong seed2)
>     Initializes the PRNG, used by versions 3.21 and up
>    static void old_randominit(struct rand_struct *rand_st,ulong seed1)
>     Initializes the PRNG, used by versions up to 3.20
>   double rnd(struct rand_struct *rand_st)
>     Provides a random floating point (double) number taken from
>     the PRNG between 0 and rand_st->max_value
>   void hash_password(ulong *result, const char *password)
>     Calculates a hash of a password string and stores it
>     in 'result'.
>   void make_scrambled_password(char *to,const char *password)
>     Hashes and stores the password in a readable form in 'to'
>   char *scramble(char *to,const char *message,const char *password,
>                my_bool old_ver)
>     Genererate a new message based on message and password
>     The same thing is done in client and server and the results are
>     checked.
>   my_bool check_scramble(const char *scrambled, const char *message,
>                        ulong *hash_pass, my_bool old_ver)
>     Checks if the string generated by the hashed password and the
>     message sent matches the string received from the other endpoint.
>     This is the check for the challenge-response mechanism.
>   The MySQL engine initializes the PRNG upon startup of the server
>   as follows:
>   mysql-3.22.32/sql/
>   randominit(&sql_rand,(ulong) start_time,(ulong) start_time/2);
>     Where start_time is obtained using the seconds since 0:00 Jan 1,
>     1970 UTC using time(3) when the server starts. Our first observation
>     is that the PRNG is seeded with an easily guessable value. Though,
>     this observation has no direct implications in the vulnerability we
>     present.
>   Upon connection to the server from a client a new thread is created to
>   handle it and a random string is calculate and stored in per
>   connection structure, this is done in
>   mysql-3.22.32/sql/
>     ...
>     (thread_count-delayed_insert_threads > max_used_connections)
>     max_used_connections=thread_count-delayed_insert_threads;
>     thd->thread_id=thread_id++;
>     for (uint i=0; i < 8 ; i++)         // Generate password teststring
>       thd->scramble[i]= (char) (rnd(&sql_rand)*94+33);
>     thd->scramble[8]=0;
>     thd->rand=sql_rand;
>     threads.append(thd);
>     /* Start a new thread to handle connection */
>     ...
>   The challenge/response exchange is performed and checked in
>   mysql-3.22.32/sql/
>     ....
>     memcpy(end,thd->scramble,SCRAMBLE_LENGTH+1);
>     end+=SCRAMBLE_LENGTH+1;
>     ...
>     if (net_write_command(net,protocol_version, buff, (uint) (end-buff))
>         (pkt_len=my_net_read(net)) == packet_error || pkt_len < 6)
>     {
>       inc_host_errors(&thd->remote.sin_addr);
>       return(ER_HANDSHAKE_ERROR);
>     }
>     Here the random string has been sent (along with other server
>      data) and the response has been read.
>     The authentication checks are then perfomed
>      ...
>      char *passwd= strend((char*) net->read_pos+5)+1;
>      if (passwd[0] && strlen(passwd) != SCRAMBLE_LENGTH)
>        return ER_HANDSHAKE_ERROR;
>       thd->master_access=acl_getroot(thd->host, thd->ip, thd->user,
>                                  passwd, thd->scramble, &thd->priv_user,
>                                  protocol_version == 9 ||
>                                  !(thd->client_capabilities &
>                                    CLIENT_LONG_PASSWORD));
>      thd->password=test(passwd[0]);
>      ...
>      acl_getroot() in mysql-3.22.32/sql/ does the permission
>      checks for the username and host the connection comes from and
>      calls the check_scramble function described above to verify the
>      valid reponse to the challenge sent. If the response is checked
>      valid we say this (challenge and response) test was passed.
>  2. The problem: Cryptographically weak authentication scheme
>   The hash function provided by MySQL outputs eight-bytes strings
>   (64 bits), whereas the random number generator outputs five-bytes
>   strings (40 bits).
>   Notice that as for the authentication mechanism described above, to
>   impersonate a user only the hash value of this user's password is
>   needed, e.g. not the actual password.
>   We now describe why the hash value of the password can be
>   efficiently calculated using only a few executions of the challenge-
>   and-response mechanism for the same user. In particular, we introduce
>   a weakness of this authentication scheme, and deduce that an attack
>   more efficient than brute-force attack can be carried out.
>   Firstly we describe how the MySQL random generator (PRNG) works.
>   Then we proceed to analyse this scheme's security. The algorithm for
>   making these calculations will be briefly described in the following
>   section.
>   Let n := 2^{30}-1 (here n is the max_value used in randominit() and
>   old_randoninit() respectively). Fix a user U. And initiate a challenge
>   and response. That is, suppose the server has sent a challenge to the
>   user U. The hash value of this user's password is 8 bytes long. Denote
>   by P1 the first (leftmost) 4 bytes of this hash value and by P2 the
>   last 4 bytes (rightmost). Likewise, let C1 denote the first 4 bytes of
>   the challenge's hash value and C2 the last 4. Then, the random
>   generator works as follows:
>   -calculate the values seed1 := P1^C1 and seed2 := P2^C2
>   (here ^ denotes the bitwise exclusive or (XOR) function)
>   -calculate recursively for 1 =< i =< 8
>     seed1 = seed1+(3*seed2)         modulo (n)
>     seed2 = seed1+seed2+33          modulo (n)
>     r[i] = floor((seed1/n)*31)+64
>   -calculate form the preceding values
>     seed1 = seed1+(3*seed2)         modulo (n)
>     seed2 = seed1+seed2+33          modulo (n)
>     r[9] = floor((seed1/n)*31)
>   -output the checksum value
>    S=(r[1]^r[9] || r[2]^r[9] || ... || r[7]^r[9] || r[8]^r[9])
>   It is this checksum that is sent, by U, to the server. The server, who
>   has in store the hash value of U's password, recalculates the checksum
>   by this same process and succintly verifies the authenticity of the
>   value it has received. However it is a small collection of these
>   checksums that allows any attacker to obtain P1 and P2 (the hash value
>   of the user's password). Hence, it is therefore possible to
>   impersonate any user with only the information that travels on the
>   wire between server and client (user).
>   The reason why the process of producing the checksum out of the hash
>   values of both the password and the challenge is insecure is that this
>   process can be efficently reversed due to it's rich arithmetic
>   properties.
>   More specifically, consider the random generator described above as a
>   mapping 'f' that takes as input the two values X and Y and produces
>   the checksum value f(X,Y)=S (e.g., in our case X:=P1^C1 and Y:=P2^C2).
>   Then we can efficiently calculate all of the values X',Y' which map to
>   the same checksum value than X,Y, i.e. if f(X,Y)=S, then we calculate
>   the set of all the values X',Y' such that f(X',Y')=S. This set is of
>   negligible size in comparison to the 2^64 points set of all the
>   possible passwords' hashes in which it is contained. Furthermore,
>   given a collection of challenges and responses made between the same
>   user and the server, it is possible to efficiently calculate the set
>   of all (hash values of) passwords passing the given tests.
>  3. The attack
>   We now give a brief description of the attack we propose. This
>   description shall enable readers to verify our assertion that the
>   MySQL authentication scheme leaks information. This attack has been
>   implemented on Squeak Smalltalk and is now perfectly running. A
>   complete description of the attack-algorithm lies beyond the scope of
>   this text and will be the matter of future work.
>   The attack we designed is mainly divided into two stages. In these two
>   stages we respectively use one of our two algorithmic tools:
>   Procedure 1 is an algorithmic process which has as input a
>   checksum S and the corresponding hash value of the challenge
>   C1||C2, and outputs a set consisting of all the pairs X,Y mapping
>   through the random generator to the checksum S, i.e. in symbols
>   {(X,Y): f(X,Y)=S} (here of course we have 0 <=X,Y< 2^{32}).
>   In our attack Procedure 1 is used to cut down the number of possible
>   hashed passwords from the brute-force value 2^64 to a much smaller
>   cardinality of 2^20. This set is highly efficiently described, e.g.
>   less than 1Kb memory.
>   For this smaller set, it is feasible to eliminate the invalid (hashed)
>   passwords using further challenges and responses by our Procedure 2.
>   Procedure 2 is an algorithmic process having as input a set SET of
>   possible (hashed) passwords, and a new pair (S,C1||C2) of checksum
>   and challenge, and producing as output the subset of SET of all the
>   passwords passing this new test.
>   The way in which Procedure 2 is used in our algorithm should now be
>   clear. We first use Procedure 1 to reduce the set of passwords to the
>   announced set consisting of 2^{20} points, using as input only two
>   challenge and responses for the same user.
>   This set contains all the passwords passing this two tests. Suppose
>   now that the attacker has in his possession a new pair (S,C1||C2) of
>   challenge and response, then he can use Procedure 2 to produce the
>   smaller set of all the passwords passing the first three tests (the
>   ones corresponding to the three pairs of challenge and response he has
>   used). Notice that this process can be repeated for every new pair of
>   challenge and response the attacker gets. With each application of
>   this process the set of possible passwords becomes smaller.
>   Furthermore, the cardinality of these sets is not only decresing
>   but eventually becomes 1. In that case the one element remaining is
>   the (hashed) password.
>  4. Statistics and Conclusions
>   In the examples we tested, about 300 possible passwords were left with
>   the use of only 10 pairs of challenge and response. Notice that in a
>   plain brute-force attack about 2^{64}-300=18,446,744,073,709,551,316
>   would remain as possible passwords. It took about 100 pairs of
>   challenge and response to cut the 300 set two a set containing two
>   possible passwords (i.e., a fake password and the password indeed).
>   Finally it took about 300 pairs of challenge and response to
>   get the password.
>   We therefore are able to make a variety of attacks depending on the
>   amount of pairs of challenge and response we get from the user we want
>   to impersonate.
>   The two extreme cases being very few pairs of challenge and response
>   from the same user, and a lot of pairs of challenge and response. The
>   second attack, that of many pairs of challenge and response captured,
>   is straight-forward:
>   Apply the algorithm described above until the password is found.
>   The first case, that of only a few pairs of challenge and response
>   captured, is as well easy to carry out: simply apply the algorithm we
>   described with all the pairs of challenge and response captured, then
>   use any possible password in the set produced by the application of
>   the algorithm for authenticating yourself as a user (some of these
>   fake passwords will still pass many tests!).
>   The contents of this advisory are copyright (c) 2000 CORE SDI S.A.
>   and may be distributed freely provided that no fee is charged for this
>   distribution and proper credit is given.
> $Id: MySQLauth-advisory.txt,v 1.11 2000/10/23 21:30:57 iarce Exp $
> ---
> "Understanding. A cerebral secretion that enables one having it to know
>  a house from a horse by the roof on the house,
>  It's nature and laws have been exhaustively expounded by Locke,
>  who rode a house, and Kant, who lived in a horse." - Ambrose Bierce
> ==================[ CORE Seguridad de la Informacion S.A. ]=========
> Iván Arce
> Presidente
> PGP Fingerprint: C7A8 ED85 8D7B 9ADC 6836  B25D 207B E78E 2AD1 F65A
> email   : iarce_(at)
> Florida 141 2do cuerpo Piso 7
> C1005AAG Buenos Aires, Argentina.
> Tel/Fax : +(54-11) 4331-5402
> =====================================================================
> --- For a personal reply use iarce_(at)

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