

[PHP] Re: [PHP-DEV] ANN: Web Application Development with PHP 4.0published!

[PHP] Re: [PHP-DEV] ANN: Web Application Development with PHP 4.0published!

Sterling Hughes sterling_(at)
Fri, 21 Jul 2000 13:44:49 -0400

Hi folks,

I'm happy to announce that our PHP book has been published on July 14th by
New Riders, and is now available at major book stores and online resellers
such as

After more than one year of authoring, it is finally on the shelves. Web
Application Development with PHP 4.0 covers the advanced aspects of PHP and
web applications, and provides you with:
 - Explanation of development concepts and advanced PHP syntax.
 - Coverage of software design, teamwork, security, and usability.
 - Insight into user and session management, XML, WDDX, PHPLib, and more 
   current topics.
 - Real-world tips and tricks for using PHP, gleaned from hands-on
 - More than 40 complete, no-nonsense examples.
 - Official Zend API documentation.
 - Coverage of both PHP 3.0 and 4.0.

You can read what Paul DuBois and other reviewers have to say about Web
Application Development with PHP 4.0 at

On the book's web site,, you can also find the
table of contents, the introduction, and Zeev's foreword. Links to online
book stores are also available.

We hope you enjoy it!

Book title: Web Application Development with PHP 4.0
Authors:    Tobias Ratschiller, Till Gerken
Publisher:  New Riders
ISBN:       0-7357-0997-1

Please cc me on replies, f'up2author recommended.


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