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Hi Michael, Am Wed, 2 Feb 2005 10:53:42 +0100 hat "Michael Borchers" <borchers at tridem.de> geschrieben: > If there are functions defined in the included file, they can be used in the main file independent if they are before return() <function.return.php> or after. If the file is included twice, PHP 5 issues fatal error because functions were already declared, while PHP 4 doesn't complain about it. It is recommended to use include_once() <function.include-once.php> instead of checking if the file was already included and conditionally return inside the included file. > include_once() <function.include-once.php> and require_once() <function.require-once.php> first normalize the path of included file on Windows so that including A.php and a.php include the file just once. > Hast du nach der zweiten Mail immer noch nicht gemerkt, daß du irgendwie auf der falschen Liste bist? -- Peter Prochaska Internet- und Securitydienste, P544 DATEV eG Fingerprint: 989B 6F0A B847 F564 2BDD 82AC FD9D C863 F8C4 A14F
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